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  • James_TheMan23 August 2021
    I'm familiar with the details of many of these cases and the designers and CGI artists have pretty much ignored witness descriptions of craft and their actions and taken too much artistic license. They've done a Star Wars job on the look of everything, and added in alien closeups when most of the time the witnesses didn't see what they looked like.

    The Reverend Gill section for example. The Reverend and co saw 'figures' from a distance, not cloaked blond Caucasian dudes like it the so-called reenactment. Disappointing, especially when they had the money to get things right.
  • Do I believe in the existence of extra terrestrials? Yes. Do I think that this documentary reinforces those beliefs? Not so much. Honestly the cheap CGI they tried to hide the cheapness of with blurs & shakes detracts a lot from the interviews.
  • The interviews with distracting scenes. It could be more interesting if they didn't touch the interviews and I would rate it higher for sure. Interviews were interesting.

    CGI that replaces every interview is distracting and it devalues it. The last story seems fake by the way. Emiry Smith is also not credible guy. Some stories are inspired by the true events (two ladies hit by radioactivity on the road). Viewer needs to make his own conclusion.

    Overall I had fun streaming it. One needs to access this as fun show not as a document.
  • verbal_66621 August 2021
    Always interesting documentaries about UFOs. But this product, in my opinion, has been "loaded" with too much unnecessary, misleading, and patently mystifying CGI. At least insert notes of "reconstructed images". I still have to finish all the episodes, almost all the "news" have more or less already been documented in many other documentaries, and better, and at the dawn of 2021 it could certainly have been better edited. Repertoire images, repertory documents, could honestly be better described and introduced. Documentaries on UFOs have always been very complex to shoot, edit and propose to the public, because, in addition to the tons of "opposition" they encounter, they have to sort out the many mythomaniacs, without trying at all costs to sell them as "real witnesses". In short, enough, for now, but nothing exceptional.
  • ScroatMcGoat5 August 2021
    Think Ancient Aliens with a bigger budget. Insulting to the viewers intelligence, poorly edited and a big ole pile of BS.
  • slayetville4 August 2021
    The voice over doesnt match the animation depicting incidents.
  • I was excited to see two upcoming UFO documentaries arriving in August 2021, one on Showtime notably produced by J. J. Abrams and then "Top Secret UFO Projects..." on Netflix. With all the recent revelations on the topic of UFOs I felt a fresh new Netflix documentary would delve into the latest evidence and offer some new insight as well as a better production value than the options that are mostly available these days. Well I desperately sat through all 6 episodes of this once anticipated show filled with utter disappointment and at times astonishment. While the show features some credible talking heads on the subject like Nick Pope, George Knapp and Richard Dolan they interlace their brief statements with crude CGI re-enactments straight out of an early 90s after hours sci-fi show along with vague conjecture from more relatively unknown talking heads and then occasionally throw in totally unbelievable stories told by utter charlatans like Emery Smith that basically discredit anything of substance already covered. The topics are all over the place and are either a rehashing of the recent pentagon leaks, are old stories heard many times over or follow completely insane fantasy stories by proven conmen. By the last episode I concluded this documentary show to be a total waste of time. Sadly being desperate for anything new on the subject I watched the entire thing. I found it funny they frequently showed clips of an interview with Jeremy Corbell but dedicated nearly an entire episode to Emery Smith, whom Corbell said in a 2018 tweet to be a total fraud. And he is, his stories are so outlandish it's astonishing any production would give him the time of day. Not sure what went wrong here, or who raided the mushroom stash but I will be holding out for the Showtime series backed by J. J. Abrams.
  • greghill19 August 2021
    Still pushes the old we've got to be scared of UFO's line that has been prevalent forever.
  • Honestly, the only positive to this docuseries was the narrator's voice. The substance was lacking and cgi cheap. The guests seem a little strange. There is no real footage. They said the lady went to Peru and captured footage of the ufo taking water from the lake and they never showed it! I can't even write a clear critique because it was so scattered.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Strong 'History Channel' vibes and flamboyant editing made interesting, engaging, and informative viewing of the Netflix "Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified" documentary. All in all, the series took declassified and established footage and resources from various media and collated them together into a 6-episode (45-or-so minutes each) show that revealed nothing concrete about the topic at hand but was highly informative regardless.

    The docu-special is a mere trip down education lane, not some grand Washington-Post-level investigative-journo revolution. It is a simple collation of well-delivered facts. With that in mind, the "Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified" docu-series on Netflix was more than an interesting watch. It even contained more details than the J. J. Abrams's exec-produced "UFO" mini series that also released in 2021. I believe this show's title might have been a tad misleading, because 'declassified' does not necessarily mean 'definitive'. Unlike Abrams's "UFO", this one from Netflix went into more detail about UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) on an international level.

