User Reviews (156)

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  • avatar_z28 September 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Went into this with zero knowledge, popped up on my "because you liked this other show you may like this" list so gave it a go.

    It's a bit silly but enjoyable fun with decent enough characters and story development just on a budget.

    Essentially shady scientists experiment on a group of people to try and help evolution along, because of this they develop "super powers", a sort of mish mash of Agent's of shield, Doom Patrol and X men but played without the comic book style, much more straight laced.

    Although Rhys Nicholas as the genius bad guy scientist is so over the top he's superb, his shock of ginger hair and his perpetual "I want to speak to the manager, I'm so offend" tone totally throws you off kilter as it's so out of step with his bad guy character but works great.

    The effects won't win awards but aren't bad, just comparable to the budget.
  • I will say that I like this show. It's got a decent plot, albeit a little corny. But it's fun. The pacing is good and there are some mildly scary scenes. I don't think the characters are extremely likeable, but that doesn't really bother me. It's your average unethical scientist plot, but there are some decent twists. CGI isn't horrible for the type of budget I'm assuming they had.

    My only real complaint is the screeching sounds that we hear during Tilda's scenes. They're headache inducing and not necessary. I shouldn't get tinnitus from watching a show. That's aside from the opening scene with her mediocre singing, which was also difficult to hear.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okey so I watched the whole thing in one night. So it's not terrible, but damn there are a lot of plot holes here, like come on you can't just make a series that is so fast paced and expect it to get great reviews now can ya?

    Anyways is it worth watching?


    But is it an unforgettable series that I'd watch again after some time?

    Probably not.

    And what the hell is up with the ending man, it was so freaking anti climactic I can't even, plus you can't just make the character be unlikeable just to kill her off and then bring her back to live not explain how tf that even works, Tildas power is supposes to have things to do with hyper sensitivity to sound and vocal cords, not funking immortality, so there is an explanation missing, and why is she so good at her powers then the others? This makes it super unbalanced, plus what the hell Juan, where is the kissing scene all of us were hoping for, hmm.

    Where is that but of romance that was being shown to us at the end? It's gone just like that, like dude that adequate me give a star less.

    Now enought of my rambling, if someone actually reads this review, go watch the series it's pretty chill if you have nothing else to watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Literally this show's first episode gave me a headache. The first 10 minutes specifically with that punk band and all that off key screaming. But after the second episode it became enjoyable enough to binge a couple episodes a day and it seemed to get better in the second half of episodes.

    Tilda who started the season giving me a migraine ended up becoming my favorite character. The actor who played Juan started out with overacting the role but also became a likable character by the end, they both seemed to find their stride.

    The powers of the main 3 were cool but the dr hekyl and hyde Dr and that whole story arc was the weak part of the show for me.
  • I went into this having kinda low expectation, and I was pretty surprised to be honest. I find that the general flaws of teenager shows weren't there or were very mild compared to others.

    The concept is pretty cool but nothing revolutionary. Kids experimented on when they were young, but they now end up with powers, or imperfections.

    The actors are actually pretty good, Morgan Taylor in particular showed a really interesting character and she managed to bring a humorous, senseless, but also emotional character to live beautifully.

    The show has a nice balance between humor, suspense, emotions and action, which is always nice to see, often shows go to far in some directions and they get dull really quickly.

    One other thing that surprised me is the visual effects. They are very well done even tho Netflix as a history a cutting budget for this type of show, and special effects often suffer. That comes at a cost of 'tranformation' scene being often avoided, but I gotta admit, with good camera work and ideas.

    Would personally recommend, I definitively found it better than what other reviewer said, but I definitively see how someone could dislike/get bored watching this series.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found the Imperfects to be a fun show overall. The plot was pretty neat and the show had some moments of great execution. Sometimes funny, sometimes a bit scary and sometimes just good fun. However, (the following may be spoliers?) I thought the motivation or reasoning as to why the genetic treatments were necessary was a bit weak. Perhaps I just missed it but it seemed that the show glossed over what happened to cause AGDS, a fictional genetic disorder, in the human population asides from a brief mention of climate change and the degradation of the human genome. That probably could have been thought out a bit more but it did not slow the show down at all.

