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  • ptb-818 February 2005
    Released in cinemas in Australia on a school holiday double bill with the Don Knotts comedy THE RELUCTANT ASTRONAUT this is a small comedy I guess made for 'the family market' from Universal. At the time THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE was a smash success for the studio and this might be considered her little sister film. There was big talk in 1967 of a sequel to MILLIE to be called JAZZ BABY with the same cast: Channing, Andrews and John Gavin. Instead somehow THE PERILS OF PAULINE was made instead or as an interim while the JAZZ BABY ideas were ironed out. PAULINE uses some of the MILLIE sets, props and clothes and even similar 'silent movie' comedy routines. It is a lot of fun and anything with Terry Thomas and Edward Everett Horton must be seen. Had Olivia Newton John been older it is exactly the sort of film she would have made. Instead we have Pamela Austin. Pat Boone was really on the way out by 1967 and stayed on TV instead. Anyway, unfortunately JAZZ BABY was shelved and Ross Hunter went on to make the embarrassing icecap musical LOST HORIZON for Columbia on the old CAMELOT set and was snowballed for doing so.
  • Pauline, first seen as a baby girl abandoned at the steps of the Baskerville Foundling Home, is taken in by a young George Steadman, who declares he'll always take care of her. As they grow up, he sabotages Baskerville's efforts to find a home for her. He loves her, and when they are young adults, he leaves Baskerville to make his fortune, promising to return and wed Pauline when the time is right.

    Before George can fulfill his promise, the foundling home is shut down and teenaged Pauline goes to work in Africa(?) as a tutor for sex-crazed 12-year-old Prince Benji (whose voice is dubbed by June Foray to sound like Rocket J. Squirrel). She rebuffs his advances ("It's very bad manners to threaten your teacher with a simitar"), and during her escape from Benji's palace is sold to Bombo, "white pygmy chief of the Congo." Her rescuer, a white hunter and "member of the Royal blues," Willy Sten-Martin (Terry-Thomas), falls in love with her and chases her through the rest of the movie. Likewise, George follows her, too, looking for true love, accompanied by his male secretary.

    THE PERILS OF PAULINE ka-chunks along on a preponderance of incident as George, Sten-Martin and Pauline criss-cross the globe. Pauline is cryogenically frozen (so is George)... George is brainwashed... Pauline appears in a film by "far-out" Italian filmmaker Frederico Frandisi... has to seduce a gorilla... becomes a Russian cosmonaut... climbs over the Berlin Wall... etc.

    So goes THE PERILS OF PAULINE, originally a pilot episode for an unsold TV series, expanded for theatrical release. Influenced by mid-60s comedy series like GET SMART and THE MONKEES -- and co-directed by GET SMART alumnus Joshua Shelley -- THE PERILS OF PAULINE is far too long at 93 minutes and aimed at ten-year-old mentalities.

    The basis for this movie, a 1914 serial with "cliffhanger endings" between chapters, was remade in 1934. The best-known version of the story was released in 1947 as a vehicle for actress Betty Hutton. This 1967 version is inspired by the silent version -- the visual humor is a series of ancient slapstick routines, filmed in fast-motion and featuring runaway cars and people falling off ladders. A few of these moments are funny, but the strained verbal humor is below the level of even THE MONKEES.

    Of the acting, the less said the better about Pat Boone (George) and Pamela Austin (Pauline), especially when compared to an old pro like Terry-Thomas, who bravely battles the inanities to turn in a good comic performance.
  • This film is a must for families seeking good old-fashioned entertainment. Orphaned Pauline and mean-spirited George (Pat Boone!) are star-crossed lovers; will they ever get together? And what about Terry Thomas? Will he get Pauline before George? If you like "What A Way To Go", you'll enjoy this movie.
  • While not exactly offensive, the 1967 version of "The Perils of Pauline" is certainly moronic. The title might lead you to expect a tribute to Pearl White (the original Pauline in the 1914 silent 20 episode serial) but for that you would be better served by the 1947 version starring Betty Hutton. This 1967 version is like a mix of "Casino Royale" and the weakest of the Elvis movies. Worst of all it is not a blend of these but more like someone scotch-taped together segments from each so that the thing skips back and forth between the two styles.

