User Reviews (250)

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  • This film wasn't terrible. It manages to take a very basic "stuck in a car with a monster outside" plot and inject some character into it. But it was by no means great.

    The acting was solid. There are some emotional scenes that elevated the film.

    The director manages to create some tension and suspense with the atmospheric lighting, camera movements, and shot composition.

    The effects on the monster ranged from pretty okay to sometimes looking slightly silly. It's a practical monster instead of CGI, which is appreciated, but it still looks rubber and fake in certain scenes.

    The final act of the movie was pretty strong.

    The story is very basic. Two people get stranded on a deserted road and a monster from the woods terrorizes them. The film tries to engage the viewer more by making the primary focus of the story about the strained relationship between the mother and daughter and how this terrifying experience brings them together. In some respects this works, but it's not enough to make the story anything more than average at best.

    The dialogue was also very shoddy at points and felt unnatural and forced.

    Overall, this is a pretty average horror movie. Nothing special or memorable but not bad. Don't expect anything great. Expect a flawed film with an unoriginal plot with some good aspects scattered throughout.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie seemed like it was going to be far better than a couple horror stinkers I watched recently, but then it wasn't. It did a nice job of building suspense, with a few startles that made me jump, but ultimately, it made little sense in the end. It was established early-on that the mother was scum and her relationship with her daughter strained, so I'm not sure why we keep seeing flashbacks to just how insufficient her mothering was, though these flashbacks weren't boring at least. But the things that really made little sense to me and ruined the film were as follows:

    • Several people just disappeared without so much as a scream. One would think that being dragged away in the darkness would be cause for at least a mild cry of 'help.'

    • More significantly, it is established that the 'monster' is afraid of light, so the grand plan the mother comes up with is to light a torch, then put it out and let the monster get her while her daughter escapes in the darkness. Here's an idea - light the torch and carry it while you both escape together - or more simply, escape with a flashlight (which also seemed to be enough to deter the monster).

    • And finally, this has to be the most flammable creature that's ever lived, done in by a cigarette lighter and some aerosol spray (that somehow the daughter knows to use to create a flamethrower).
  • They got stuck somewhere between the saint maud symbolic style and "screw it let's just make a monster movie" because I thought for a second they were going to play on the "addiction is a monster" thing but then where would a monster killing a tow truck driver fit in in that so I 86d trying to interpret it in that way and thought to myself "I'll just enjoy a monster movie" and that worked when all else failed so I gave it 6 stars... with that being said dumb decisions are never good... especially when in a life or death situation where you actually have a minute to think about what your going to do instead of just having to do it... but it executed edge of your seat nevertheless.... if you go into watching with more of a monster movie expectation then it's going to suck for you... enjoy yourself watch a horror movie and stop whining...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    *Running over a wolf is apparently sufficient to completely wreck a car and cause severe injuries of the passengers in the car. Given the heavy rain, the limited visibility and the unknown area, the mother should not have been driving too fast anyway, but that may be a topic for another discussion.

    * The car mechanic arriving at the scene in order to tow the car decides to try and fix it as opposed to simply tow it. He apparently enjoys crawling under the car and lying on a cold, dirty and wet road in the middle of the night.

    * The mobile phone is put in a bag and the bag goes into the towing car while the mother daughter duo remains in the wrecked car. Good thinking.

    * The daughter finds the cadaver of the wolf in the woods. The monster appears right behind her but decides that going out of its way to attack her later makes more sense.

    * The monster manages to grab and drag off the car mechanic from under the car without anyone in the car noticing any of it.

    * Even having his arm ripped off by the monster does not elicit as much as a single cry of pain from the car mechanic to alert the mother and daughter to the situation. Talk about being discreet.

    * The monster is not even interested in feeding on its prey. It is only fueled by the need to increase the body count in the movie.

    * The car mechanic crawls back from out of the woods and attempts to climb to the safety of his towing car. The monster appears on the street, but instead of making a beeline for the car mechanic, it goes around the towing car and pulls the car mechanic under it from the other side. Very efficient.

    * The monster kills a wolf and a huge car mechanic but pouncing on the mother only leaves her with a gash.

    * The ambulance arrives at the scene and when one paramedic is flung against the windshield, the other paramedic reacts by kicking out the whole windshield.

    * The monster takes on a speeding ambulance and topples it rather effortlessly, but a wrecked car stranded in the middle of a road obviously poses an insurmountable problem for it.

