User Reviews (19)

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  • The only reason I don't give this movie a 10, is that its not a "Perfect Film". On the other hand, it is The Best Concert Film Made to Date. PERIOD. It deserves to be seen on as big a screen as you can find and turned up LOUD. I was fortunate enough to see it in a theater. I had no idea of how remarkable a performer Prince is before I saw Sign 'o' the Times . All the previous reviews will give you a much more in depth analysis, individual artist's descriptions, etc. What I have to offer is a pure gut-level reaction: We were Blown Away. My friend went back to the theater the next night to see it again. It impressed me so much, I'm getting a copy for my own collection.
  • This is definitely my favorite Prince film, because I think this film of a concert (with filmed vignettes) really encapsulates the true power of the artist's performances. This is one of his best versions of the Revolution, with Sheila E on drums, and the enigmatic Cat on vocals and dancing. The music is powerful, if not as well known as many of his earlier hits during the 1999/Purple Rain era, and the staging is electric. Sheena Easton provides a highlight with the song "U Got the Look", but it was really kind of dissappointing, as it was the entire extended music video inserting into the concert continuity instead of a new performance.
  • I don't see how people could rate this film lowly. I think the "acting" is pretty great and the whole thing is very energetic. Sure Prince lip-syncs, but the performances are all very energetic.

    The only thing you can rate this movie on is the performance and the music... and I don't see how either of these fail to satisfy. This is one brilliant song after another.

    The only qualm I have is using the music video for U Got The Look instead of a live performance. Oh, and not including Strange Relationship.

    But really, it has all of the album's best songs like Housequake, If I Was Ur Girlfriend, Play In The Sunshine, I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man (Oh, man that keys solo in the beginning is amazing).

    This movie is just fun all-around and perfect to see with a group of friends.

