User Reviews (3)

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  • Some difficult issues handled quite well but I found the non-sequential nature of action annoying more than confusing and any programme that repeatedly cuts in slow motion action of any kind is irritating; in this case a child falling back onto glass, indicating that the programme was being dragged out to fill the time available. I am old-fashioned, I just want them to tell the story. Good acting, good characters and the ending leaves you guessing but I feel it could have been better.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    9-year-old Emma has been found dead in her back yard, and the series flashes back to the troubled relationships in the broken households where their children are not always welcome. Emma becomes unwelcome in her father's house because she's not trusted around the new baby. Jack, a surly 14-year-old, is not wanted in his mother's house because he gets into trouble and cramps her social life. And Jack becomes a problem in his father's house because he is not trusted around Emma, the daughter of the father's new girlfriend. It is an excruciating dilemma but the drama falls apart when multiple scenarios of Emma being killed are offered. It is a waste of time that would have been better spent giving more about the aftermath of this tragedy, but instead the answer of "whodunnit" is given, not very effectively, and the program abruptly ends.
  • fionastaun30 January 2021
    Very cleverly written plot that slowly delves into the chaos of divorce and the round-about relationships that follow. Step-children become the flotsam as they get jettisoned.

    The characters develop into very selfish and brutal players in their self/centred game. By the time the ending arrives - you're well on the way to not caring! Except for Jack the troubled fourteen year old. Even though the actor turns in at about seventeen, he brings a sweet tenderness to the confused son.

    However, the ending is extremely lazy and simply does not reward the viewer for sitting through three hours.