User Reviews (128)

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  • Jeunet is back and it's amazing what he can do on a tight budget.

    It's a smart film, unfortunatelly with a small world building and with a running time of about 2 hrs, it feels like there could have been more substance to make this movie greater.

    Nevertheless, it's an over-the-top sci-fi comedy with great actors and stunning production values, set designs and effects.

    Somewhere between Blade Runner, The Terminator, Delicatessen and Jaques Tati, this movie is recommended for everyone who is fed up with all that american sci-fi uniformity. Bigbug is entertaining and crazy and shows again, why Jeunet is such a gifted filmmaker.

    Watch and enjoy the trip.
  • The pacing was a little off at parts, many the film was a little too long, but overall it was very enjoyable. It was pretty unexpected and weird for a dystopian future, but it had a lot of nice touches.

    I loved the fact their was AI that wanted to help the humans in the situation. The humour was pretty cool too, and it certainly was an interesting watch.

    The ending was pretty great too!
  • After many poor projects on Netflix I have almost resigned to see something refreshing. BigBug is nothing more than conversation comedy in dystopian future with fancy CGI and blue screen effects. It reminds me another wonderful piece Le Dîner de cons. French was always excellent in these kind of movies only sometimes too slow and too long. If you take it like this and don't be lazy to read subtitles, of course if you don't speak French, you will be awarded with almost two hours of inteligent fun and extremely hilarious characters. I especially enjoyed Claude Perron as Monique.
  • I was very hopeful when this movie started but as it got further along it never really took off. There doesn't ever seem to be a real point to this movie. The goal of getting out of the house is limited and does not occupy the movie enough. The movie seems to be all over the place with no real direction. There is all the flirting with no conclusion and it does not keep attention for the movie to be worth watching. The robots "taking over" is also a weak theme in the show and not captivating enough to make the movie worth while.
  • In its first five minutes, Bigbug already seems more eerily prescient than most of its genre relatives. It may look like Blade Runner or A. I: Artificial Intelligence, but as it's been made by Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amélie; The City of Lost Children), it guarantees a playful, unpredictable, and unique take on the familiar concepts we're about to see. However, what truly struck me was the all-too-accurate particulars:

    We've seen this idea before. Mankind at the mercy of machines. But the additional detail of half-naked people on (literal) leashes -- acting like domesticated animals for all screens to see -- makes it seem especially accurate. Just think of the digital age we're already in, and what some people willingly film themselves doing via their Twitch, TikTok, and OnlyFans channels. (The attention they garner is their reward and it also rewards the website, the algorithm, the machine...) When we first see the visual, it's admittedly a piece of in-universe entertainment, but it foreshadows things to come.

    We move into the film's "real world" and things continue to seem clairvoyant, as a robotic maid serves up a nice batch of grilled crickets (an environmentally friendly and Greta Thunberg-approved delicacy, so I'm told) for her masters and their arriving guests. The movie is in French and so there's a pun here: Cricket is "grillon" (likely derived from the Latin "Gryllidea"), ergo they are eating "grillons grillé".

    There's more. We learn that handshakes have been replaced with elbow nudges because of you-know-what and that drones and voice-controlled programs are being used for whatever drones and voice-controlled programs could possibly be used for. The further into Bigbug we get, it gets crazier -- yet more and more believable at the same time.

    Some of those "jokes" seem dated now, sure, but as hopeful as things are starting to appear, I'm willing to guess we're only a few weeks away from a COVID variant -- brought forth because y'all just can't sit the f-ck still and leave the vacationing/clubbing alone for a while -- that "necessitates" a government anti-handshake mandate. Oh, did that sound disturbing? Why? Are you an anti-vaxxer?

    Anyways. What's the actual plot about and why is this family in lockdown? Well, it's your basic uprising of machines -- that feared moment in our future where the devices and programs we've created to serve us finally turn on us (after backfiring in predictable ways, as with the self-controlled cars that go on strike when the plot gets started). Again, the idea itself is familiar, but Jeunet gives it his usual eccentric flair that sets it apart from any other movie on Netflix right now. His weird and expressive characters are as fun as ever, but I really missed those calculated chain-reaction sequences where one microscopic accident may cause a massive development.

