User Reviews (14)

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  • Stoshie23 April 2021
    I'm really tired of these films where the bad guy has a camera set up in Our Hero's residence. In this case, when the brick gets thrown through the window where the lead woman lives, the camera is positioned low in the room, close to the actors, and it moves, changing position while the bad guy watches on his computer. Uh huh, right; that's believable. In other scenes, the camera is positioned up higher in the room, looking down on the people. Sure, that makes sense, too.

    And of course the hero of our story gets drugged at one point. What Lifetime movie would be complete without that?

    Another odd thing is the cast listing here on IMDB. One of the young daughters gets top billing, even though she has just a supporting role, and has no more scenes or lines than the other daughter, whose credit is lower in the list. Worse, the lead actress's credit is way far down the list, below just about every other cast member. Why are the actors listed in such a strange way?

    That mystery is actually more interesting than the movie itself.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I usually write fairly long reviews here, but all I can muster right now about this thing is:

    Really?? She was forcibly kissed against her will, drugged and dragged down the hall, watched a guy run up on the front lawn frantically screaming about his sister's disappearance while working there, etc., and yet she kept going back to the perpetrator's house - putting herself in danger yet again, over and over. The last time when she dragged her friend with her and they snuck in right under the maid's nose/literally behind her back without getting caught, to go to the guy's home office to sit down like they had all the time in the world to dig up dirt on him via his computer, was laughably inane. And she was supposed to be this up and coming, brilliant, educated business wiz-to-be........riiiiiight.

    And when will Lifetime STOP with the LOUD BACKGROUND MUSIC during character's back and forth dialogue that drowns out the words??!

    Note: The title I saw this under was 'The Nanny Murders' because supposedly Walton Page had about fifty previous nannies for his daughters before Jamie got the job. But it was never explained WHY he had all those former nannies killed. Was it only because he came on to them and they rebuffed his advances?? Stupid stupid stupid.

    Grade F / 1 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An ambitious business graduate gets herself mixed with a psycho predator etc etc etc! Totally stupid! AND I AM GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF THESE LIFETIME MOVIES WITH LOUD BACKGROUND MUSIC WHICH DROWN OUT THE DIALOGUE!!!!!!!! Oh and the two kids were absolutely annoying little schidts!
  • texxas-16 January 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    This really was such a bore. Girl has crush on celebrity. Girl works for celebrity and decides he's a creep and doesn't like him anymore. Girl continues working for him just because. Girl discovers he's a serial killer. The end.
  • dourpussdora13 January 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Girl gets assaulted by her boss several times, keeps going back, keeps accepting gifts, seriously???? Absolute nonsense!!
  • Probably the most annoying person in the movie is the nanny !!!

    Its kind of hard to have any sympathy for her , talk about stupidity ! I mean , did she not know when to walk away , or report him , or whatever , who cares !!!!!!

    Not very clever is she ?

    As for the plot and rest of the movie ?, It was just so bad and ridiculous , almost laughable, if I was'nt so annoyed !!!!!!

    To answer frank-torreano , I do not know the song that you mean , but, try searching the actress AnaSofia Bianchi , who played one of the daughters .

    She sings also , I have heard some of her songs , nice voice, so it may very well be one of hers . Worth a try ..........
  • amgee-895519 January 2021
    The acting was surprisingly average for a lifetime movie! Don't get me wrong it's still a bad movie. It's definitely not the worst lifetime movie I have seen and trust me I've seen some terrible ones! 3/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Creeper boss from the start. The "protag" even admitted that the job was beneficial to her so she was more confused/shocked than actually bothered. In spite of having encouragement from friends to quit. She could have changed her situation many times. But instead she kept going back and taking gifts from him and ignoring the obvious. Then she drinks with him (allowing herself to be drugged but of course) when she thinks she got her way in her blackmail attempt...and she still accepts gifts! Seriously? I don't feel sorry for her and her stunning lack of judgment. It was only a two week position so she wasn't tied to it at all. Terrible message in this movie.

