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  • The movie delivers what it promises: entertainment. At certain moments it goes well beyond that, bringing up interesting reflections on our relationships with people. The plot is intelligent and the conflicts are well developed. The problem is that it pushes too hard in some very unlikely situations, playing with nonsense in an uncomfortable way (like the gas station scene, for example). Even with suspension of disbelief it's hard to buy what's going on. It's a good movie, I liked it. Great performances in the main role, by Monika Frajczyk, and also some supporting roles. The male protagonist, on the other hand, was a bit too exaggerated and burlesque, in my opinion. It's probably not one of those movies that will make your top 10 ever list, but it's a good option for a Saturday night.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Simple, a bit cliche at times, but was enjoyable and entertaining still.

    The male protagonist had very little personality and I felt no empathy for his situation at all.

    The female protagonist was a bit childish at times, but most of her actions were justified by her situation. She was probably the most likeable and realistic character in the movie. They had zero chemistry together whatsoever.

    My favorite fragment was the married woman and the tailor. I didn't care much about the other stories.

    The ending was weak for my liking, but could have been much worse.

    Overall, this is a good movie for a weekend night if you want something easy to swallow.
  • kosmasp5 January 2023
    .. is more? Sometimes that is true ... this was part of a double feature I did the other day. The other "Christmas" movie was better than this (in my humble opinion as they say), but this was ok I reckon too. Do you like light comedies and movies in general? Maybe you can then give this a try then. As others already said or written: this will not make many (if any) top 10 lists ... not of all time for sure, but probably not even for the year or the season.

    I think I am through with Christmas movies for a while now ... on the other hand, you can watch this all year around too, if you feel like it, so listen to your heart (no pun intended) and watch what makes you happy ... no matter the delivery (and I'll stop here ... punning)
  • skinnerlynne21 December 2022
    This movie only has a few ratings on IMDB and seems to be getting panned. I don't really understand why: It' not pretentious or trying to be anything super special...just a story set in Poland at Christmas.

    I thought it was an good (not extraordinary) movie. So many others seem to have the same plot line and this was quite different. It was easy to watch: a little amusing, a little romantic, a little dark, a little convoluted. And it's Polish! We don't often get to see much of Poland so I found that quite interesting!

    So yea...I'm giving it a higher rating than it probably "critically" deserves, but now others might give it a try!
  • This is really a movie made up of small stories tied together by a delivery truck and deliverywoman. Each one is touched off because of (intentionally and drunkenly) mislabeled packages.

    With that small premise, a number of well-acted, funny (not over the top), and sentimental stories are told. People, places, themes, and emotions that will be familiar to all viewers, but seem a bit exotic due to the Polish setting of the film. It's really a joy to watch - like seeing someone you know someplace completely different. Also, unlike many movies or shows today, it's not possible to predict the outcome of any of the stories and, not sure about you dear viewer, but we enjoy that!

    Not sure if it's one to re-watch but it's certainly worth one view during the Christmas season. You are sure to find some outright laughs and some moments of sentiment and connection to the characters. Great work Polish cinema! Both this and Dawid and the Elves were excellent additions to our Christmas viewing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Love conquers all in this charming, multi threaded tale of misdelivered packages which lead to love. Maria is a single mom dedicated to her child who works as a package delivery person. A childish bit of mischief of a coworker causes all her packages due for delivery on Christmas Eve to be misdirected. The genius in this movie is that each of the misdirected packages has a salutary effect on the recipient, even though unintended. The half dozen or so plot threads are interwoven, so as to deliver to each character, what seems most needed, and most wanted. Maria links each story by virtue of being the deliverer of the misdirected packages. She experiences her own fulfillment in a nicely developed and believable relationship between Maria and Kristof, the Prince Charming who comes into her life, wondering about the package he was going to receive. Kristof ends up appreciating Maria's character and value. In its multigenerational love stories, across social classes this movie recalls "Love, Actually," along with any other number of Cinderella stories. It's charm is in its simplicity, and pace and the positive karma around each of the developing relationships. Recommended.