    As per usual, Jeunet's cast is nonetheless having a blast. Dominique Pinon is a given but I also recognized Elsa Zylberstein from 2008's I've Loved You So Long and Isabelle Nanty from Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra. Leading the androids, or at least the "Yonix" types who already control much of the world's information and law enforcement, is François Levantal, host of the TV series Homo Ridiculus I mentioned earlier. His equal-parts hilarious and threatening performance is a highlight amongst highlights.

    Claude Perron is equally wonderful as the maid, a largely humanoid robot who, like many 'bots of old, yearns to discover what truly makes one "human". One of the human characters, meanwhile, has a moment where they begin to seem more like a programmable piece of intelligence. This doesn't lead to much, but it's certainly true that, whereas machines are starting to seem more and more alive, many humans appear less free-thinking, or just less inclined to be "truly" alive -- mortal. I won't bore you with my own thoughts on that but let the record show that my favorite Black Mirror episode is the one where V. R. and W. B. E. Are used to effectively unlock The Afterlife.

    As distinctive as Jeunet is, he clearly owes a lot to classic sci-fi (the universe of The City of Lost Children has been named a "steampunk" wonderland worthy of Jules Verne) and perhaps even more to Terry Gilliam. Bigbug, in particular, reminds one of 2013's The Zero Theorem, a film that effectively seems lost (I hardly need to tell you where the Orwell reference is). Due to some cheap-looking VFX and a somewhat unsatisfying conclusion, I'm unable to give this one of my higher ratings. That said, I think people's complaints are majorly unfounded.

    Even if you ignore its wild imagination and energy, you shouldn't worry this is some basic "technology = bad" screed at the end of the day. Au contraire, technology is what we make it.
  • foxtografo15 February 2022
    It's just quirky humour but it didn't work for me. That's why the reviews are so polarised.

    True, the visual aspect is interesting, even though definitely not very original, I've definitely seen this before quite a few times, it has lots of similarities with many previous Sci-Fi including movies, series and video games.

    What failed terribly for me is the writing, and maybe the directing too, I'm actually quite surprised and disappointed on J. P. Jeunet.

    The story is not only silly in a bad way, it's quite unfunny and awkward.

    The acting and dialogues are very cheesy and the pace dragged quite often, making me lose interest in what was happening.

    The background stories giving context to the world was very poorly executed and was quite nonsensical too many times.

    Overall, I give some points to the setting and visual style of the movie, but there's not much more than that I enjoyed.. Big disappointment from such an interesting director.

    By the way, one more time I read so many reviews blaming Netflix for a bad movie, what is it with those people? How ridiculous!
  • It's like a very long goofier episode of blackmirror. The overall plot AI vs humans, what does it mean to be human and the danger of AI is interesting and makes you really hate AI. LOVED that part. I really hope it never goes that far but seeing how many people already love being spied on by their Alexas just because their phone does it too is disturbing.

    The romance parts were repetitive and not interesting to me. The main romance was actually quite uncomfortable, standing awkwardly close and interacting very hastily and clumsily. Didn't care for the teenage romance.. other than that the plot is too drawn out but it was not painfully slow. The trailer pretty much tells the whole plot except for one slight twist in the end. It's fine but not outstanding.
  • As "BigBug" (2022 release from France; 111 min) opens, we are introduced to Alice, a recently divorced woman who is at home with her household. The TV news tells us it it "April 20, 2045" and AI robots rule society. Alice's ex-husband stops by with his new girlfriend, as does Alice's neighbor. Then out of the blue the house is sealed off by the household's main robot, resulting from unrest on the outside...

    Couple of comments: this is the latest from French writer-director Jean-Pierre Jeunet ("Amelie"). Here he brings us a tale from the not-too-distant future, where AI rules the world and humans are reduced to fumbling stumbling second-rate beings. Much of the movie is set at Alice's house, and as a result this has a very theatrical feeling to it. Jeunet makes some astute observations along the way, but the movie is sunk by one glaring defect: as I was watching this, I felt zero emotional attachment to or investment in any of these characters. Yes, we watch and we observe. But that's about it. Even though it's billed as a comedy, I didn't really laugh or just chuckle as I was watching this. That said, one must admire Jeunet's ambition in coming up with the overall concept. If it weren't for the deep resources/funding by Netflix, I doubt that this movie could even be made.