    What unity there is in the production comes from the pairing of Pamela Austin (Pauline) and Pat Boone (George Steadman), a good match because both lack even the most basic of acting skills (imagine Mandy Moore playing opposite Dan Quayle).

    Austin would later play opposite John Aston in "Evil Roy Slade", with the talent disparity between them actually painful to watch. In the mid-60's she was the "Dodge Rebellion" girl, as such she was featured in a similar series of perilous situations-imagine Sandra Dee in a dark blue jumpsuit. When the automaker's ad agency replaced her with the "Dodge Fever" girl someone got the bright idea to showcase her in a feature film.

    What story there is here begins with Pauline growing up in the Baskerville Foundling Home run by the actress who played Mrs. Chatsworth Osborne Sr. on "Dobie Gillis". George falls in love with her (Pauline-not Mrs Osborne) and sabotages several opportunities she has to be adopted. George leaves to seek his fortune and 19 year old Pauline gets a job tutoring a young oil rich Middle Eastern prince. When he tries to add the attractive blonde to his harem she runs away and goes from peril to peril. These include African pygmies, a 99½ year-old millionaire who wants to freeze her until his one year-old grandson is old enough for marriage, the movie industry, and the Russian space program.

    All this is intended to be silly and charming but manages only the silly part. There is some effort to incorporate a silent film look to the action sequences by simulating the under- cranking of a camera (which speeds up the action). Unfortunately everything else (film stock, production design, editing) is depressingly 1960's. Nothing here even approaches the images of Pearl White strapped to a log moving toward a buzz-saw or tied to railway track waiting for the approaching train.

    Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
  • JohnSeal20 March 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    Like some of the other folks who have reviewed this film, I was also waxing nostalgic about it...before I had the misfortune to actually watch it again. Alas, my childhood memories of this film were completely untrustworthy, and The Perils of Pauline is now revealed to be an embarrassing exercise in banal, racist, and plain boring film-making. Even the presence of old pros Edward Everett Horton and Terry-Thomas can't overcome a rancid screenplay, a horrible theme song, and some wretched 'special effects'. In addition, the stereotypical depictions of African and Arab characters make for painful viewing, especially considering this was produced in the immediate wake of the Civil Rights movement. Michael Weldon's original Psychotronic Encyclopedia reports that The Perils of Pauline was originally produced for television but inexplicably ended up getting a theatrical release. Judging from the results, that is a completely believable (and baffling) scenario.
  • I've noticed how all the other reviews of this film mention how "wholesome" and "entertaining" it is. These people need to get out of the house more often. I don't know why they're shilling for this vapid, insipid, brainless piece of fluff. Pat Boone has absolutely no acting talent whatsoever, and his ineptness is exceeded only by that of his co-star Pamela Austin, a former model (yet one more reason to outlaw the insidious practice of inflicting talentless models on an unsuspecting moveiegoing public, a foul habit that unfortunately persists to this day). A good supporting cast (Terry-Thomas, Edward Everett Hortyon, among others) tries hard to make some sense out of this, but to no avail. I noticed that two directors shared credit, although "credit" isn't the word I would use (neither is "director"). As for "wholesome entertainment," there are plenty of those types of movies available without torturing your loved ones by forcing them to sit through this. Find one of those films, and skip this one.
  • steed-529 August 2002
    This is a movie that is fun to watch as well as being funny. It's also safe to watch with your kids. They will love the comic action, meanwhile you don't have to sit with your finger on the mute button to cut out the dirty words that most producer add in just so not to get the dreaded G rating.

    It has been along time since I have seen it, however I'd buy it in a second if someone would release it on DVD !
  • This 1967 film made to exploit the shortlived celebrity of Pamela Austin disappeared after initial release. I got to see a bootleg edition of this film again after 50 years with it badly in need of restoration. That is if anyone cares

    Pamela Austin who was the Dodge girl after a series of commercials foe that GM automobile was something of a mini-celebrity. The Perils Of Pauline was to make her a star.

