User Reviews (11)

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  • I'm from Argentina myself and I can say this series is one of the best ones this country has ever shot. It depicts a 2000/2001 crisis we were living through and how ordinary people had to struggle with life evey single day.

    Every character is unique and you have no choice but to end up loving or hating them. Not only the four MC are cool, but also the antagonists and even their pet, a lovely and really intelligent dog, are amazing!

    You know, due to Copyright issues, there was no official DVD released ever. However, it's still popular nowadays and views keep going up!!!

    You can only watch it on Youtube or download it illegally around, and I think no subtitles exist. (If I happen to see people asking for it, I'll sub every episode on my own)

    Okupas is one of those shows which show up every 50 years. So it's a must to watch it!

    If you want the subtitiles, just mark my review as helpful and once I see enough clicks on YES, I'll start working into it!
  • facundosam24 July 2021
    In such a crude and realistic way, it portrays the experience of young people without financial support who live on questionable acts to gain resources. In short, a shocking drama with some overtones of social horror and suspense on a fairly well calibrated level. The best Argentine series.
  • What a gem.

    The series addresses several themes, from the housing problem, passing through the youth's lack of perspective on life, to the chronic violence that comes from the brutal inequality typical of Latin American societies.

    Without ever falling into moralism, far from trying to teach the public hypocritical lessons, it manages to amuse and entertain with a compelling story that have moments of comedy, action, suspense and a bit of drama.

    With the remastering and release by netflix in 2021, I was finally able to watch the 11 episodes of this magnificent series, being able to understand the status it conserved through the years.

    Watch it!
  • I´M a movie director myself and I only can say this is the kind of story I would like to shot someday. There´s no middle term, you love it or you hate it, but reality is always there. When I see "Okupas", I´m seeing that someone is talking of something that lived in own flesh, was on that places, connected with that kind of people, and mixed with a sense of fiction and caracthers construction ends up in a total identification; you´re no longer an espectator you just live and experience from inside. Some people saw "Okupas" as a show of crime, an allegory of dope using, and lower class habits and ways of life, and said that they prefered to watch the 8 o´clock news to see what´s wrong with the country. To others there´s nothing better to deeply know about it without discriminate and then start a social change and a work of unification for a most acceptable kind of living... If you liked "Okupas", I can also recommend you: "Pizza, Birra, Faso"

    (Pizza, Beer, Cigarrettes- Stagnaro), "Tumberos" (Adrián Caetano), "Un

    Oso Rojo" (A Red Bear, Caetano), and "El Bonaerense" (Pablo Trapero).
  • In the year 2000 this gang of 4 friends, taking drugs, making some robery.

    This is about friendship and be an underdog in Buenos Aires Argentina being poor.

    This a well made product. And in USA says " talk the talk..speak slang..." It's a cult serie. Don't missed.
  • This story takes place in an Argentina economical crisis, and these 4 guys, living in a house that is not theirs, have to face not only the police, but other gangs who want to take "their" house. And even though they are not saints, they will win your hearts, you will definitely love them.

    I believe this is not just a story about the harsh reality or how many obstacles these people have to face, but a story about friendship.

    Esta historia transcurre en un momento de una gran crisis económica en Argentina. Y estos 4 amigos, que viven en una casa que no les pertenece, deben enfrentar a la policía y a otros bandas que quieren ocupar "su" casa. Si bien ellos no son ningunos santos, logran ganarse tu corazón.

    Creo que esta serie no trata simplemente la cruda realidad de este grupo de chicos, ni los obstáculos que deben enfrentar, sino más bien es una historia de amistad.
  • Set in Argentina in the year 2000, under a deep crisis resulting from the convertibility model initiated by Carlos Ménem and continued under the government of Fernando De la Rúa, the only thing left for the Argentine middle class to ignore the impoverishment, unemployment and social conflict in the country was television as an escape route. Chiquititas in the afternoon, Tinelli and Gasoleros at night, and Mirtha Legrand on Sundays. But every day, marginality grew, the pockets of the popular classes were shrinking, and capital flight was beating like the heart of the rats of those who took the benefits of One to One. Okupas appeared, precisely, to squat that only space of comfort that was available to the ostentatious and aspirational class in a devastated country. Okupas is the reflection of an excluded majority that was deprived of a decent home, a job or any future in a system that not only left them to their fate, but did not guarantee them anything, and took everything away from them. An excellent story that narrates the misadventures of a middle class young man, frustrated with the moment he is living in his life, decides to become corrupt and get to know the depths of social marginality: gangs, guns, drugs, alcohol, violence of all kinds. Friendship unites four young people who have fallen by the wayside of the system, and they will seek not only to survive the marginality, but also to survive themselves as a group.
  • bachito199610 August 2021
    The series is really short so give it a try, you would be on the last episode without realizing. Great acting, characters development, directing. Everything was on point.

    I must say I´m a little conflicted by the ending, it finished a little bit open in my opinion, I mean it´s really probable some people would say "oh that was good, where´s the second season?". It hasn´t got another one so and it doesn´t need it. But at least they should have added 10 minutes more for a definitve closure.
  • nicorip2225 November 2021
    This tv show honestly is very good to me. It has it all, action, comedy, realism, everything! It shows a very strong reality of what happened in Argentina in those years.
  • carniassada18 June 2022
    I'm on episode 6 and I'm still waiting for something to happen. It's very slow moving and not very interesting in my opinion. I'm going to finish it, I just hope it gets better.
  • Diegoa7725 December 2002
    everything is excellent in this serie, if you have the chance you cannot miss it. 4 young man with different backgrounds merge in the same house and have to face new experiences living in a stolen house, being prosecuted by the police and other gangs. The serie consists of 11 episodes.