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  • This is so well done, well researched, and FUNNY! It's fun, camp, and star-studded. They put their sources right in so when you're shocked something is real you can see it really is. Love it.
  • That combo is bound to ruffle a few feathers (as evidenced by the only other posted review as of this moment), but as the intro to the show says "it's comedy" and all the facts are documented. Only the first episode is available as of this writing, and it's campy craziness (based in forgotten truths) is addicting. This is a show to watch at drag brunch. With your nieces and nephews. Bayard Rustin (a mostly neglected figure in the civil rights movement and who is about to get his due in an upcoming bio pic) has back up singers for gods sake. It's adorable and important information. This isn't your History Channel history.
  • Instead it is tacky and another excuse for narcissists to show themselves. The humor is pretty bad.

    LGBT+ deserve better than this. They deserve dignity and respect.
  • Wonderfully entertaining and engaging this campy presentation of history from a Queer perspective should be on everyone's watch list. This will be the newest must watch in the Queer community. Cervini is a Harvard and Cambridge educated historian so the history is spot on. I love it!
  • The Book of Queer was both entertaining and educational. It moved at a nice pace and made excellent use of humor. I especially appreciated the contributions of Dr. Eric Cervini. Worth watching!
  • When people call this kind of show offensive or idiotic, they are clearly demonstrating their own homophobia and lack of understanding of how wonderful diversity in all its forms really is. You don't need to be gay to care about our history, struggles, centuries of prejudice or discriminatory hatred. You just need to be a thoughtful human being. Eric Cervini is brilliant!!!!!!
  • paleoguyz5 June 2022
    Looking at history through the lens of a queer historian and told with campy fun. What's not to love? We've seen the dry, boring history, it's time we had some fun with it! Great job!
  • gkcaverly10 June 2022
    This was super informative, hilarious and touching. Actors were funny, I learned a ton. Sad to think about the reality of queer people in history and how many of their lives were cut short. Shout out to whoever does all those awesome leg kicks in the intro!
  • This show does and excellent job of citing primary documents where available and shows that many people assumed to be straight were anything but. The information is presented in a fact dense but lighthearted manner.

    There were some reviews that complained about singing. But that was a single music video at the end which summed up the episode. Skip that segment t if it bothers you, but don't skip the show.
  • The concept and execution are top notch, and the information further paves a clearer way for queer people telling their own stories. Definitely worth your time!!!!!!
  • This show is a fabulous collection of queer creators coming together to tell authentic stories of the brothers and sisters that came before us. What I wouldn't give to have this show when I was growing up. This program is a safe space for queers of any ages to engage, grow and get excited about where they come from. Couldn't be prouder of this show and the queer kids it's going to educate.
  • Finally a wonderfully refreshing look at history. It is amazing to finally see some representation! The comedy and jokes are funny and topical and the actors bring life to their characters.
  • It's wonderful to see representation I notice bigots are threatened by Queer history- rather learning about others they are need a safe space for their emboldened ignorance

    Thank you for sharing LGBTQ history with humanity- it's time we are visible.
  • Many thanks for creating this body of work. History has always been a favorite of mine and I think we all need more humor in our lives.

    Life is too short so let's explore queer history and have a few laughs along the way!

    Thank you so much for creating this series.
  • I LOVE that the entire cast is queer, making this the largest queer cast in the history of Hollywood! With the help of 18 queer historians they were able to share some of the, less spoken of, queer pieces of our history.

    We so often see actors cast in queer roles when they aren't actually queer. Although I don't necessarily have an issue with this, it's beautiful to see queer people being supported and selected to collaborate on a piece of art that really exposes the fact that queer isn't new.

    Unfortunately people still often discuss queerness like it's a fad or mental illness but our history shows that queerness goes back as far as people do, and that some of our largely respected historical figures were in fact queer too!

    I really believe this show will educate people, open eyes, and fill us in on some of the pieces of history we were never taught about. It's also done in such a fun way that it's impossible not to smile while watching this show.

    Love, love, love it!
  • I jumped into this show by chance on dicovery plus and I didn't expect it to be So funny, well executed, intresting and most of all queer AF. Loved it so far, can't wait to see more. Host's and interviewed's explanations between the scenes make the show even more catchy. Scientific datas report and real quotes really bring it to the next level. It's not so common to see this kind of show. The queer history is the other face of the history we are used to be told in school, it's the one we deserve and most of all is the one that we need. We can expect great episodes from this show for sure.
  • We all hear about LGBTQ people in our shared history, glad to see a show is highlighting LGBT+ contributions to society - and not a footnote that's so often done. Well done!
  • Lots of homophobes or closeted Hoovers on the review boards with this one. Love the word play. Still laughing at the 4 scores joke. Hahah! Clever writers, clever. Enjoy a history lesson and side glossary of education.
  • This show was so informative, hilarious, fast paced, and creative. Grateful to learn so much important history in such a fun way! I loved the costumes and the original music and dancing. Highlighting queer actors really added to it!
  • Moved to tears!!!! Best show! Great dancing! Great high kicks! We need more shows celebrating queer history, I really hope that Book of Queer gets renewed for a second season.
  • Awesome, enjoyable, funny, humorous, lovvvvvvved it! Definitely a keeper for a person whose seen about everything presented in very way. I know from other sources the story lines that have shown and can't wait to see the rest to be shown are hitting the nail on the head. Keep up the great work. Its nice to be educated and entertained in this crampy world full of hate mongers.
  • We've been fed the straight agenda since day one in this world and this is a breath of fresh air. We're here and we're queer; WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN HERE. I couldn't recommend this show more. It's a must see.
  • This show provides a fun, comedic take on queer stories throughout history. Thoughtful and well-researched. A great way to learn the aspects of our history that have been "straighwashed" for too long.
  • I LOVE this series of shows. Dr. Cerci I does a perfect job of teaching this most important part of our histories using a combination, of fun, facts, and music.
  • Wow! If history was like this in school I would have paid more attention! Fun, informative and an absolute delight from start to finish. Some startling historical facts (backed up with solid research and academic integrity) presented with humour and intelligence. I have seen three episodes and can't wait for more.

    The Book of Queer is for everyone, at least everyone who has an interest in history, an open mind and a sense of humour. Sorry, narrow-minded, bigoted homophobes, if you find this show offensive. Please open your eyes and see that the world is a big, beautiful place where everyone deserves respect and the freedom to be themselves. And lighten up and have a laugh, for goodness's sake!

    I am an old hetero granny and I love The Book of Queer. And the gorgeous Miss Vanjie appears in Episode 3, so there's even more reason to watch this wonderful show.

    Kudos to everyone involved. Thank you for all the effort you've put in (not the least of which is getting your PhDs!).

    As of today Book of Queer has a rating of 3.5. I can just imagine all the sorry haters who saw "Queer" in the title, didn't even bother to watch it, and gave it a big ol' 1. What sad little lives those people must live!
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