User Reviews (3)

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  • Met grote blijdschap is a story about real human drama performed by real characters. There's been no attempt to exaggerate or to use caricatures or freaks to build up to the dramatic events at the end of the movie.

    It builds up nicely from a secure home situation, the disturbing message comes by phone. The anxious trip to Belgium is filmed excellent and does not distract too much from the rest of the story. Once they've found Ad, two plots tumble over each other. One plot unfolds quite easily only to reveal the second. Outstanding performances by the actors without forgetting Dutch humor

    The story was written by Lodewijk Crijns and Kim van Kooten. It makes me regret that i didn't see his first movie, Jezus is een Palestijn. It seems that nowadays it is a recommendation to have the name kim van kooten on a production.

    I guess we will hear more of these people, I certainly do hope so.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film has kind of a crazy story; how credible is it that a Dutch couple can disappear with their (sick) child to care for it in an isolated area in Belgium, in the late '90s of the 20th century? Still, the acting (Jack Wouterse) is so well done and the atmosphere feels so 'right', that 'Met Grote Blijdschap' did easily suck me in.

    At first, there is the question of 'what is really going on here?' that keeps the viewer guessing, still leaving room for the film to enter the horror genre, but all the while focussing on some pure human drama. Later the question of 'who's behind that cellar door?' comes up and it plays with the horror genre again, but then the secret is finally out and it's back to pure human drama - and does so in a very endearing and convincing way. I shall add that there is another secret, and it is very important for the outcome... which has a slight horror (black comedy, even, when the 'tables are turned') feel to it as well. And when the police and ambulance drive towards the house... that is one 'magical' (for lack of a better word) ending!

    So, be warned about this film being somewhat out there or even far fetched, but you can also look forward to some great acting and a stunning (though sober) creation of atmosphere, very much helped by a devilishly clever story.

    A big 8 out of 10.
  • I give this film 1 star. The reason is that it is so depressing and grim. I don't understand how anyone could give this film a high mark unless it is for technical reasons, and that alone does not make a film worth watching.

    Some films I would not recommend to anyone, but this film I actively recommend to be avoided.

    What else can I say? I don't understand how it gets the good reviews here. I really think there should be some sort of warning for films like this.

    "Likely to make you feel completely miserable."

    So be warned. If you ignore this warning and do watch it, please leave an honest review to back me up.