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  • godistheguy15 June 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The main actor is actually pretty good but this unfortunately is just the usual found footage by the book stuff.

    Its a shame as they made a face book page and that's a good idea but the film has two issues.

    1) you don't see anything...only green glimpse of the thing at all...

    2) It ends like all these films....running though the wood. Shaky cam shaky cam. More cam....shake...then actor pulled offscreen.....

    potential but I would say give a huge miss....
  • Apart from wasting 70% of the film on guys chatting in the woods, the film was starting to go somewhere until the last 15 min. Even with no budget, they could have done so much more to make it effective. Plus they tried very hard not to be able to show what was stalking them when basically everyone has a camera. The worst of the amateur hour filmmaking was the finale scene sequence. Made no sense and was completely stupid.
  • jcallender12130 June 2021
    When are they going to stop making this chuffing film. This lot didn't even try, they just filmed themselves camping beside Loch Ness, talking about Paranormal Portals that spit out werewolves ghosts and aliens, wandering around with a Poundland EMF meter and eventually, seemingly days after I started watching they get banjoed one at a time by McBigfoot, until the nerve shredding finale where the last remaining "foodbag" gets dragged off camera into the now mandatory 'Sierra Sounds' soundtrack. Setting this in Scotland removes all the mysticism surrounding Bigfoot, giving him ginger hair and a kilt is right up there with fitting a sunroof to a submarine. Can't wait for the sequal, where our shower of neckrests go in search of The Giant Ice Beaver of The Sahara. Absolute mince.
  • I have to admit that I was initially lured in by this movie's cover, as it had that mid-1980s horror movie thing going on. Sure, I hadn't even heard about "There's Something in the Shadows" when I sat down to watch it.

    And had I known that this was a found footage movie, then I wouldn't even have given it the time of day. But as I started to watch the movie, I actually stuck with it to the end, as I wanted to see the creature or creatures in the forest.

    But guess what? You don't even get a glimpse of it, so I want to thank writer and director John Williams for wasting my time on every level.

    Not only was this movie one of those lousy found footage movies, and I loathe those movies with a vengeance. Especially when the camera is shoddy and all over the place. And boy, was it all over the place and out out focus often in this movie. But even worse is when a found footage movie offers nothing entertaining, enjoyable and watchable.

    And John Williams's "There's Something in the Shadows" was one such movie. So do yourself a favor and skip on this atrocious hideous heap of dung that portrays itself as a movie. "There's Something in the Shadows" is seriously one of the worst movies that I have ever stumbled upon.

    The acting in the movie, if you can call it that, was dubious and questionable. So not even the actors in the movie could manage to do much of anything to even just lift the movie a bit.

    The total lack of granting the audience a view of whatever it was supposed to be out there in the woods was just simply making a fool of the people that sit down to watch this garbage.

    "There's Something in the Shadows" is what happens when you have a bunch of guys get together one evening for drinking alcohol, and one of them pitches a ludicrous idea for a movie born out of drunken stupor. And the next day the guys are in the woods with their Go-Pro cameras and handheld DV cameras shooting a movie, without the sense of a proper script, characters, dialogue or direction of where to take the movie.

    My rating of "There's Something in the Shadows" lands on a one out of ten stars, as I can't rate it lower. This is seriously among the top three of worst movies I have ever stumbled upon.
  • When you have no story, no plot and no idea where a movie is going I guess this what you get. At least we got to see some guys camping. This movie has completely nothing, bigboot, really? Grasping for straws.
  • richkiel31 July 2023
    No more found footage. No more idiots wandering the woods. No more lousy actors improvising conversation. No more films made with zero budget. No more films with monsters you don't even see because they couldn't afford even a cheap Halloween costume.

    Just stop.

    This film brings absolutely nothing new to the table. It feels incredibly cheap and amateurish throughout. It's people in the woods and they hear things in the night. They film the darkness over and over again. Some of them start missing. They bicker. And then it's over.

    If you want to make a Blair Witch clone, you better come up with a new twist or some way to make people want to suspend disbelief. There was never a moment when I wanted to imagine this was happening for real. I was watching idiots improvise a movie.
  • helen-lees3 June 2021
    I'm a massive fan of the found footage genre and this did not disappoint. Scary , unnerving and edge if your seat stuff ! Thoroughly enjoyed it .
  • The scene where the guy who shouts "I've found the biscuits" is brushing his teeth for what feels like forever is, intentionally or not, a great comedic moment.