    I enjoyed this series. They covered all the facts and evidences, and then some, without resorting to unnecessary conspiracy-mongering. But, to be fair to the documentaries about aliens and UFOs that preceded this one, there was nothing quite new to watch or learn in Netflix's 2021 UFO docu-series. All this information is already out there.

    Any hardcore or keenly interested fan of this topic will be mildly taken in with what Netflix has done with this number. However, anyone new to the subject will find this docu enormously educational and detailed. It is far from groundbreaking, but that's to be expected with a subject like this. Nothing certifiable or declarative is revealed about extraterrestrial lifeforms and/or alien engineering (i.e., UFO technology) in this documentary special, so keep your hopes and expecations moderate before you hit the play button.

    None of this takes away from the series' quality, though. It was well-crafted and ideally collated on several counts. Editing was good. Musical scoring and visual effects were noteworthy. Robert Polo's narration had a nice classic feel to it. The professionals, and others, who gave their two cents on UFO subject matter across all six episodes provided eye-opening (though already available) information. Plenty of crucial connections have been established, leaving viewers with all the data (i.e., search words, phrases, names) they may need to carry out their own research and exploration into these topics.

    "Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified" is worth watching, especially if you are eager to brush up on the topic. I don't quite understand where all the low-ratings are coming from - probably from naysayers, skeptics, and those who have an undying love for intellectual-lethargy that should be made criminal. The series is definitely a notable addition to the UFO genre and topic. Just because Netflix committed to a UFO documentary series does not mean they should have had access to top-secret exposés about aliens and their spaceships - this isn't "Stranger Things", folks.

    This docu-special contains all the details, stories, eyewitness accounts, speculations, instances, and evidence that people have gathered so far regarding UFOs, and they let you decide what to believe, and what to make of it all.

    The Truth is certainly still out there, just not yet in the public domain.
  • UAP's have gained newfound intrigue, so I was excited to see this new documentary on Netflix. It wouldn't be so bad if this documentary provided no new evidence, no new credible interviews, no new insights. This documentary did something worse--it provided sensationalized narrative and focused on the fringe and disputed stories. It meshed verified and credible incidents with fantastical ones. It drew conclusions on shaky assumptions, and pushed those conclusions as fact. It furthers the unfortunate narrative that people who "believe in UFOs" (i.e. Recognize the existence of UAP's) are lunatics. Destigmatization comes from reasonable inquiry and credible sources, of which there is plenty to draw from. This did the opposite.
  • We used to believe the world was flat. Today, the majority of our society understands how untrue that is. The same awareness is growing about our place in the universe, it should be no surprise that we are being monitored. Cheers to this show and the people who persevere in showing us the truth. Thank you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know how many people know this but there's this thing called Fermi paradox according to which it's weird that we haven't yet been contacted by any aliens. According to the paradox the galaxy should be teeming with space ships, yet there's "no proof of them." So yeah, whatever any government tries to tell me, aliens should exist according to science. Basically saying the opposite thing is the fake thing. It is possible that aliens could exist which means that we're not alone in this universe. I don't believe the conspiracy theories but yeah. Basically what I'm saying is that the people having seen alien ships are more likely to be right than the people saying no.

    The CGI is bad for some reason I don't understand. Looks like something from my childhood. Aliens could exist but not necessarily.
  • celt0074 August 2021
    Netflix's attempt to cash in on the ufo phenomenon.

    Rehash of all the stuff already out there . The narrator says things like " could this be ... "

    If your new to ufos this gives you the basic with speculation .

    It has good production values , but cgi is cheap .

    But a food place to start for the beginner.
  • So there is more produced footage than real footage in this... If it had 21.5% real footage in it I would have rated it much higher. But it is much closer to 3% (reference to a claim made in the first episode)

    It is a real shame since I saw something I cant explain in the 1990's. And so far all disclosure and documentaries... instead of reinforcing the idea that I really saw something makes me think I am crazy....

    there are a lot of claims made that make me question stuff... and if they do So there is a claim even so far back in biblical times..... well what they show is a fresco that is quite unique but made in 1350 not when Christ was running around... And while they are art experts that claim it is a symbol for something much more logical it is true that you sort of can see a ufo in this.

    Thing is the representation of this is so one sided that to me it becomes misrepresentation as well...

    The TL4560 or whatever on the side of a craft... well we on earth have the habit on putting letters and numbers on crafts... Knowing there are so many alphabets on earth and that you probably could write numbers using a different toolset. (Just look at Kanji) to me that is one of the examples that is very unlikely.

    So what they really need to make is a netflix show that explains why all the UFO related documentaries about the truth come across like a very badly written X-file episode... Just kidding... What they really need to do is make an open documentary about it. Not biased to one side or the other.... since this is so heavily biased towards the existence.... It stops questioning itself.... and adding a lot of footage that is fabricated is not helping at all.

