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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film started with some promise, a man alone in the desert with zombies, unfortunately it all quickly spiralled downhill. I am a big fan of the zombie genre, even the rubbish low budget, poor acting kind that seem to be popping up so often, the makers of this film however have blatantly taken advantage of people like me by including the word zombie in the title. I can only assume that the creators added the zombies to this movie to attempt to add a twist to what would otherwise be a pretty awful Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome remake.

    The acting it pretty awful throughout with only a couple of exceptions, the male leads look so much like Kurt Russell and Michael Biehn that I had to check the credits to assure myself that their careers hadn't taken a massive turn for the worse. The female leads are solely there to be eye candy and for some reason to play out some strange princess Leia scene.

    This film steals so many ideas from other superior movies that I actually watched it again and found that in fact almost every scene was a rip off, just with pointless zombies.

    On a technical level the effects were poor, the little cgi used were awful, acting unconvincing, scenarios forced and the eighties music? Where did that come from?

    However... on a positive note, the reason I gave this film 3 stars rather than just the minimum is that I hold onto a slim hope that the writers knew what they were making, a story about a world where the zombies had become so commonplace that people pretty much lived their lives around them and where capitalism had taken over with only the strongest surviving. This would explain how all the characters were impeccably groomed throughout with clean clothing in an apparently dried out wasteland with no electricity? And because sometimes no matter how poor a film is, zombies will improve it.
  • I bought this movie from Amazon. Why? Well because I am huge zombie aficionado and I just have to watch all things zombie, read all things zombie, and play all things zombie. With my zombie-interest, yeah I bump into a lot of dubious stuff, and "Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption" was hardly worth the effort, much less worth the money I paid for it.

    Right from the very beginning when there was a very 1980's computer game-like background story scrolling up on the screen, you just know that you are in for a bad time. And true enough, the movie didn't fail to deliver on that hunch. Just that background story was utter nonsense in itself, and it was hard to buy into the events that apparently had transpired there.

    The acting in the movie was halting and stagnant at best. It wasn't really coming off on the screen like people were having their hearts in the movie. And I can't really say that I remember any of the people in the movie from their performances. I just remember a single face, but that was because I saw him in "From Dusk till Dawn", can't recall his name though.

    As for the zombies in the movie, well don't expect to be blown away by cool make-up or CGI effects. And I especially loved the fight scene at the camp, where the zombie actually lifted its arm and blocked a punch. Are you kidding me? Epic fail...

    "Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption" was a slap in the face for me, and it is a zombie movie that will be bagged and tagged, slapped on the movie shelf and never watched again. It was actually so horrendous that I started zapping chapters to see if it was all equally boring and uninspiring; and it was. So I ended up turning off the movie, and I know I will never pop it back in the DVD player and see how it ended.

    If you are a zombie aficionado like me, stay well clear of this zombie movie, because it is a disappointment. Sure, now I own it, and it is part of my ever-growing (and rotting, no offense) collection of zombie stuff. But the movie will never be more than just a filler on the shelf.
  • I wouldn't put this film in the league of Troma as I'm not sure if its to be taken serious or not, but I did get some enjoyment from what I'll call a C-horror movie. There are subtle (and not so subtle) references to Snake Plisken, Star Wars, From Dusk til Dawn, and other low budget zombie movies throughout ZA:R that I found entertaining. That being said, the acting was pretty awful from the lead female character, and the villain, Rome. Though, I suspect with Rome it was intended to be bad. I can't find any excuses for the lead female, however. She just seemed out of her element here. The fight scenes were playful instead of violent, almost comical if you don't take them too seriously. If you have a few hours to kill and you really enjoy low budget films, you may find this one entertaining. However, if you're looking for high quality then look elsewhere because you won't find any appreciation for this one. I can't say that it was all bad though. I got some laughs from it, and even enjoyed it from time to time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In one scene, you can see a crew member standing in the background. Yes, it really is a crew member, because we backed it up and freeze framed it (there were no zombies in the scene, and it was at night when no one was supposed to be around, plus he's real close to the main actor). That pretty much tells you all you need to know. That and there are lines like "If I want your opinion, I'll rape it out of you." Maybe that was supposed to be so bad, it's good, but it's not. It's just dumb. There is a Snake Plissken character with an eye patch, but that's the sort of thing that is so obvious it belongs in a fan film, and the actor playing him is no Kurt Russell. I hate to put down an indie, but this movie just isn't good, and if you're going to get better, you've got to admit it. I'd really be afraid to watch the first Zombie Apocalypse since the filmmaker intended this to be a redemption for that bad movie. The makeup and effects aren't good either.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie starts and the 80's music and the scrolling prologue had me double checking if I clicked correctly. I did...