    What really brought this show down for me were the main characters, especially Juan and Tilda. The show never definitively defines their age but based on context they all seem to be in their early to mid twenties (a few years of college or more). Given that some of their characterizations were quite jarring. I felt Juan was the weakest link, his interactions are often awkward and stilted and beyond that his angst is constantly over the top, especially in the later episodes. Not enjoyable. Tilda's character has a lot more to like but her dialogue is often pointlessly mean, it contributes nothing to the plot nor does it move the story forward, just doesn't really seem any reason for her dialogue to be that way. There are better ways to show that a character is 'hard', she just seems a bit petty and needlessly aggressive at times. Also the conflict between 'being monsters' or not was handled a bit sloppily, personally I do feel the trope of the 'superhero moral dilemma' has been played out a lot in the last decade, so unless it is done very well it feels a bit trite or boring, which in this case I felt it did.

    Other than that the effects can be a bit campy at times but they do a decent job with what they have. This was a fun show, and despite the problems I was interested enough in the plot to see it through. This review was written after completing the series.
  • This could've been a good show, but it was written for people with the mental capacity of a 5-year-old and cluttered with unrealistic, obnoxious characters. This could be amusing if you're 5 or a bored teen, but this is in no way appropriate for the age range it's seemingly geared for. It's poorly put together. The scripting is cliché and really ridiculous. I don't think anyone consulted with actual scientists before writing this nonsense, but it wouldn't matter because it's just a pile of irritating characters acting stupidly in poorly laid out situations. No adults are going to watch this and find it remotely good. I suspect the high ratings are from bored teens or maybe the actors themselves. The scientist, Alex has got to be the most obnoxious, unbelievable character on Netflix.

    I thought the trailer made it pretty obvious that it was going to be bad, but unfortunately, I clicked on it anyway. My mistake. The Imperfects is beyond imperfect and a hard pass. Don't waste your time on this garbage.
  • Netflix decided to call this show Umbrella Academy meets the Boys. Luckily I, as a fan of both those shows, didn't learn about that description until I had binged the whole series. It has hardly any resemblance to those shows. And if I had gone into it expecting the same experience, I would have been disappointed. However, that doesn't mean it's a bad show. Lovable characters and an interesting plot make it very enjoyable if you go in with the right expectations. Hope to see a season 2. I saw a bad review ranting about 21 year old scientists being unrealistic. What 21 year olds they could possibly be talking about, I have no idea. Also if a person in their early twenties working in a lab is weird to you then please don't go to any universities. You will freak the F out. In summary: Wrong expectations set. Very good show. Dumb reviewers.
  • The series lacks a strong storyline and some bases through the episodes .

    There's some situations and / or events that deserve and should be addressed but they decided to make it in a fast path and , sometimes, it creates too many story holes .

    Too many situations happening and not a big interest in carry one from beginning to end .

    Regarding the acting: The actors are mainly good , but some struggle to act ... you have some delivering really good characters and others that are school-level actors .

    This is just one more series that is simply created to exist and not impress . Netflix is trying to sell quantity and not quality .

    See it for fun, don't expect to be overwhelmed .

    But enjoy the ride , it has its moments.
  • How people are rating this a 9 and above is beyond me. The show suffers from poor pacing, poor script, mediocre acting, overexaggerated, unlikeable and bland characters and a whole bunch of scientific pseudobabble packed in an already (I reiterate) lame script - all for the sake of coming across as edgy, angsty and funny to target young adults. Here's just one of the multitude of issues - Reputable published 18-21 year old geneticists seem to be everywhere according to this show. At least try to root it in some form of reality (yes I understand its fiction but come on, at least try to sell it). There was definitely a concept for the show in there somewhere. Unfortunately the producers never tapped into it. Watch the misfits. Same concept just better. Netflix really either underestimates its audiences or intentionally insults them. Or maybe it's because netflix really believes its target to be 12 and figured who they're too stupid too care. I tried giving this show a chance, god knows i did. Particularly being an avid watcher of most things supernatural/sci-fi and fantasy it just had to be done. But this was shameless. Anybody considering this a quality show shouldn't have an opinion as you are part of the problem. The same ones who have enabled companies, streaming services and producers to get away with producing trash for the sake of a cheap cash grab. Welcome to the age of Kardashians.
  • Unlike the 1-star reviews, I've actually watched the damn show instead of giving up after the first 5 minutes. No, this isn't another Resident Evil - it's not nearly as bad. In fact, I personally find it to be pretty fun, and a large improvement over most other modern Netflix Cash-grabs.