    "BigBug" premiered on Netflix last week. I happen to read up a positive review about it in the New York Times, and that was enough to make me want to check it out. In the end, I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. Ambition and ideas come about plenty, but the overall final product left me strangely unattached and not all that interested when all was said and done. Of course you don't have to take my word for it, so if you are in the mood for a sci-fi comedy unlike anything you've watched before, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
  • I actually enjoyed the film and was entertained throughout, but the storyline was eclipsed by the awesome set design. Visually, it's a feast of retro wares and curvy architecture. Worth it for the styling alone in my opinion.
  • ginjaninja-4390716 February 2022
    Great concept but so incredibly strange and quirky. I admit I watched the entire thing but only out of curiosity. The only thing I can think of it would be like is watching a carnival freak show. I really wanted to like it, but alas it was not to be.
  • gianmarcoronconi11 April 2022
    Very French and very funny film that even manages to give beautiful reflections on life and humanity with an ironic and negativist look at the technology of the future. The plot is very nice and the film is very good even if shot in one place, all the characters are characterized very well and the robots are also very well done.
  • While "BigBug" could work great as an opera, musical or theater play, Netflix put this dystopian view of an AI controlled future right into their streaming service. It is about a family and their peers trapped in a suburban home. Most of the story takes place in the living room reminding me of old sitcoms. Sure it must be more fun to watch it in the original French language, since the tone of voices and the grimaces of the actors work best this way.

    The visual presentation is great, considering the small budget of roughly 13.000.000 EUR. What amazes me is that the faces of the robots are constantly manipulated through facial AI or some sort of enhanced sfx. The music is held mostly classical with orchestral instruments. Fans of G. Rossini will certainly be pleased.

    However the story could have been more entertaining. The characters are well enough drawn, but the repetition of events like the misshapen new romance always goes back to square one and this stretches the movie for too long. Anyway if you are in the age of the cast you might have a good laugh with this dystopian comedy.
  • steventubby11 February 2022
    It seems Netflix is ripping itself off. In terms of premise, aesthetics and plot this is essentially a fleshed out longer version of an episode of Love, Death and Robots called Automated Customer Service. Whilst that was entirely CGI and this is a mixture of live action mixed with CGI, apart from the run time, the differences end there.

    It's not bad, just unoriginal verging on derivative, hence the 3.

    Netflix, if your ideas cupboard is that bare, I have 3 original IPs that I'd like to finish on your dime.
  • The movie has an interesting aesthetic but nothing revolutionary. The acting is awful and the dialogues are bizarre. It's not about "you don't understand the French humor", it's about being a movie. Look, a credit is given when a credit is due and this is not the case.

    The side stories - which should be for character development - do nothing to develop any character. It actually makes you dislike the characters even more and make the movie drag on things not related nor necessary to the plot. Do yourself a favour and don't waste your time, there are plenty of better movies with the same message (e.g. The Mitchells vs. The Machines) that respect your time as a viewer.
  • LetsReviewThat2612 February 2022
    This was fun I have to say. The plot of an AI future where some of them have humans best interest at heart and want to protect them. A group of people get locked in their house. The whole film is about them wanting to escape. But sometimes being human isn't actually being human its more than that. Cast were good and there were some good laughs. The guy that looked like robocop was pretty good to.
  • Kept hoping it would get better. It was like watching a slow train wreck hoping that someone within the last minute would save everyone from the disaster pending. Nope! Just one clumsy thing after another. I suppose I chuckled once or twice but mostly I just sat in awe at how bad it was!

    Unfortunately just like a train wreck it was hard to look away until it was over. I guess you got points for that.

    I did notice one other person saying that it might be a "French thing"; that must be it. French humor must be very strange. I can't recommend this movie to anyone else it's a total waste of time.
  • kosmasp27 February 2022
    How would life be, if we let artificial intelligence take over? Take over as in help us with everything we need. This is actually not so far off - at least for anyone who is into Science Fiction movies. Of course this has also touches of Matrix and other movies where the machines go above and beyond what they are programmed to do or be able to do.