    ---------- Plot----------

    Weak, it's sci fi that doesn't draw very well from reality. With the weaponry we have today, we're supposed to believe that world powers are going to go full out nuclear to curb zombies. Now 98% of humans are wiped out with a zombie to human ratio of 10,000:1(yeah) and the planet is mostly irradiated wasteland.

    Zombies are said to be so "pervasive" but I've seen them cause fairly easily avoidable problems maybe three times in the movie otherwise the characters move around with very little caution and not a zombie in sight. The story is shallow and piece meal since it borrows from different(and better) movies (Mad Max, Escape from L.A, Star Wars, you name it!). The actual movie is about some exiled guy who brings trouble on a group of survivors who rescued him from dying in the desert because he is being hunted for some unknown reason by his insane and roided up ex-leader and his "Raider" thugs. That's it!

    ---------- Visuals ----------

    There was no "irradiated wasteland" budget. The sets were very basic with little to no deterioration of structures and just a general lack of practical post apocalyptic disarray. It even carried over into the costume design. It's been twelve years since the human race has all but gone extinct yet pristine clothes(sexy high heel leather boots included), hair products, cosmetics and well groomed facial hair are common sights and apparently there is a never ending supply of bullets and fuel for their spotless late model SUVs and pick up trucks.

    ---------- Sound----------

    Uhhh 80's synth music with punches and kicks using stock "wapshht" sound effects.

    ---------- Characters/Acting ----------

    The main antagonist was painful to watch, throughout the movie he was snarling and growling the cheesiest of lines. Even if most of the actors didn't have extremely limited range there wasn't much to be done with the dialogue anyway.


    This seems to be part of the rash of zombie themed entertainment that got ramped up a few years ago. However, I think in this case, the zombies were an afterthought to cash in on the wave.
  • tommysegoro26 November 2012
    You know, I never realise that a movie can be this bad. I rented this movie through ITunes together with the other "Zombie Apocalypse" titles (there were 3 of them) and I have to say that ALL OF THEM WERE SO AWFUL!

    I hate to say bad things about anything unless it is really-really bad and unfortunately with all the 3 Zombie Apocalypse titles I rented, all of them were awful.

    Sorry, I'm just being honest.

    Story line doesn't make sense and soooo boring... Acting was just so bad especially the fighting scenes....oh man.... CGI effect was probably made by a 10-year-old?

    I'm wandering if they ever re-watch the movie during the making?

    I'm a die hard zombie movie fan but for the past few days my life has just been in total apocalypse by watching these series.

    Oh man............
  • This movie most definitely has entertainment value, but I don't believe it's the type of entertainment they had in mind when they made it. This movie is so atrociously bad, the acting, the script, everything, that you'll be laughing out loud, face palming yourself, and rolling your eyes continuously. I mean, the main villain in this film walked around the entire time with a look on his face like he was enraged, constipated 24/7, and had just drank half a jug of sour milk. That alone was hilarious to watch. The acting was unbelievably wooden, unbelievably unconvincing, and phoned in from 50 miles away. This is one of those rare movies that REALLY IS so bad it's good. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
  • SageAZ3 August 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    I can get over bad plots and acting if the story is good and the environment is well done. The environment is basically the Sonoran Desert and their props are decent but not enough to save the film.

    What put me over the top and made me turn the film off at mid-point was a shotgun blast to the front of a jeep that somehow manages to splatter the blood on the windshield? Nor does it shatter the back windshield. so I guess, shotguns now can do 180s in midair...

    Then the whole movie starts out with the main actor waking up in the desert and for some inexplicable reason doesn't walk towards the mountain in the background but instead walks into the never-ending desert?