    The actors are all great, dialogue is fairly snappy (some rare lines are awkwardly written, but the delivery is still good). While the CGI isn't great, it's still decent for a modern 6-hour long Netflix series with a limited budget.

    I'm kind of a sucker for the technical side of shows and movies, and thankfully I've found myself to be very satisfied with the cinematography - the camerawork, lighting, and mood is all great and elevates the experience of watching greatly. Also, the editing is good too.

    Comedy is subjective, and personally I found the comedy in this show to be pretty good - it's pretty dry and witty, so it won't be for everyone. The scenes in episode 3 regarding Juan's girlfriend's fetish got a good laugh out of me though, and there's been many other funny moments too.

    Overall, it's a fun, interesting, well-made series, and deserves far higher ratings - i mean really, guys, 1 star? You found nothing good about this show? There's plenty to love about it, and I wish Netflix doesn't brush it under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist (they've already done it a disservice by barely marketing it).
  • derkrys16 September 2022
    We did not went into this with high expectations. We wanted some easy, mindless fun and monster action. And for the first half of the season, it totally delivered. Unfortunately the second half drags. The over all storyline seems lost and the characters either revolve round themselves or change their direction every 5 Minutes.

    Is it a must-watch? Maybe not. But there definitely is some good potential.

    The characters are quite likeable, the action is nice, some lighthearted humor. The CGI is not stellar, but good enough. I would watch a second season. But please work on the writing/storytelling!
  • Wife and I tried watching this show, and couldn't stop dreading it the entire time but her and I were trying to give it a chance. I understand it's a sci-fi show, but in what world are there 21 year old scientists and doctors? Even fantasy/sci-fi t should at least touch in some of the realistic aspects of the world outside of the fantasy aspect. This show seemed desperately put together, the boy that transforms into that awfully designed creature even wakes up with his shirt on and in tack...That alone says a lot for how much thought and effort was put into this. I don't even want to know how much time they spent looking for decent actors and actresses because they couldn't even score that. Don't recommend. Don't waste your time.
  • After reading some reviews here, I started my watch expecting the series to be not that good and not taking it seriously. With this attitude, and skipping some parts if the first episode, the first six episodes were actually fun to me. I give them a rating of a solid 8/10.

    What makes those episodes good? Mostly because the story seems light hearted and genuine.

    Some more details what I like about those episodes:
    • Because it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously it can be funny on occassion.

    • The acting can be fun to watch, maybe because the actors seem to be enjoying their role or maybe because the acting is a good.

    • There are some likeble characters

    Episodes 7-10 are not worth watching, because the story and characters stop making sense. Maybe I would give them a rating of 5/10.

    I would say you can stop watching at the end of episode 6 and feel okay doing so.

    To give you an impression of my taste, these are some series I have rated highly in the past: 'The Sandman', 'Violet Evergarden', 'Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song ', 'Great Pretender', 'Messiah', 'The OA', 'Sense8', 'Beastars', 'Dark', and the movies 'Interstellar' and 'Arrival'.
  • It's campy with some angst. A bit more drama with relatable human reactions since they never wanted to be monsters but it's not heavy psychological terror nor "edgy emo"... They don't really dwell on that. Kept things fairly light hearted. It has kind of a dry-wit humor if you're into that. Colorful and not gray/drab which is always a plus! The overall vibe is very...modern grunge?

    Not a masterpiece nor the best...some questionable acting in some parts, wonky cgi, some inconsistencies...not really the biggest budget... but I liked it and found the main characters and their dynamic with each other fun and the story progression interesting. I love their banters with one another. I think they all have good chemistry even with the side characters.

    My favorite is Dr Sarkov, he is not what you'd think he is, based on what he was presented in the trailer. He is better. Tilda is my 2nd favorite. Love her emotional range throughout the show. I didn't find any other characters hateful but I can understand those who might not like some of the characters like typical the "Ms goody two shoes" personality.

    Story lore wise there's not a lot of depth or like a dozen potentials to explore since it's fairly straight forward... just people who became monstrous without their consent and now they want to undo it. It's not like other monster shows that have world building done on the monsters themselves. The monsters here are mere side effects. The plot twist isn't something that surprising but it did make me want to have a season 2.