    (Damn, Shiela's fiiiine in this movie. =d)
  • From the opening with the title song, you can feel the energy created by the cast of musicians, the star and the audience. This energy builds and flows from one exciting song to the next; even the slow ballads are so full of power that it is hard to sit still; this film is a testament to the power of Prince... it is the definitive demonstration of his awesome talent; the live versions of these songs, including a "Little Red Corvette" sing along, make the studio album sound sterile and that is something damned-near impossible to do to Prince (And only Prince could do it!) If you want to see him at his peak, this is it!! There is dancing, singing and music, music, music. The band includes some members of the Revolution and some future NPG members, but the real stand-outs are Cat, Sheila E. and Bonnie Boyer. If you have only heard the studio album, check this film good it'll make you slap yo' mama!!
  • This concert is really one of prince's best performances. The band prince and the audience all together appear to be having the time of their lives. Plus the versions of sign o' the times, house quake, it, and the cross I think are more intense live. This lineup of musicians is the best. Even people that say they are not prince fans tend to eat their words by the the third song in. This concert shows great guitar playing as well of the multi-talents of Shelia E. Also shows excellent vocal solos from prince as well from the band. I like lending the video out to people that are unfamiliar with prince to see their reaction. I have seen Prince live and this video captures what he is all about, when some live albums or videos do not.
  • If you like concerts or never have seen one on film...Don't see this one because every other concert will have a hard time measuring up. Prince is definitely one of the best performers of the 20th century. Unlike some of the new cats playing music now in days, Prince's concerts have been known to go over 3 hours...and that is not an exception. You get your money's worth of funk, dance, and message. His music not only is loaded with talent but the lyrics offer hope, such as "The Cross", while others are pure dance like "Housequake". No one else in the 1990's offer this much funk. So if you are ready to see and experience a real genius you've got to see this movie.
  • This movie portrays the concert tour of 1987 that had Prince performing material from the "Sign O The Times" album. The album is arguably his best, as it improves with every listen. The movie is high energy, and the short vignettes between songs, while corny, do not detract from the overall enjoyable film.
  • The versions of many of the tracks on this are better than the album. Particular praise must go to 'The Cross', 'If I was Your Girlfriend', and best of all 'Forever in my Life', which is just about the best thing that he has ever done and is simply spellbinding. Shelia E shows what a great drummer she is on 'Now is the Time' and the dream sequence to bring in 'You've Gor the Look' is a nice touch, topped off by the little smile at the end from Prince. He has good reason to smile with this video. When is it coming out on DVD ????? Totally essentual.
  • It's the man. It's the music. It's Prince. This is a mix of concert footage and theatrical performance. There is an inclusion of the music video "U Got the Look" with Sheena Easton. Mostly, it's the man's presence and his vast group of performers. He reminds me of James Brown in his theatricality and power although Prince's sexuality is more overt. He's a sexual musical dynamo. I don't know if it helps the record sales or give a feel for his concerts. It's like a longer music video.
  • Antonio_G23 February 2003
    Gosh! This is the perfect reminder of why Prince was nearly the King in the 80´s, at least in ´87 he was! He rocks like no one ever before or after, truly makes Michael Jackson look nailed to the floor! And his music sounds funkier than ever! I mean "If I Was Your Girlfriend" is grand soul, and "Hot Thing" is ...HOT!! A great,great show with fantastic music and showmanship! A must!
  • A very enjoyable taped Prince concert and more. It is not the most exciting of the Prince shows I have seen but has all the elements of one. The music is very good and there is a lot going on for the eyes as well as the ears. Sad he is no longer with us.
  • mingothejedi26 May 2019
    Sign 'O' the Times is, objectively, the greatest cinematographically captured live performances of our era. It is the purest depiction of the brilliance that was Prince. This concert/film is not just a tour de force from the Artist Known As Prince, but it is the greatest example of his love for his craft, and his appreciation for his fellow musicians. This film will not only earn Prince's naysayers respect; it will earn their fandom. I wept when Prince died: and re-watching this film so many years later reminded why I did.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've been a student of dance for over 10 years and watching Prince in 'Sign O the Times' was very entertaining and his showmanship is spot on. However, his dancing moves are repeated over and over and become just ok nothing that so special. I've studied some of the legendary dancers and I'm in awe as to the number of combinations they could do after dancing for 2 minutes. Prince repeats the same dance routine over and over with much panache, however, after a while the panache starts to fade. There's no denying Prince was in a class by himself. And this movie showcases him at his concert best .
  • This is one of the best concert of pop in the 80ties - from the best tournee Prince ever has made. I have seen it life two times in Berlin. The film gave the feeling back. The music is a fusion between pop and jazz. The high-point is when Prince sing: "If I was your girlfriend"! Its a feeling softly like in paradise. Its a funny film with great music and only the concert of "purple rain" from the same artist can be better....Introducing cat - a smart girl, great in dancing!!!
  • Prince performs to his fans with the odd fantasy acting inserts.Directed by the main man himself.

    The 1980's was a baron time for the creation of pop legends - so the arrival of Prince was extra welcome. While I am not really a massive buyer of his music, that doesn't mean that I am not a terrific admirer of his all-round talent.

    Indeed his abilities in dancing, singing, guitar playing and song writing are world class - and maybe even that is an edited list! Talk about Mr. Talented! Has anybody ever brought together such stage talents in one (tiny) package? And what diversity of music: From rap to pop to metal, he can do it all AND he can do it all well. Even seems to be enjoying it too.

    Not a bad taste employer either - some great support musicians, male and female. The man himself even seems happy to let them command the stage while he does something else - play the drums for example! Sure it can't really act and he is a bit weird - but we can't have it all. Having that much talent would drive all of us crazy one way or another.