    It's a rather silly film than funny. Lots of gags don't quite come off. Austin was an orphan and fated to be mated to Pat Boone. But curses, someone seems always to gum up their plans. Mamny times it's all purpose villain Terry-Thomas who seems to be bored with the whole project.

    One thing you will remember is Pat Boone singing that theme song My Pretty Pauline. I guarantee it will be rattling in your brain long after finished viewing this film.
  • i haven't seen this movie since i was a child, my mother told me it was good, and she was right. the only problem, they never ever show it. i would like any info on how to purchase a copy, if any exist. or if there's going to be an airing on a channel sometime in "my" near future. i can still hear my mom, singing with pat Boone! ". where oh' where is my pretty Pauline". i really hope they air it again, my children would love it as well. another scene i can visualize from the movie was , Pat Boone, rowing, a block of ice with Pamela frozen in it. singing something i'm sure. I had purchased the 1947 version of this movie, but, it did little to remind me of the 1967 version.
  • As I recall I saw this on TV on the late, late show with my mom when I was about 7 or 8. All I really remembered was the scene where the heroine was frozen in a block of ice to keep her from aging until her betrothed (a little boy) could grow up to marry her. I remember her true love rescuing her from that fate. I could never find the movie because I misremembered the star as Doris Day.

    Anyway, a couple years ago, I found this movie and tried to watch it. It was painful. Bad acting (especially by the two romantic leads), bad writing, silly premise, all adding up to one boring, unwatchable film. Not sure how it got made. As another reviewer noted, it contains offensive racial stereotypes that were probably even offensive by 1967 standards. I tried to watch the whole thing, but as I said, it truly is unwatchable. I'd rather watch an episode of Family Ties. And I hated Family Ties. Hated.

    In sum, it isn't funny, fun or clever. It is just bad. If you have fond memories of seeing it once at as a child, don't waste your time watching it as an adult or you're liable to find out how really, truly awful your childhood taste was. Watch Follow Me Boys or Charley and the Angel instead.
  • I was a military dependent in Rota Spain during most of the 60's, There were few if any televisions. I myself did not see a TV for 6 years. Imagine a kids life with no television. The movie theater was truly magic. I last saw this movie in 1967, and have been searching for it for the last 20+ years. Countless searches for this on the internet has only turned up others searching for it, but never anyone finding it. Well, Its finally here, on ELOVE channel encore love channel 23 mar 1020 am and 28 march 820 am. I'm looking forward to seeing some of this magic from the past. I don't know about the critics but this former 7-8 year old kid has had this film on his mind for the last 39 years.. THANK YOU ENCORE CHANNEL!! Some other movies i'd like to see again from that era include: John Goldfarb please come home, Lt Robinson Crusoe USN, The Haleluja Trail, and i think The Jungle Book played that tour too. It seems as time goes on, we're losing a few gems from the past.. it's getting really hard to find showings for some of these movies! (robinson Crusoe, perils of Pauline) From 39 year old memory of some young kid i give this one a 10! I'm gonna sit my kids down to watch this one, except they're a few years older than I was!
  • I LOVED this movie as a child and it's wonderful! AS mentioned before, You NEVER see it on TV, not even TCM! I do wish Someone would either release this or TCM show it sometime. I'm 44 and ONCE in 44 years! Come on! This is a great movie for the whole family, it's got everything, romance, comedy, mystery, drama, etc. Terry Thomas is great as he usually was in practically anything he starred in during his career. And Pat Boone when he sang his song about Pauline, I felt it was SO heartwarming and touching! It's a shame that when a good family movie can not get released to the public OR did somebody buy the rights to this movie and for some reason do not want to distribute it?
  • I absolutely love this movie, I remember seeing it in 1967, I think they only showed it on TV I don't think it was in theaters, but I was 4 or 5 at the time and I remember they showed it on TV alot. This movie is very funny and at times very heartwarming. I love the scene in the begining when George plays a trick on the son of the people who finally take Pauline (Pamela Austin) in after all the efforts to get her adopted fail. George releases the break on the car just as the son is getting Pauline's suitcase and Pauline goes back to the car for her toothbrush. They both end up riding the car in silent movie, comedy like romp (because neither of them can drive), with evryone chasing after them. They finally crash the car into a train, and pieces of the car go flying all over the place and Pauline ends up on a railroad signal pole. The people change their minds about adopting Pauline and when George admits to pulling the prank to the orphange trustee, he's told to pack his bag and leave. The scene when he's leaving is very heartwarming and touching bacause they must part and you get to hear Pat Boone sing the beautiful theme song. All through the movie, they must go through many perils and adventures in their efforts to find each other. I'm not going to tell you the ending though but I will say you will enjoy this movie thoroughly.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had the pleasure of watching this movie one Saturday night at the local Drive-In Theater. (Remember Drive-Ins)? What in the whole world could be better, warm summer night, drive in, showing a wonderful movie? This is not Citizen Kane or Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, it is a fun, fun, movie. How many movies that you saw 45 years ago can you still quote dialogue from? There is a scene in the movie where Terry Thomas tries to impersonate a wealthy man in order to get to Pauline. While sitting, and talking, he states "I am the third richest man in the world". He then proceeds to cross his legs, and clearly visible to the man he is talking to is a hole in the bottom of his shoe. For the last 45 years, every time I, and my friends, see a shoe with a hole in the bottom, we always quip "Must belong to the 3rd richest man in the world". If you love your children, try your best to sit down with them and watch this movie. You will not be disappointed, but your children will have a memory for life.
  • There are four movies/serials with this exact title. The present movie (according to Wikipedia also available as a 4-part serial) is the result of an aborted attempt to create an updated Pauline-type series. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that it is the incarnation with the lowest rating on IMDB. But that doesn't mean it's worse than the others. It's just more divisive, with the most common user rating actually being 10 stars (and the second most common 5 stars).