    * The daughter uses a lighter and some inflammable spray to light up the monster with not more than one single burst of flame Quite a feat considering how the monster is dripping wet from the hard rain.
  • There are a lot of strong opinions on this film in its early reviews. I just want to give a practical commentary on what I see.

    This is a great horror flick with some heavy symbolism. It is a story about a mother and daughter who are terrorized by a monster when their car gets stuck. A lot of dudes (or women haters) seem to hate it (check the low reviews and notice the colorful words they have for women). As a dude myself, I had no problem watching a film from a female perspective. I rather enjoyed it and found it touching at times.

    The characters are both flawed. I related with the daughter at times because I grew up with a flawed father. I acted and reacted a lot of the ways the daughter in the film did too. So from my perspective, there was some heavy realism in the backstory. I found the "boring" moments to be touching.

    The practical effects are superb in my opinion. Some will disagree though.

    Some of the writing is flawed in regards to character choices. I think discourse could answer some of the choices, but my fellow horror film nerds seem to be either accepting or spiteful of cliché character fails in the genre. I could see past them though for quality story though.

    So if you don't get angry being put in a woman's perspective and like horror films, this should be right your alley.
  • Brian Betinos 2008 flick 'The Strangers' was as simple as a film can get, and was well seasoned with some simple character backstory that added to the sense of tragedy and added to the tension of the film. In this film the heavy handed addiction sublot diffuses the tension of the film, and makes it difficult to empathise with the relationship at the core of the film. Its well shot, well acted but I felt myself getting detached from the action early on.
  • The relationship between the mother and her child is the number one priority here. So while this is a horror movie (mostly in the psychological area), it is also a Drama. And some of the best Horror movies (that are not Slashers or particularly explicitly violent) have been Dramas at heart too.

    And while I get that the child may seem annoying to some and some decisions made feel rushed, the casting was good and the script was decent enough giving them all something to play with (no pun intended). The movie is very dark (both in tone and in visual flair) and while it does drift into expected (read cliché territory) and has somewhat of a downfall towards the end (and maybe for some a slow beginning), overall the positive things do win over ...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was really disappointing for me.

    While I did enjoy the first few flashbacks and the general story for about half the film, towards the end it just got annoying and ridiculous.

    Am I really supposed to believe that the girl who was whiny and cowering for the whole movie suddenly grows into some Mary Sue (TM) hero by the end? And killing the monster with fire in the way it happened is just ridiculously unrealistic, even for a movie like this.

    It's a shame. There are some things this movie gets right, I particularly liked the acting on the mothers part, even if some of the dialogue was shoddy. The monster design in general was good too and I always appreciate practical effects over CGI.

    The character of the daughter angered me more and more as the film went on with all her whining and annoying questions, though that is more the fault of the script than the actress, she's actually pretty decent.

    All in all, very disappointing.
  • The Monster (2016) from the same director of The Strangers (2008), my expectations to this film were limited, didn't know what to expect but a scary movie about a monster, fortunately the movie serves way more than this.

    The movie discusses the relationship between mothers and daughters in a very beautiful way and how strong that bond is even at the worst times, then it uses the horror factor as a metaphor to show the real bond between them, and whatever problems happen between them just fade away when they're about to lose each other, So I thought this was smart and very nicely done.

    The acting in this film is probably one of the best I have recently seen, I was very attached to the characters and actually cared for them, as for the horror there are some effective jump scares and the mood is very dark the whole movie, also the atmosphere of this film sucks you even though when there isn't a lot going on-screen.

    In a nutshell, the monster is definitely a great underrated Drama/Horror film that deserves to be watched at least once.
  • eacmacro-0130511 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Excessive flashbacks, too much screaming...the point was received very early on that their relationship was heavily strained (even BEFORE the actual "monster" encounter) and a monster that literally looked like a man in a black trash bag...The total lack of respect for both leads was way over the top.

    SPOILERS:Additionally, please explain how the youngest of the protagonists gets the better of the monster, when several adults lack ANY capacity; and they just seem to passively allow the "monster" to maul, rob, and destroy? How does such a huge, clearly other-worldly creature get dispatched by about 2 minutes of fire and exactly 13 stick floggings, 2 of which were half-hearted?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just watched this and loved it. Another smart addition to the encouragingly robust genre of smart and allegorically innovative horror movies.

    My take? The monster is simply Kathy's addiction, as experienced by daughter Lizzy.

