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  • Interesting Japanese adaption of A "Little Princess" with my favorite Japanese actress, Shida Mirai.

    HOWEVER, the basic premise that the story leans on, the fact that in Victorian/Edwardian England (and elsewhere) children that were very poor, or orphans had to fend for themselves, many living on the streets.

    This is important in order to explain why Sarah/Seira is bound as an indentured servant, and why the children living on the streets that she gives one of her buns to are in real need of a handout. However, the real problem in thus adaption is the updating to modern times.

    There is no way today in Japan or in England or the US that a child would be treated this way (at least legally) Protective services would at least provide food and shelter to any orphaned child, so this fact is glossed over in the Japanese version, and makes it not as believable.

    That said, if you can overlook some of the plot holes, it is a large production drama with great acting.

    The only version of "A Little Princess" that beats it is the BBC 1986 3 part TV drama staring Amelia Shankley (Alice in "DREAMCHILD" 1985) and is the definitive version.
  • martin-fennell15 October 2017
    Fine adaption of A little Princess with an excellent cast, and a wonderful double act between Kanako Higuchi (who ìs brilliant as the hateful school president), and Yuki Saito. I still don't get why the president treated Seira so badly though. Obviously she resented her mother, but I don't get why. Well, no I think I get, why, but using it as a justification for the way she treated Seira seemed rather weak.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can't believe no one has reviewed Shokojo Seira which is the Japanese version of "A Little Princess " this is a well produced movie that takes the classic book and puts a modern spin on it while never straying too far from the book ,even where they changed it up a bit like where they had a boy servant instead of a girl to play the part of Becky they managed to make it make sense they also managed to add Lottie renamed Rommi and it was very impressive because in this version it was a lady's college which I guess is equivalent to a High school .Yes the movie is in Japanese but there are subtitles in both Chinese and English

    All in all excellent movie