    So what's going on? It seems that the 10 star ratings are primarily from those who still fondly remember this movie as one of the most impressive of their childhood. (This also explains the comments about this movie being 'clean' or 'wholesome'.) Whereas the 5 star (and lower) reviews are primarily from those who are a little too adult for their own good. One would expect the same effect for Batman (1966), which strongly inspired the style of this film, and in fact it has the same kind of split. Only in that case there are more people affected by the nostalgia because Batman never stopped being shown.

    Personally, I grew up neither with this movie nor with the old Batman series (not shown on German TV in my youth), but despite being middle-aged I love both now that I have found them, and I think that each has certain advantages over the other. Too bad the Pauline series was aborted.

    Plotwise, it's all about our heroes Pauline and George, two lovers who were clearly made for each other, but keep being separated by a never-ending series of bizarre accidents. As a result, Pauline and George, but mainly Pauline, are thrown into the most outlandish and extreme adventures. Which they stoically endure, driven onwards by their love. Since this movie was cut together from pilot episodes for a planned series, the pacing isn't optimal. I found it best in the beginning and at the end. In the middle, at some point I almost stopped caring about the protagonists.

    Everything starts when George, still a little boy under the care of Mrs. Carruther, finds an abandoned but happy baby girl near the door of his home, the Baskerville Foundling Home. The baby comes with a message saying "Protect me. My name is Pauline". To which George replies: "Yes, Pauline, always. Nobody will get you away from me!" George works hard to prevent Pauline from being adopted, but at some point this goes horribly wrong.

    Just like the 1960s Batman series, this movie doesn't take itself seriously. At all. In many ways this feels like the attempt to re-create a silent movie, only better, by making full use of color and sound. This becomes really obvious each time a nostalgic intertitle is shown or a slapstick scene is comically overdone or even sped up. The intentional retro-flair also explains the old-fashioned exoticism, which was dated already in 1967, and is nowadays considered racist by some: It is not just billionaires and male white English soldiers, but also marginal groups such as Arabic heir apparents and white pygmies who are stereotyped in negative ways required for the plot.