    I'd recommend this for those looking for chill night of a non heavy hearted sci-fi fantasy with action and drama and some comedy sprinkled in. It's not revolutionary or anything but the character driven focus and their relationship dynamic I think makes up for it. If you're into shows like Teen Wolf or Mutants or might like it?

    Warning: Fair amount of blood in this show.
  • This show was so funny and witty compared to other misfit/superhero shows and it was also pretty smart writing as well. None of the filler overly dramatic conflict you see in other shows, just actual conflict coming from the actual premise and plot of the story. The acting was good and the characters were smart, it was slightly campy but that just means it didn't take itself too seriously and makes it perfect for a cult classic. There really should be a second season, these character were very lovable.

    Not sure why this show was cancelled, perhaps it was the ratings or just a victim of Netflix's downsizing efforts, in which case I could think of a few dozen other shows that really should be gone.
  • MissyTheCat4 February 2024
    Wow this is bad. I tried, really tried to give it a go, but it is so flat, shallow and poorly written and then over directed and edited. It tries to be cool, stylish and clever but the creators don't seem to understand how to do any of those things. Instead they are just copying what others have done, without understanding why others did it they way they did.

    The story, as far as I got, is of three people in their early 20s (?) who all were given an experimental medication and when they run out of their 'pills' they each find they have a condition that develops. Somewhat like super powers, but with downsides. They try to get more pills, but the 'doctor' who's been giving them to them disappears.

    In their quest to find out where he is, who he is and what happen they meet each other and another doctor to try and solve their collective and individual issues.

    The story has hug holes. Why did their parents allow this to happen? Why didn't they go to a regular hospital when this happen, or call their parents who allowed them start on this medication? Why is no one else at the clinic like assistants, nurses, receptionist, other patients? Doesn't that seem odd? It's so contrived it is drives you nuts. You can't help but ask these questions because the show isn't engrossing enough to keep your mind from wandering off and thinking of these things.

    Time seems to hop around as well as the characters jump around without any means of how or when they moved to a new location, only to reappear back together again, through, I guess ESP and magic as no one has a car or takes an Uber. They seem to have cell phones, but these are more props for emotion content creation than adding any logic to the program.

    The directing is a mishmash of fractured shots cobbled together in an effort to create something...I'm not sure what. But it doesn't put us in the shoes of the characters or their conditions. It just leaves you wondering what is going on.

    The writing sucks and is full of stilted scene clumsily made to pass off needed information or attempts at character building. The emotional depth of the writing and characters is that of puddle.

    Perhaps I'm not the audience for this program, but if you want something edgy, dark and humorous and about people in this age group, watch Wednesday instead. It is so much better made.
  • Don't really get where are the hate is coming from, I found this show totally binge worthy! The music is on point, the powers are great fun and the acting is totally fine for the type of series this is aiming to be... Something that doesn't take itself too seriously and has lots of plot twists, like a Clue game but with superpowered people and mad science.

    What really won me over about this show was the quirky and entertaining characters, good effects and light-but-hooking plots of fringe science.

    I mean, Tilda is an amazing character, her dry wit really hooked me from the get go, while Juan and Abbi provided a sweeter and much needed counterpoint for her dark-ish personality. Plus, all the mad scientists doing this and that weird science around them, one step away from wreaking havoc was super fun. Yes, they are not the brightest peas in the pods sometimes, but I guess that is just part of the fun. Like how on Misfits most problems came from the characters itself.

    I also really enjoyed a diverse cast done right, with no overall political or woke agenda. Just great characters done right, with diverse upbringings and cultural backgrounds that were intrinsically important to each character. I think anyone that likes mutants (like X-men, the Gifted, Alphas, etc.) will enjoy this show. Can't wait for a second season!
  • The whole series felt like a mashup between Misfits and The Boys, with less fun and more science : some young adults are involved into a genetic experience giving them various powers (thus various responsibility).

    There is the crazy/alcoholic/extrovert/punk one, the lone/introvert one, and the brilliant/smart one. They unite with a scientist to find answers and to confront a seemingly crazy selfish scientist.

    At first glance (the 3 first episodes) the rythm is slow, the story takes some time to unfold, and the characters are not very endearing and seem to be the usual cliché, mainly due to the acting and the writing.

    Nevertheless the acting and writing evolve and the characters are much more complex than was it seemed to be. The "evil people" are not fully evil, and we get attached to the tempers and spirits of all the characters (with a special mention for Tilda and her sharp and dark humor).

