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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "The Plot to Kill My Mother" sought to depict the realities and the dangers of living in a witness protection program. At age 22, Teresa was the star witness in convicting her husband of various crimes on the rough streets of New Jersey. Lorenzo is sent away to prison, and Teresa is given a new name and a new life in Ohio, where she raises her daughter Elena.

    Fast forward twenty-one years. Teresa is murdered when she takes the risk of returning to New Jersey to visit her ailing mother Sofia in the hospital. Now, twenty-one-year-old Elena gets to know for the first time the true story of her mom and the kind U. S. Marshall Carter, who looked out for her over the years.

    The bonding of the U. S. Marshall and Elena is the heart of the film. Called by another character a "rent-a-cop," Carter cannot persuade the feisty Elena to enter another witness protection program. The quick-thinking Elena has a grandiose scheme to find the killer of her mother on her own, and the U. S. Marshall is always at her side like a little lap dog.

    It stretched credibility that Elena would be placing herself in danger as she takes a job in the mail room of where Lorenzo works, with the goal of discovering evidence that he was involved in her mother's death. Two other interesting characters are Jackie, Teresa's best friend, and young Allie, who works as both a barista in Lorenzo's office and in the hospital where the grandmother is recovering. The U. S. Marshall finds this suspicious, and that is why it is so helpful to Elena to have him tagging along with her investigation.

    While several of the "action" scenes were melodramatic to the near point of comedy, there was a touching scene at the end when the grandmother is getting to know Elena. While the film may have been inspired by true events, a substantial amount of latitude was taken by the filmmakers to "protect the innocent" and fit the story into the Lifetime formula.
  • Apparently based on real events, a young woman discovers after her mother's murder that they were both living under Witness Protection.

    Determined to discover who her mother really was, Elena ignores every piece of advice from her assigned protection officer and places herself in danger every five minutes.

    It never occurs to her that her strong likeness to her mother might arouse suspicion in mother's home town and old associates - because of course nobody has moved away in the intervening 21 years.

    "I know I shouldn't have confronted the man I think murdered my mother but I let my emotions get the better of me" sobs our hapless heroine after another near-death encounter. You'd think her protection officer would roll his eyes by this time but no, he smiles sweetly and tells her not to worry.

    More detail about the original crime which sent Elena and her mother into Witness Protection might have given this story more weight (I know, bit of a stretch!) It would also have widened the focus from Elena to the other characters so she didn't have to carry the whole plot.

    Pelting with rain today so this film passed the time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What got me in was that it was based on a true story. Really? How much basis? 1%?

    This movie failed on every level.

    Aren't you supposed to like the main character, or somehow identify with her?

    If so, that was strike one.

    Then the mother goes off after 21 years to visit her sick mother in hospital.

    Why wouldn't you accept help from your witness protection minders to enter the hospital covertly?

    That's strike two ... but then again, she had to be murdered to set up the movie.

    Then the daughter phones up an old friend of her mother's... and the witness protection guy doesn't check the friend out??? That's strike three. I should have checked the reviews at this point ... but we'd already abandoned another movie that unnecessarily had f words in every sentence. This one gets 1 because at least it didn't do that.

    How did the evil people find where the mother and daughter had been living for 21 years, and hence vandalise their home? I don't recall there being answer to that.

    I've stopped at strike three, but ... one gets struck out at least twice more persisting until the end of the movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The lead actress needs acting lessons. Her whiny/shrieking crying hurts your ears. Her shocked looks remind me of cartoon characters. Don't waste your time it is an awful movie. The writing/plot is unbelievable.

    Starts with a young woman finding out she's pregnant, gets in bed and 30 seconds later the police breakdown the door and arrest her boyfriend. Then she's in a car signing a contract to be in Witness Protection. 1 minute later it's 21 years later and we find the woman packing a bag and telling her 21 year old daughter she's going back home to see her dying mom, who the daughter thought died before she was born. At dinner she said she'll tell her everything when she gets back. Then the mom is outside talking to her handler who tells her not to go, it's not safe. She says she's going and made him promise to take care of her daughter if something happens to her. Surprise she's murdered after leaving the hospital.

    The handler goes to the daughter and tells her that her mom was killed and that she was in witness protection and now she needed to sign a contract to enter. She told him to leave and then she cries (if that's what you want to call it) it instantly irritated me. Of course someone came to break in that night and she told them to leave or she was going to call the police... I mean really and that's supposed to work. They went around the back and tried to break in She had called the handler who tells her to hide and he'd be right there. He scares the person away. He tells her she should leave with him because someone wanted to hurt her now and to enter witness protection. She gets all cocky and said look where that got my mom! The mom left even though she was told not to because it wasn't safe. The program protected her for 21+ years and she acts like she's a tough guy and refuses help and decides she's going to Jersey to meet her grandma, learn about her mom and find her killer. Oh yeah she just calls her moms friend from a number in an old phone book and a news article and tells her who she is and that she's coming to Jersey.

    When a character acts cocky and bratty it ruins the movie for me. I fast forwarded about 15/20 mins because the acting was bad and it was predictable what was going to happen.

    The rest of the movie is her shrieking while crying or being scared, she goes and tells people her name and then gets a job where her "murderer" father owns the company.

    Dumber plots keep happening and the end of movie couldn't come soon enough.

    I won't ruin the ending for anyone I'll just say I was surprised by ending.