    Could have been great. Failed due to lack of effort.
  • Every time I begrudgingly click on a post 1980's zombie picture I somehow convince myself before hand that it will not use the same stupid traits that every other modern zombie film/show uses. Maybe all zombie fans like these traits? I will get to those in a second, first lets look at the general qualities of the film. The acting? Bad. The bad guys act like COBRA from GI Joe and the good guys just as forcefully silly. Bad acting can harm a compelling story, luckily this film doesn't have one. There are times the acting is so hammy you would think you were watching The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The setting is that of a post apocalyptic world taken over by zombies, complete with mad max style outfits. Combined with the acting this only pushes the ridiculousness of the film. The story doesn't really ever present itself or draw you in. If you were to ask me what the story is 30 minutes into the film I would say some guy is captured or rescued by a group of survivors, and there are a bunch of mad Max guys led by a guy who growls everything he says who wants him dead for some reason. Camera work and quality is not bad but nothing terribly attractive or innovative about it. So lets go on with the traits I mentioned earlier, you may call this knit picking but these things get to you when you see it time and time again like I have. Number one and the biggest issue is the screeching zombies. I absolutely hate that. I hate it when zombies make animal growls or screeches because it is really just unpleasant to hear. Why is it that every modern zombie film has to do this? Second is that although every ones clothes are made to look dirty or tattered, the actors and actresses themselves look like they have always just gotten out of a fresh shower and new haircut. Finally is that the zombies themselves just are not presented as a danger in this film. In about any modern zombie film the zombies are just background noise, hardly seen and certainly no threat to the main characters of the film. I only saw about 2 zombies the first 40 minutes of the film. Overall weak quality. It felt like a zombie fan fiction more than a actual film. 2/10 is the best I can offer. It didn't try anything new and was of all around bad quality.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: REDEMPTION is no different to a hundred other zombie flicks made on an indie budget: it's cheap, drawn-out, and extremely fake-looking. The one ace up its sleeve that this film does have is the presence of the great cult star Fred Williamson in a supporting role and unsurprisingly he gives the only decent performance in the whole picture. The rest is a mess of military-themed action with OTT shoot-outs and the like. In the second half a horde of zombies arrive on the scene and chew up the badly-acting cast members.
  • Woodyanders18 December 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    Two radically different groups of people struggle to survive in a harsh world in which zombies outnumber people 10,000 to 1. Rugged Knox (a solid performance by Johnny Gel) escapes from the savage and evil Raiders outfit who are led by the nefarious Rome (an outrageously hammy portrayal by Jerry Lynch). Knox gets left in the desert to survive, but is saved by a benevolent ragtag group led by the macho Moses (the always dependable Fred Williamson in fine hard-nosed form). However, the Raiders soon track Knox down with revenge on their brutish minds. Director Ryan Thompson, who also co-wrote the blah script with John Tillotson, Ryan Lieske, and Matthew O'Day, lets the meandering narrative unfold at a sluggish pace, fails to generate much in the way of either tension or excitement, and doesn't do anything fresh or inspired with the formula premise. Moreover, the zombies aren't in the movie enough and the shoddy CGI effects are a pretty sorry sight to behold. On the plus side, there's a generous sprinkling of gore, the desolate locations are well used, the action scenes are staged with a reasonable amount of aplomb, and the slick cinematography and bouncy pulsating synthesizer score are both up to speed. Moreover, the cast do their best with the insipid material, with especially commendable work by Joseph Scott Anthony as the no-nonsense Roberts, Tommy Beardmore as the amiable Lucas, Alicia Clark as the scrappy Sarah, Tokkyo Faison as jolly sharpshooter Laurence, and Angelique Sky as the fierce Cienfuegos. A passable time-waster.
  • Ryan Thompson's audaciously ambitious, low-budget, high-body-count, 'Zombie Horde' comes flying chaotically at you like a tumultuous typhoon of Rabid, Road-Warrior worshipping rapscallions, and the demonstrative lack of production value is leavened by the explosive excess of elephantine-balled, everything-and -the-kitchen-sink' celluloid chutzpah, and this dearth of originality is luridly compensated with a triumphant proliferation of deliriously cartoonish, brashly pilfered, trope-stealing perfidy! A hyperbolic, high-octane, deadhead-smashing, cheaply distilled cocktail; one part, Enzo G Castellari's barmy B-Movie 'Bronx Warrior', two parts, 'New Barbarians, this vainglorious, Z-Movie brew is shaken to bloody imperfection and served in a lukewarm skull, without an inch of irony! To wit, they even have a swarthy, eye-patch sportin' dude channelling an am-dram Snake Plissken, aye! That director Thompson is endowed with the largess of sack required to so wickedly purloin the likeness of our beloved Plissken is, quite frankly, awesome to behold, along with all the triumphantly plentiful, post-apocalyptic movie miasma, we then enjoy the legendary presence of original 'Vigilante' himself, the Grindhouse grand-master of disaster, Fred Williamson, on fearsome, douche bag-dissin' form as quick-quipping, 'Moses'; the moody, cigar-sucking, gun-blasting', Zombie-zapping patriarch of his rag-tag group of plucky, schlock-movie toe rags!

