User Reviews (15)

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  • aharris6930 November 2021
    So bad it's hard to explain. Plot we've seen a thousand times. Terrible acting. Adam Garcia is plain awful. I guessed the end twist after 5 minutes. 90 minutes of my life I will never get back.
  • I decided to go on Amazon Prime and pick a random movie to watch. Wasn't sure what I was wanting to watch. I saw Death Link and it sounded like it could be cool. I mean take modern day influencers and the internet and it should be good. Right?

    Death Link is about a group of "teen" influencers in a small town who try to one up each other, start getting ramped up videos. Are the deadly videos real or fake?


    • Some of the cast are kind of hot/cute.

    • There are kills.


    • The acting wasn't great. And the cast are supposedly teenagers but some of them look older.

    • The characters are just way too annoying.

    • The plot was all over the place.

    Oh boy, Death Link was a disappointment. Now, I'm a fan of B-Grade movies but I was bored and found myself playing on my phone during this movie. I always try to find something positive about every movie I watch. This movie was kind of hard to find a positive. Maybe watch if you are up doing something else while it's on. Otherwise just skip it. Not worth your time.

    Quick Bite: 1.6/5.
  • mhinson-2807917 April 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    Okay.. so the movie is what it is. A Scream meets I know what you did last summer... but the plot was predictable and understanding it was low budget the acting was horrible. So fun notes... 1 guy grows pot in his garage and this is a problem for his girlfriend but hate crimes is okay but only early on.. 2. Teenagers throwing. "Lit" party that looked like something that would be on "Full House". 3. When girl stabs her boyfriend the knife is CLEARLY in his armpit. So in closing I would skip this one if you're not for just a time killer or background noise. A movie about social media on phone and not once (with phones in hand) did ANY of the people being killed or hunted call the police... just saying..
  • The plot is all over the place, no exposition, no character development, not worth it in the least, random cuts, random characters being introduced out of nowhere with no background, it looks like something that would be on late on disney.
  • Other user reviews would lead you to believe that this is absolutely worthless. It isn't. It IS very low budget. The acting is hit or miss. It is highly derivative. It's also fairly entertaining. The slasher subgenre has never been rife with originality from the eighties on. How can you be original with a central idea that has been done a million times? The trick is to make it entertaining and this one manages that plus some. It also falls into a few traps along the way, like offering a cast of characters that is almost universally unlikeable. And lets be honest, the social influencer thing is more played out than a bunch of investigators in a haunted location. Don't expect greatness or innovation, but it passes the time fairly well.
  • Spoiled preppies trying to act . Just a horrible movie with no acting. Just a bunch of teenie ,weenies ugly stick girls getting killed. Oh my Lord... pathetic attempt at really nothing.
  • Death Link (2021) is a revenge slasher flick like so many before it. Kid gets bullied, ends up in the asylum from which he escapes and people back home start being brutally murdered. Sound familiar? Yeah. But despite its utter lack of originality (with the possible exception of the twist) Death Link is very watchable. The acting is passable, same with the directing. Cinematography was fine. All in all not horrible. When I watched it it was rated 2.6 and last I looked it was 3.3 so somebody else must've liked it.
  • Fun popcorn movie and a throwback to 80's slasher films, but with a social media / influencer slant. Has some great funny moments and the cast is easy on the eyes!
  • austinwsumner18 August 2022
    The movies not good cause the darn girls won't even look into the camera so as the actress herself like what was the actresses thinking and doing well I'm giving a 1 star for this pure garbage!!!!!!!!!
  • Yeah. Well acting was ok, story was mostly spoof of real living 20 somethings lives on the internet. There was zero atmosphere and not scary in the slightest bit. That said, all the actors looked great and there was somewhat of a cool plot. Did I say the actors looked good? There was a tad bit of genuine suspense. It definitely isn't a horror movie must see that for sure. Yeah, the actors especially the females looked really good, did I mention that? So, watch it for a few laughs, eye candy and bit of fun suspense and secrets, but not a good scare.
  • Total waste. Terrible plot with worse acting. Plot was all over the place. I did think "instatok" was clever. Don't waste the time tho. I would say zero stars except Matt Rife was in it but he should stick to comedy. His acting wasn't any better than the others. I love horror movies and the hidden gems are even better. I would compare this to a dirt clod! It made my head hurt. Seeking out hidden gems can be a painful experience. This was definitely painful. To watch and to follow. My head still hurts and I watched it well over 24 hours ago. My teen daughter wasn't a fan either. I don't have any other words.
  • wzkfzfqs30 November 2021
    It had me guessing for a good part of the movie and when I figured it out I only got it partially correct. Will totally watch it again. I thought it was well done and the acting was great. They are suppose to be twity teenagers and so they acted like it. Looking forward to seeing what else they can do with this!
  • 1. There were too many predictable scenes. Too many instances where I knew what was going to happen & who was involved in the killings. 2. For a hate crime to have been committed yet the victim ended up suffering TWICE shows justice wasn't served. Gives off undertone racist vibes. 3. The music was trash. Idk who "Lil Lady" is but the music sounds like it was recorded on a phone app back in 2010. 4. The one star is for the plot twist in the end, although that too wasn't too surprising.

    I watched the whole thing even though I said I was going to turn it off several times hoping that it would get better but it never did. Seeing how it was released in 2021, the plot should've been better. Scream movies are better than this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So this is a teenie slasher horror whodunit flick. I was pretty disappointedly surprised by this movie. Gravitas Ventures usually produce's pretty decent indi movies, but this one was not much to brag about. The plot was very thin. For quite some time the who's who and what's what seemed confusing.

    One character which might as well not have been written in was the sheriff. He had a few minor scenes and that was about it. It seemed law enforcement was not very active in the investigation of the murders, so I thought what was the point in having a sheriff character in it if he's going to be totally irrelevant.

    I have seen Elise Luthman in three other movies. She's not bad. Ok she's no Saoirse Ronan but she has been pretty decent in the three movies I've seen her. I have also seen Jessica Belkin in one other movie, and I could say the same thing about her. They were ok in this movie I guess.

    As well as a waste of time sheriff we have another character in the movie, pervy Peter, Tabitha's dad, who turns out to be a pervert fantasizing on teenie girls. He happens to be played by David Lipper who happens to be the director of this venture.

    The identities of the killers were pretty well kept secrets. The audience was led to believe the killer to be a certain individual which turned out to be wrong. Towards the end while the psychiatrists were talking to each other, pretty early on in the conversation it became apparent who the real mastermind or the inspiration of the killers was.

    Anyway to cut a long story short, I guess it's ok to see this movie once, preferably for free.
  • Loved this movie. Didn't know what to expect as I'm not a huge fan of the slasher genre, but had so much fun watching this. All of the actors are gorgeous, I love the playful interactions amongst friends. Was genuinely surprised at the twist! Camera work and coloring looked great as well. I recommend watching for a date night!!