    There is one more... the creature talked telepathicly and spoke very well English.... It could speak all other languages as well... I am not a native speaker of English but somehow that sentence doesn't sound right to me.. perhaps "he spoke English very well."

    Well how would he know? He could speak all other languages ?? Let me know how he knows that.... And go in detail on that... Because if you can convince me on that well I sort of have to believe... Is there a transcript of the conversation they had... Instead because this is so poorly made and because all the gaps that the makers leave... It does a better job at debunking than the USA government did.
  • My title sums it up.

    Guy from Roswell New Mexico says he came home and there were aliens in his sons bedroom and the show doesn't view the claim with any scrutiny whatsoever and claims it to be the first ever reported incident of alien contact.

    Ok beleive in aliens, but I don't believe everything anyone says, whereas this show does.
  • tbusschers10 August 2021
    'She happened to be filming'...ZERO footage was shown. Instead, animations. More animations, topped off with some additional animations which i saw 20 times earlier. Absolutely horrific storytelling which i think is a shame because there's actually so much evidence to dive into. It's a compilation of sightings without, you know, the actual sightings. A big nope for me...
  • Who wrote all these negative reviews trying to dissuade people from watching this highly informative documentary? Did you even listen to what David Adair was talking about? Keep your narrow-minded heads in the sands you scared little rabbits...Wake up out of the long deep slumber of ignorance. The human race is in for a very rude awakening, soon, very soon.
  • So, this is your usual UFO Doc series alla Ancient Aliens...*cough* drinking game.

    Every time the commentary tone turns negative, or it diverges the interviews to show a clip from the past, etc. The music does this Ferris-wheel-coming-to-a-creepy-stop thing and then resumes when the perceived tone is more positive (like the Aliens!=are real kind of vibe). It really makes me think an A. I. algorithm was used instead of a real flesh & blood composer...also, the mix was way off (admitting I'm only on episode 1 myself) - the voices were almost drowned by the percussive elevator music in the background.

    I'll chalk it up to someone having to edit, produce, create CGI, & master all of this in their mom's basement during the pandemic. It's enjoyable after a few points...err pints (if you're into that kind of game).
  • Lukas03o4 August 2021
    I was hoping for this to be as captivating as Unacknowledged or the Phenomenon. It wasn't. The stories were highly unbelievable nor critically examined. I mean seriously? An UFO with a call sign consisting of an Arabic numerals and Latin alphabaticals. Give me a break.
  • KlaatuHeartsGort10 August 2021
    As soon as I saw Adamski's story get mentioned as anything more than laughable, I turned it off (people living on Venus?! In a 460-°C, 1400-psi atmosphere of CO2 and sulfuric acid? No. Just - no). It's not that I don't believe there there isn't something substantive to the millions of legit UFO sightings out there (yes, millions - Hell, I've seen 'em myself, and I'm a "trained observer" to boot). But this show does nothing to further the understanding of the UFO phenomenon, and in fact helps to discredit legitimate claims made by sincere observers. I wonder if the producer was paid by "interested parties" to make this dreck for the sole purpose of deligitimizing the curiosity of UFO enthusiasts.
  • I can't understand how Netflix even dares to attach its name to this absolute drivel.

    The editing is horrible, visuals look utterly childish, image quality is poor, it lacks coherence and is an insult to one's intellect. The studio that created this has not the slightest idea about who their audience is as evidence from this tepid mix of every possible piece of outlandish imagery or could find and lacking clear format or style.

    I'd much rather watch reruns of 10 year old UFO related shows than this "Netflix Original Series".

    The only thing original about it is the absolute new low it sets for a series covering such a serious subject.

    Who signed off on this?
  • This was eye opening. I am shocked.. this was very well done, yeah sure some of the visuals when telling the stories are cheesy but that's not what's important. They had quality experts and people with encounters speak throughout. They offered a lot of crazy information about the history of UFO/ extraterrestrial research. I didn't know a lot of the stuff in this. Some of the abduction stories i had heard about but they offered a fresh perspective n theories related to them.

    Check it out, you will know in the first episode of you'll like it. It's awesome and well done in my opinion. Kept me engaged the entire time, i watched every episode in one day back to back.
  • If this was 1991 , this might not be to bad. But it's 2021 , your unpacking your old Christmas sweater and pretending it's new. This show makes Ancient Aliens look like a 300 million dollar summer blockbuster movie. Great job Netflix , if your goal was to make this look completely outdated , you've succeeded. Your urgent/scary music was a nice touch if we were telling ghost stories. All I needed was some s'mores. This was just shy of playing a movie and using a video camera recording the tv. We are paying your monthly subscription why again ? If you can't remember watching the show Alf , watch this.
  • At one point, the was overly dramatic music, airplane sound effects and an old broadcast of a radio news show all while the narrator was talking. The first episode was consistently frustrating to watch due to the poor editing. I couldn't watch more than 15 minutes. Dont waste your time.
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