    If Bruno Mattei's 'Rats Night of Terror' gave birth in a dystopian wasteland, nourishing itself solely on a misbegotten, terminally toxic diet of Troma movies, Linnea Quigley work out videos, and Mad Max masquerading, Italian B-Movie horror hysteria, this grossly mutated progeny, while undeniably butt-ugly, would kick more ass than a red hot Vindaloo enema! Thompson's, 'Zombie Horde' is an undeniably fun ride, but it 'ain't especially smart, but, for me at least, the film's unrepentant boorishness endows it with some additionally disgraceful, B-Movie audacity, so I couldn't help but fall in love with it hook line and stinker! Fair warning, like certain divisive pizza adornments, this overtly salty, lunk-headed, junk food treat might well be too odorously cheese-laden for more refined movie fans; if one's trash-benumbed palate craves the illicit, grindhouse-greasy, gory, gonzo-Gorgonzola savour of synthetic, wholly inorganic fare, dig in, and don't stand on ceremony, dude!!! As this is a hellaciously heroic, mascarpone-laden, zombie apocalypse with an entirely splendid, synth-swollen score, which like some sinuous succubus, wends its wickedly irresistible path, deep into your horror movie-soaked mind! Okay! Okay!!! I get it! I really do, we've been here a hundred times before, so there's nothing new under the dying celluloid sun these days, who cares????!!! Just as that original sin, we all keep on clamouring back hungrily for more of that splattery goodness!
  • Is this really a 7 star movie? Nah... probably not... It is certainly cheesy... but in terms of entertainment / fun value, I actually really enjoyed it...

    IMDB says the budget for this was $56k??? I find that really hard to believe... I mean, it's got Fred Williamson... he's done a TON of movies and TV shows... If the budget really was $56k? This movie deserves like 10+ stars...

    So... what to expect from this sort of Mad Max meets the zombie apocalypse? A whole bunch of cheesy lines and dialogue, but with some actual reasonable acting... Surprisingly decent special effects ( except for a couple CGI explosions, which could have used some help ) Some surprisingly good fight choreography & stunt work Pretty good camera work / lighting / audio A fast paced moving story with a moderate amount of suspense & plenty of action A fair amount of zombie gore as well as a pile of zombies and evil raider people ( another reason, why I'm floored at the low budget... they had a TON of extras in this movie... and quite a few with "o...k..." makeup... )


    One side note... The opening text was hilariously bad... looked like a 1980's computer font intro... and the soundtrack sounded like it was ripped off a 1990's action flick or something... hahaha...


    In any case... I don't believe this movie was meant to be a "serious" zombie flick... I actually thought this movie was a lot of fun to watch... sure, there are a lot better zombie flicks out there... but there are a TON of worse ones too... I'm sticking with 7 star...
  • "Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption" is a forgettable not B-, but Z-Movie. The storyline does not exist, and the plot blends "Mad Max", "Snake Plissken" and "The Walking Dead" with the hot Angelique Sky and Alicia Clark wearing a few clothes. There are worst zombie movies released in the DVD market, but this one worth to take a peek if the viewer does not have nothing to do or pay for the rental. I bought this DVD attracted by the name of the veteran Fred Williamson. My vote is three.

    Title (Brazil): "Dominação Zumbi" ("Zombie Domination")
  • mjchandler539015 January 2019
    One of a number of god awful zombie movies. I made it through to the dude in the warlock outfit. These so called producers, directors and most of all the writers should be banned for such crap
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Technically I don't think there are really any spoilers in here but just in case some of the material is borderline, I marked it.

    I like bad movies. I like good movies. I can be relatively easily entertained as it's easy for me to sink into a story. This movie was (is, since I'm technically still watching it) the most boring zombie movie I've ever seen. I can't imagine it's going to get any better.

    And for a zombie movie there aren't many zombies.... Oh wait, there's some. Ask and you shall receive? Wonder if that's it?

    Definitely lots of overacting. That's OK though. I generally find that amusing. Some of it is older 80s action style acting, all gruff, gravely voiced men, over the top bad guy. It was also full of ridiculously improbable action moments. And still managed to be boring.

    I think the movie and the premise had some potential. I haven't seen any post-apocalyptic zombie movies. (That isn't to say there aren't more; this is just my first) The others have all been more in the moment. As someone who has had many "surviving the zombie apocalypse" discussions I was intrigued by this idea. It definitely did not live up to my expectations.

    I don't know if it was my viewing medium (iPad mini) but some of the scenes looked blurred around the edges which was weird. Some of the effects were cartoonish as well.