    If you like the silliness of Monty Python or Airplane! (1980) even in films you haven't seen before and aren't nostalgic for, then this film is well worth trying out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    not having a good relationship with my mom this was one of the only times we bonded. she woke me up really late one night to watch this movie with her. I totally fell in love with it. she had seen if once when i was really young and needed to share it with me. I have sung the theme song for years (being 48 that is a really long time) and i have tried to find it for years on some kind of media. It undoubtedly wouldn't be as good as i remember from being 9 or 10 but it still would bring back one of my better memories from my young life. Even now i can remember The last scene where they are in the gondola on their honeymoon with his aide and the woman who ran the orphanage and them slowly sinking below the water while the theme played. With all the boxed movie sets out on the market if they did one for Pat Boone or Terry-Thomas surely it could be included
  • luna2622 February 2013
    Haven't been able to watch this movie in 30 years. Please release or show this movie.

    Would love to own it! I would even take off a day from work to see this movie again. Classic entertainment. Movies now a days don't provide wholesome entertainment like this movie does.

    Can't wait to watch this with my family someday! Pat Boone and Pam Austin make a cute on screen couple. The love story about to orphans depending on each other is so sweet and touching. The slapstick format is entertaining to watch.

    A definite classic movie from the 1960s.
  • I would give just about anything if someone could get me a copy of this on DVD or VCR. As far as I know if never came out on DVD or VCR and I have only found it one time years and years ago on TV and I only found it as it was going off. If ANYONE knows when it might come on etc please notify me because it is my favorite movie from when I was a child.

    I think there are too many unwholesome movies and kids today don't understand what we as children use to see at the 10 cent movies during the summer but this movie was silly, corny, good fun entertainment. I loved this movie, I talk about it to my sons all the time and they think, yeah sure there was a movie about someone being frozen in order to wait for someone else to marry them. What planet was I born on? Great Great Movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There are bad ideas and then there are BAD ideas. Taking the early silent-era serial and turning it into a 1960's TV-level slapstick-fest was a BAD idea. Casting a vapid non-actress in the lead role was a BAD idea. Wasting the talents of excellent character comedians such as Thomas and Horton, ditto. Things get corny right from the start as a newborn baby is left on the steps of a Foundling Home and is given a bizarre little speaking voice. She grows up into Austin, who is looked after and coveted by fellow orphan Boone who is several years her senior (just how long can one stay in an orphanage anyway?!?) He deliberately blows every chance she has at adoption so that he can keep her near him. Finally, one of his stunts sets off a chain reaction that keeps the two of them parted indefinitely (and interminably) as they span the globe looking for each other and narrowly missing each other fairly often. Thomas plays a big game hunter who sets his sights on Austin and will do anything, no matter how preposterous, to get her. Horton plays an ancient millionaire who wants her as well... for his grandson who is one year-old! He determines that she should be cryogenically frozen until the boy is twenty-five, the better to go with her pert 19 years. On it goes as Boone decides to freeze himself as well, so that he doesn't get too old for her himself. The many, many vignettes are introduced with old fashioned title cards and the slapstick scenes are presented in fast-motion, to recall the way those old silents looked when they were played on contemporary projectors. The entire enterprise is forced, unfunny, tedious and tacky. Any laughs the film earns are purely unintentional. Boone is attractive and sings nicely, but hasn't got enough personal magnetism to put this mess over. Austin is pretty, but wears a ghastly Marilyn Monroe wig throughout and has no acting talent in the slightest. Thomas mugs and flails around; anything to inject the slightest amount of amusement into the jaded, tired story. Horton scores a few laughs simply through his irascible, crotchety, old manner. Camp plays Boone's right-hand man to no great effect, though it's a cruddy part anyway. Familiar faces show up occasionally such as Kasznar as a Russian official, Scotti as an Italian film director and Winfield, briefly shown as a native. Old pro Packer does the best she can with her role as the proprietress of the Foundling Home and has an amusing bit in which she pops up in the most unlikely of places doing menial labor. Even a familiar sound pops up such as when a young Sultan (ten years of age) tries to seduce Austin while the voice of Bullwinkle's pal Rocky the Squirrel comes out of his mouth! The film was scored by Vic Mizzy who wrote the music for "The Addams Family" and any five minutes of that admittedly juvenile show is more amusing than this entire movie. They had the benefit of a laugh track, at least, so that audiences knew when to chuckle along. This dog has no such luck.