    Put a lot of people in one house, lock them inside and you have quite the contained enviroment and a lot of situations to play out. There is enough suspense to keep us on the edge of our seat. Of course a lot of cliches too - but I didn't expect this to go deep or philosphical. It works for what it is.
  • This movie has the sophistication and comic timing of a Disney TV program targeted at a child. It would be a good children's program except for the fact that there is a fair amount of adult content.

    I started watching in earnest, but found I couldn't take it anymore. I fast forwarded while stopping periodically to figure out what the storyline was. It was easy way to figure out what the movie was all about. I feel like I missed nothing.

    I would suggest investing your entertainment viewing time in another title. In short, don't bother.
  • Bigbug is Jean-Pierre Jeunet's return to french cinema after more than a decade . It has exquisite and extraordinary production design but story fails to delivers in accordance with visual art . It was an experience similar to visiting a Michelin star restaurant with exceptional ambiance but getting served mediocre food .

    "Homo Ridiculus" with genuine aesthetics.
  • krulle2713 February 2022
    Sadly a perfect example of massive special effects movie but poor acting and lazy scenario. Nothing to see here, don't waist freaking TWO HOURS of your life with this. Particularly sad considering J.-P. Jenet is a ln amazing director.
  • I watched this film because I loved Amélie". It is NOT Amélie, but just as delightful in many different ways on its own.

    The colors and CGI are what pulled me in and wouldn't let me stop watching if I wanted to. The inventiveness of this futuristic space is fascinating - and one I kinda like!

    The AIs he created are very much their own characters and they play a big part in this film about .......... AIs.

    It is whimsical, funny, silly. And you're invited along for the ride!! Hope you enjoy it as much, if not more than I did!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Interesting comical sci-fi with significant topic for this century, but also cliché theme for a sci-fi movie. Robots, and their effort to take over the human race.

    Anyway, nicely processed in sense of cinematography. Really liked the close-ups and subsequent facial expressions of our protagonists. From an aesthetic point of view I think appealing movie. Stunning, not affraid to say. Mastered staging of particular scenes, what gave us the impression of the future. Also nice colorgriding.

    What I found bit odd in story part were relationships between the characters. I mean it wouldn't be that weird if it ended as it was developing the whole time. Especially in case of two main protagonists. But I take it with the grain of salt as it's comedy and many things were exaggerated anyway, what I consider as normal, even bright and significant thing in such a movie.

    I really liked the performances of ones playing robots. The evil robot reminded me of good old days with robocop. It was interesting seeing robots as if divided into two camps. One helping people and willing to act and even be as humans, and the other taking over the humans and basically controlling people(we could saw some disturbing pictures really).

    The fact, that whole movie was situated in one household, just raised the tension. So it was creatively made up in this aspect. I also liked note that Apple Macintosh(computer from 80s) is ultra old-school and the boy's historical ignorance of certain things. Another thing I want to appreciate is ingenuity of characters in insulation and threat situation(frozen clothes, car breaking the glass, utilizing dog outside to pull the lever, etc.).

    Overall, it fulfilled the purpose in my case as I was entertained. But I wouldn't watch it again eventually. By that, I don't want to discourage you from watching the movie. Quite the contrary. Go watch it and make your own opinion. As I have said, it's rather good.
  • Why did they even bother. Why did they spent so much money on this movie? What's up with the story? It's a bordel from beginning to end. I have spent 2 unnecessary hours on this.
  • First of all, it is really too long for what it contains. It could be a lot tighter and probably more impactful as a 75-90 minute movie. Anyway

    Secondly, it is heavy-handed with the inside French culture jokes, it really doesn't maintain its comedic impact nearly as well beyond that

    Third, it has a mean quirk through its quirkiness, something really unsettling. Not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but it made for a tiring viewing experience for me at least

    I thought I would really like this one, but it didn't work at all for me. I can see why others rate it much higher, though.
  • Loved it. A satire or reflection of the last 2 years lockdowns and other freedom restrictions? Yonux Leader reminded me Prime Minister of Canada. Watch it from the perspective of freedom restrictions and you will love it.
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