    So get the TV cranked up high, sit back and watch a legend performing in a decade that he more owned than influenced. There won't be another - so make the most of him.
  • Well, this is what Prince was the best at - making music, playing it and showing his awesome talents on stage. This is what he and his excellent band are doing here. The film is a large live promotion of the then new album, Sing O The Times. Not all best tracks have found their way to this release, but several great cuts are here and they shine, despite some overindulgence on longer solos and too twirly dances. Prince is great in front of the mike, and his pink guitar is his baby, weeping, screaming and singing at his will. The band is very competent, though there is a weaker spot when we are treated to a very nervous, rigid, wooden and terribly unfunky drum solo by usually excellent Sheila E. Well, not this time. The show is very nice, and the band works like a giant precise watch mechanism, displaying traces of true genius here and there. The absolute peak is reached at the very end when Prince starts The Cross - probably, his all-time greatest song with powerful text and mesmerizing melody. The full arrangement is a shiny triumph. 8 out of 10 Why so - there are some great songs being omitted (like, It), and then the film sometimes drags and dangles at places.
  • This live version of various tracks from arguably Prince's most ingenious work never fails to leave me gasping for air. If this isn't a good reason to give the diminunitive one's music a fair chance, I don't know what is. High points: The chilling title track, exploding into the eversunny Play In The Sunshine; the drop-dead dancing of Housequake; Charlie Parker's Now's the Time, which features fantastic jazz trumpeter Atlanta Bliss, red hot funkmeister Levi Seacer Jr.- with one of the sweetest bass solos this side of Larry Graham- and the PMT-busting Sheila E, wisely exploited here as one of the most exciting jazz and rock drummers around; the epic Forever in My Life with the class vocal-goddess that is the late boni boyer; and the jazztastic It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night featuring the hilarious "Table and the Chair" rap! Low points: pedantic, but the mis-matching film of Dr Fink's organ solo and the freeze-frame shot in Hot Thing really annoy me. but then that guitar sound makes up for it all. Watch this, and prepare to watch it again just to make sure that it really happened!
  • Performing a stage show with dramatised elements in front of an audience in the Rotterdam Music Hall, Prince delivers a show that has the power to win over those that are not really bothered at any degree by his music. I personally quite like some of his tracks but have never bothered myself to do more than like what I'll occasionally hear on the radio and I would never consider shelling out for a concert but I must admit really enjoying this film. The start worried me – was this going to be more bad acting than singing? Would this "pimp" storyline get in the way of what I had come to see? After the initial bit of acting though the film goes into the title track and from there on in it is one good song after another.

    The "story" aspect of it will come in an out but it never gets in the way of the music. In fact it actually helps the show be a lot more interesting for the viewer because there is lots going on and lots of people coming and going on stage, interacting with Prince and the music. I'm not suggesting that there was anything approaching a narrative here but it is certainly an impressive stage show – lots of energy and spectacle and certainly what you would expect if you paid the big bucks for a big star. However, even without this I think Prince could have held the audience because he does have the quality to do it. I've seen Tori Amos, Talib Kweli and a few others do it but they have all played smaller, much more intimate gigs while some of artists I have seen in big stadium gigs have struggled to do more than sing and not connected with the audience that well. Prince does well and to his credit he is not afraid to share the spotlight – making for a better show.

    His musicians are all impressive; Fink, Bliss and Boyer to name a few are very good, while Shelia E is an impressive drummer who also plays well to the crowd. Special mention to Cat the dancer though, in this age of constant booty-shaking on uninspired MTV videos her moves don't look dated at all and she is still very sexy and talented – winning over the crowd as well. Sheena Easton makes an appearance as well for a song or two and generally helps the film.

    Overall, those that dislike Prince will not be won over by this but if, like me, you think he is OK then this film is worth a look because it does show him at his sexual, performing best. The talented support he has and genuine energy in the performances all combine to make an enjoyable show that is worth checking out.
  • Sign 'o' the Times (1987)

    **** (out of 4)

    Excellent concert film has Prince and his band performing tracks from various albums with the main focus being on 'Sign 'o' the Times.' If you ask most people what their favorite Prince album is I'd guess that the majority would answer 'Purple Rain' and there's no question that it's a classic but to me 'Sign 'o' the Times' is another masterpiece and deserves a lot more credit than it deserves.

    The concert isn't a complete concert from that tour as there were many more songs performed live but this is pretty much a "greatest hits" package that shows off classics like Little Red Corvette but also takes us through the current album. The title track is one of the musician's greatest numbers and he turns in a great version here to get things started. I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man gets an incredible jam that's certainly the highlight of the film but we also get great tracks in Hot Thing, Now's the Time and The Cross.

    The band is certainly at the top of their game but what's so great about this concert is that it shows people what a genius Prince was. Not only is his voice wonderful but so are the lyrics that he wrote and he can also dance, play guitar, piano and various other things. Watching him work his way around the stage doing various jobs is certainly something to behold as it's pure beauty.