User Reviews (3)

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  • The idea of a comedy around the efforts of a couple of small time entrepreneurs trying to produce the first Slovenian porn film has potential, but this attempt at it doesn't come off.

    It needed plenty of broad humor, but the makers are timid in their approach, eschewing the nudity and cheeful smuttiness that would have propelled it along.
  • ...offering very little.

    Why? A few collapses.

    Since the plot for the story is well chosen, you would expect some nudity in this one. Forget it, even puritan U.S. movies shows more skin. The directing is far from being on the level (sometimes I got the feeling that this movie was shot in Albania), with too long cuts. Actors? Ehh, again, nothing special. Some of them still can't act.

    But than again, it's still watchable movie, but with the right directing & acting and most of all, a capable screenwritting it could be much more. Sadly, it would be soon forgotten.

    5 out of 10
  • The story of Charly and his 3 mates who decide to make the first porno movie made in Slovenia. Charly is the best choice to direct as he's been a viewer of porn since he was a kid.

    His mate runs a brothel and this is where they get their girls from. Trouble is Charly falls for Kalinka. They also run into trouble when the Pimp who use to run the girls has busted out of the clink and wants his property back.