    A better (though still cliche) scenario would have been that she was a college or graduate student either working for a professor or completing an internship. Then there would be clear stakes and an obvious conflict for her. She took the job on the off chance that she could end up landing a job at the villain's company. At no point did this movie present her as not having a choice. Contrast with the wife who despises her husband...he actually threatened to keep her daughters away if she left.

    Edit: turning it off. Life is too short and this actress is not believable now that the character has found a spine.

    PS...the villain literally eating popcorn while watching her with hidden cameras cost this movie a star.
  • nightroses21 September 2021
    This was... LOL. It was all over the place. The script/story felt as if it were randomly made by several different people not communicating. The changes of character personalities and plot holes was too much. The lead Jaime started off with an over the top resume, and was not so happy when offered a job working as a nanny. She ended up working in a house belonging to her "hero". The so called hero is the villain, a serial killer, who came across as a total creepy weirdo. Much of the film became silly and just annoying.
  • mel_casto31 July 2022
    The girl is completely naive and dumb. She practically led him on, by letting him kiss her to begin with. She lets him knowing he has a wife (no matter how bad their marriage is). She certainly doesn't come across as business savvy.
  • betsy-messina23 April 2021
    Wasn't bad. But come on could they have made her anymore dumb. But her does anyone know who the hit man was.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Can they make the lead character Jamie more stupid. Her character was so freaking annoying, it was a bunch of whining and the worst decisions ever. How more stupid could they have made this character. I feel bad for the actress if she chose this script. The writers really wanted the lead character to play dumb. OMG I am even more pissed for wasting more time watching this movie. Thank GOD I watched it half way through. It would have been suicide watching the whole thing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I though movies and shows were supposed to be realistic she went from being a over qualified intelligent woman to a stupid doing everything wrong immature child did she really think she had the upper hand and could call the shots with a selfish egotistical narcissistic that does nothing but enjoy controlling people and their lives him sitting there watching her on the camera is way to much and lame seeing him do that stupid laugh is sickening why do the people in these movies get a Text from someone and actually go to meet them instead of calling to talk to them she could have met up with her in the daytime and somewhere public she didn't seem to hear the kids when they said that was their other nanny that disappeared even though they were right there looking at the phone too I'm pretty sure the 2 little girls are one of each of their parents a psycho killer and a passive aggressive person and who signs a contract giving someone control over them like that oh they did for a nanny job that went bad fast because he's a nasty creep after she walked in the house to talk to him when she was supposed to be talking to the wife I stopped it there and waited a few more days to finish it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "The Nanny Murders" (a.k.a., "Nanny Danger") was pretty awful from the perspective of credibility. Miss Jamie Kassman signs on to be nanny to the children of business magnate Walton Page. Almost instantly, it should have been clear to Jamie that Walton was a predator and that she needed to clear out.

    The film wanted to be a "Dangerous Liaisons" type experience where Jamie and Walton are fighting a psychological duel to the death. But it made no sense that Jamie would stick around the Page household and raise the stakes in trying to outwit him when she should have realized that he is nothing but a thug.

    Another oddity about the character relationships was Jamie's growing affection for Zack Becker, her old high school classmate and now her boss, who assigns her the nanny job in the first place. But out of the blue, we watch Jamie and Zack billing and cooing like a couple of lovebirds. At some inexplicable point, they have started a romance. Yet when Walton threatens to terminate his business association with Zack's company, Jamie's "boyfriend" refuses to take a stand against Walton and Jamie's reputation appears to be ruined in the business community.

    Cheryl Page, the long-suffering wife of Walton, was yet another puzzling character development. On the one hand, Cheryl lived in abject fear of her husband and the possibility of losing custody of her two daughters, Gwenny and Madison. But she suddenly becomes an ally of Jamie in a bid to turn the tables on her predator husband.

    The denouement that showed the women reveling in exposing the monster was an over-the-top victory lap. The mantra of Walton Page was "everything has a price." Instead of exulting in their triumph, the ladies should have shown a little humility after barely escaping the destiny of a pantheon of cashiered nannies due to the oily Walton Page.