User Reviews (2)

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  • It had it's moments but this series generally was no where near worthy of the cast it had - paticularly Reece Shearsmith who is my favorite LoG member. He basically played recently qualified doctor Flynn and remained okish throughout the series this was because although he and everyone else tried they inevitably failed because any humour they produced was just recycled out in the next episode because the script was formulaic and lazy. Basically the humour points were centred around the difficulties of being a doctor and running and hospital in the NHS. For example the lack of sleep the doctor's get which dominated an entire episode. When this had been used in a episode then the eccentricities of the patients that came in. When this had been used they would make a joke about how slow the very slwo porter Sid was something that I had grasped to my satisfaction a hell of a long time ago. Or they'd let the nurses make an offensive comment to Flynn or let Terry make an campy comment. However I didn't hate it not by any means I love Shearsmith and i did find enough rewards and laughs to keep me watching, but the engineering of these laughs was far too obvious
  • LeNotre7 January 2003

    Although I hear that "tlc" is funny to those in the medical profession, for the rest of the world, it is a show that makes you want to cringe, and when you're not cringing, you're wishing the writers weren't trying to be The League of Gentlemen. You can see the jokes coming from a mile away, and when they finally do come, they are overplayed.

    Reece Shearsmith is disappointing as Dr. Flynn, as he is too giddy (over-enthusiastic?) He does not do himself justice. As for the supporting characters, none really make a splash, except for Nurse MacKenzie, who has absolutely no redeeming virtues whatsoever.

    Despite all this, we can't deny that we come back each week for more. If not just to collect ammo for satire.