    Overall the series is entertaining, with some awkward moments, but showing a good effort in the combination of action, humor and rigorous science (seemingly).

    Last but not least, as a Netflix series, expect the usual wokeness, so if you're not into it or at least indifferent about it you should watch another show.
  • My lord. I gave it an honest shot- 3 episodes. It was pure torture getting through them. A bunch of random (diverse) people with far-fetched "powers" that make no sense whatsoever. There's no consistency with their powers- it's like they asked a 7 yo what powers they should give each character. Netflix continues its downward spiral of horrible content. There's no plot. The writing is so novice- so boring. You need more than gore and curse words to make a story- the story went nowhere after 3 episodes. The acting is college level, the effects are high-school level. 3 episodes watching them look for a doctor so they can get pills- no ones cares... too bad, it really could've been something good but the writing is just miserable. I bailed.
  • gageboss8 September 2022
    I thought for a series that only had 10 episodes it was a really fun entertaining story. I love all three of the main characters as the complement each other perfectly. I really loved this show and the ending, I hope that gets at least a second season. The characters are very easy to get connected to and to relate to in a way. I love the casting they picked for this show and the actors did a great job. It never got boring and always had you waiting to see what happens next! I highly recommend this show to anyone thinking about watching it! Go watch the show and I think you will love it. I hope just hope Netflix doesn't cancel this amazing show.
  • Abbi Singh is a science student obsessed with attending Oxford. Juan Ruiz is a comic book artist. Tilda Webber is the lead singer of a punk band. The three of them suddenly find themselves with superpowers which complicate their lives. Abbi's pheromones are uncontrollably influencing other people. Juan turns into a Chupacabra. Tilda is pained by certain sounds. They get help from Dr. Sydney Burke who worked on the project with Dr. Sarkov. Flux is a secret government agency which battles rogue scientists and their monstrous creations.

    This Netflix show is trying to be an alternative superhero show. I don't think that it has any source material. For that alone, I am willing to give this show some credit for trying to create something new. It's not that original, but at least, they aren't digging through the vaults looking for IP. They do dig through legends to find mythical monsters. I do like the three young characters. They have a good mixture of personalities. It takes a few episodes to build up some chemistry. The show is a bit stationary and slow. It's a lesser Netflix show and gets canceled after only one season. It's fine, but I don't need more of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show kind of ambles along at walking pace. Some likeable characters and some that are just annoying. Special effects are passable but that's ok. The plot is reasonably ok with some logic holes. Some parts could have benefited from being fleshed out more. The secret semi government agency doesn't really make much sense for some reason.

    My biggest gripe is the use of a high pitched ringing to let the audience know that Tilda is using her powers. It's happens frequently and is hugely invasive for anyone dealing with tinnitus. I found myself blocking my ears whenever she used her powers which isn't much fun.

    Other than that, it's worth a look to pass the time.
  • For some reason they dubbed in ALL of the dialogue in post. I mean, they're obviously all good actors and are speaking English, but the ADR quality is so bad and out of sync that it's a constant distraction and robs the actors' performances of spontaneity and context. This makes one-liners fall flat and any snark or emotion seem contrived. Honestly, the sound is on par with a 70's era German porn film.

    Again, the cast is solid; it's a shame about their voices. The story is a fresh spin on a well-worn premise. The director or cinematographer obviously binged all of "Mr. Robot" right before showing up to work, but it looks good.
  • If you like character chemistry, good pacing, lighthearted dry humor, and talented actors, all while delivering dark and well written plot developments, this is an original to see. It is it's own show, and compared to shows that have a team of writers on hamster wheels butchering a good show with no source material to steer them, this is well written and engaging on its own even without source, which is rare.

    Even if you're not into the themes of sci-fi, thriller, horror, action, it touches on each without overdoing any specific theme. I'm writing this review and I don't even write reviews, because the 1babies need to come off it already. I want to support this show for giving me an entertaining binge to add to my lexicon.

    Yes there are shows out there that push a certain group or demographic that is not white/male/straight/lead and even insults you by writing badly on top of it. This show is not one of them. Any time you see the word 'Agenda' , 'Hollywood', '90s etc was better' in a 1 star review, it's a 1baby that's rating bashing that watched for 10 minutes enough to feed their confirmation bias. Ignore the negative reviews and see for your yourself.
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