User Reviews (12)

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  • sue-webb27 November 2020
    This came out in January 2020. Who would gave believe we would have been living it four months later? Interesting to see how the script writers dealt with the threat of a pandemic and the contrast between fiction and fact. It was only six episodes. Would that the real thing was over as soon.
  • Tweekums11 November 2020
    This, the third 'By the Lake' series, sees protagonists Lise Stocker and Clovis Bouvier investigating when a man crashes a speedboat into a jetty. He is dead and appears to have been suffering from an unknown disease. Shortly afterwards Clovis gets a call from his ex... her new boyfriend is ill. It is the same deadly disease. It is soon identified as a strain of Ebola; not wanting to cause a panic the authorities attempt to find the source of the disease and any connection between the two men without alerting the public. At the same time a mother reports that her ex-husband has failed to return their daughter after a routine visit and she is unable to contact either of them.

    I enjoyed this series; its theme of a virus outbreak is perfectly timed for these times... and the fact that Covid-19 is far less serious than Ebola should leave viewers feeling relieved that we aren't dealing with such a deadly outbreak! The story is well told with a sense of mystery about how the disease appeared in this relatively quiet corner of France as well as the drama of seeing who will succumb to the disease and how it will ultimately be brought under control. It does of course rely on some convenient coincidences but that can be excused as they help drive the plot and add to the tension. Similarly things do get quite melodramatic towards the end and the resolution seems rather fast. Overall a solid thriller.

    These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.
  • The first 2 "by the lake" series vanished and killer were far better than this! The story line is pretty weak and not very believable! I was very excited when I found a 3rd series was out after really enjoying the first 2 but alas is by far the worst of the the 1st 2 but leave the won't miss much!
  • yankeedoo4 May 2022
    Ace series-and ace location too ive never saw the other seasons but enjoyed this alot now i wonder if i should watch others too.tbh never sounded good but acting in this was superb and the lady cops are well beautiful 2.
  • ericrochard12 December 2020
    Crazy outstanding, the contrast between the Covid reality and this fiction is quite striking. The acting and the plot is excellent. The story is so good about the reality of the quiet idyllic town and crazy sub "no-go" zones
  • Sorry to say that I couldn't get on with the third series at all, having quite enjoyed the previous 2. I found it rather rambling and hard to follow and only watched it till the end because I'd already invested so much time in it.

    Time again I wouldn't bother
  • mybeloved-bb6 February 2021
    I thoroughly enjoyed this series.. a little slow getting started in reflection I see now that was setting the stage and getting to know the characters.. somewhere in there I was submerged into their reality ... I watched the series through tonight ,, I had that feeling I was there I was in it.. I'm not a pro review writer or anything but I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed this.. of course beautiful location acting top notch and the way it moves towards the end I was deeply moved.. I can't say enough how I appreciate this series I enjoyed it very much thank you!
  • yankeedoo8 August 2022
    Nut s3 is superb just watch judge for yourselfs-never understand y so many just like to moan--its called fiction watch enjoy-agree or dont--easy.

    As that i never fancied 1+2 sounded dull but thislast one was great.
  • crumpytv20 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was a lot better than Killer by the Lake but not as good as Vanished by the Lake. The story about trying to contain a virus was probably not what we needed at this time and the glaring holes in the isolation/quarantine/lockdown procedures were obvious, especially amongst the central figures. The sharing of a cigarette was just unbelievable. To be honest, the whole plot was totally implausible and there were too many sub-plots and characters to follow this easily. The defence argument in courtroom scene just didn't add up and the kidnapping was never fully explained. A bit of a mish mash all round!
  • Somewhere in here there is the bones of a good drama/thriller but this isn't it. A potentially good and very topical story line is let down by a risible plot and wooden acting by the two principal characters.

    If you were ever contemplating committing a crime I'd suggest you head to France as this series would have you believe the French cops are a bunch of bumbling inept clowns. Some of the scenes where suspects manage to evade capture defy belief.

    An added problem is the two lead characters couldn't act to save their lives. As lead police officers they lack any credibility. Add in a public prosecutor who wouldn't look out of place on the set of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and who in the middle of a major pandemic is only interested in locating her runaway adopted daughter and you have a plot that stretches the viewer's patience and intelligence.

    If you've watched the two earlier series you will probably want to catch this but you won't be missing much if you decide not to bother.
  • After all the Covid mess for two years, this stupid tv series focuses on a virus? That is all we need...MORE FEAR!,



    THE GLOBALISTS ( the bad guys ) are trying to kill 7 out of 8 people!!

  • The first series showed a lot of promise, the second developed the characters and relationships, this third, whilst creditably ambitious has proven to be a bridge too far with a veneer-thin plot with more holes than the most Swiss of cheese, and this dairy product reference is highly apt in this case. The writers must have taken a course in cliches as I am pretty sure that all bases were covered. The actors must have been using a combination of Eastenders and Neighbours as their role models, and I half expected Alf to appear and say "Now look here Commander, mate, or whatever yer name is". And this is a key point because it actually is highly comical and made me laugh out loud at several points - notably when the illegal immigrants were led out of the wilderness and all transpired to be fully qualified medics !!

    The plot is so ludicrous I actually don't want to expound it and spoil your enjoyment, but suffice to say the siege of Barnard Castle was more effective than that mounted by the entire French authorities, Bringing in batty Boris as strategic consultant would have yielded more effective results than these bungling buffoons.

    So if you want a good belly laugh this would be good to watch, but if you expecting to see quality foreign language drama don't engage with this tripe.