    • it attacks when she's vulnerable

    • it removes people who are there to protect her (Lizzy's father (the actual addiction)/ the tow truck guy and the paramedics (the metaphorical monster))

    • shining a light on it/ acknowledging it weakens it

    • once you've acknowledged it, you're in a better place, but you still have to go through withdrawal and might be too damaged to pull through (Kathy vomiting blood in the woods due to her internal injuries)

    • despite your best intentions, innocents will still suffer because of it. (Lizzy undergoes her mother's "overdose" and death, and then still has to grapple with the monster on her own.)

    • Finally, the ultimate version of "shining a light on something", i.e. setting it on fire, is what allows her to be free, albeit with a forever altered view of her own safety, and the security of the world in general. [ Fun add on-- she had to sacrifice her childhood/ innocence, i.e. her singing teddy bear, in order to finally overcome the monster. ]

    A lot of people are commenting on the weird/ unbelievable choices made by the characters in the third act. If you're looking at it as a straight up horror movie, I could understand that. But seeing it through the lens of the pretty obvious analogy that was being made about addiction, they all felt totally spot on to me.

    Definitely recommend!
  • Kathy (Zoe Kazan) is the alcoholic and smoking addicted mother of the young, but mature teenager Lizzy (Ella Ballentine). They live together since Kathy's husband Roy (Scott Speedman) left her, and she neglects her daughter. Kathy is supposed to drive Lizzy to her father's home in the morning, but she sleeps until late afternoon and they have to travel during a rainy night. While driving through a lonely road through the woods, Kathy hits a wolf that breaks her car, leaving them stranded on the empty road. They call 911 and while waiting for the tow truck and an ambulance, the wolf disappears from the road. When the tow truck arrives, the mechanic Jesse (Aaron Douglas) tells that he needs to fix the axle and an oil leakage to tow her car. While repairing the vehicle, a monster attacks him but neither Kathy nor Lizzy note. When they seek Jesse out, they realize that they are not alone in the spot. Further, Kathy learns that monsters do exist. Will they be rescued on time?

    "The Monster" is an atmospheric, tense and melancholic low-budget horror movie. The dramatic story is supported by top-notch performances of Ella Ballentine and Zoe Kazan and a beautiful and sad cinematography. Scott Speedman participation is limited to a short cameo only to give his name to the credits. The slow-paced plot helps to create the creepy atmosphere and to show the relationship of Kathy and Lizzy. My vote is six.

    Title (Brazil): Not Available
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You really just want to punch these characters in the face more and more as the film progresses. With every new instance of whining, cursing and pointless bickering, you feel the anger and frustration swell inside you. I wanted the monster to eat them and get it over with. I have never seen characters that annoyed me so much and made me hate them. And it took less than 30 minutes for that to happen. It's amazing. Add to that the poorly written dialogue and plot, and you get one difficult movie to endure. Forget the terror coming from the threat the monster poses. The real terror is waiting for the characters' mouths to open, as one anticipates the crap that is about to come out. The characters are so poorly written that they are not even consistent in their annoying behaviour. Oh no. The scared girl who five minutes earlier wouldn't even leave the car suddenly enters the woods for no reason. Then she sees something scary, but still doesn't run back to the car, and instead calls to her mother who (as everyone in the audience knows by now) has no intention of paying attention to her. See, if we know she is not going to answer, but the girl (who, as the first act of the film has established, knows how deranged her mother is better than anyone in the world) acts as though she doesn't, that makes the audience angry and frustrated. Unfortunately, almost every round of dialogue between characters and every action they undertake is at best questionable, if not outright nonsensical. I was screaming by the time the monster made its appearance, but not from terror; I was screaming at the characters, hoping they would die.
  • I respect where Bryan Bertino was trying to go with this film, but he falls short. While he does gets a decent start on character development that mostly works despite some overwrought writing and acting, the static set piece and drawn out end battle bleed away any real tension. Flashbacks are overused and ultimately come too late and the well shot and creepy final locations overstay their welcome. Few films are able to pull off this Babadook-esque having your cake and eating it too morality monster mash, and despite a good college try, the Monster fails along with all the others.
  • geraldohanna12 November 2016
    As children, we often have irrational fears of things we have not being given a proper introduction to - We are told numerous stories, some still ignoring the lingering question we harbor deep within - Our Monsters Real? - Or an allegory of our very existence? This idea is effectively used in recent films such as, 'The Babadook', 'It Follows', 'The Witch' and 'Under the Shadow'. Director Bryan Bertino ('The Strangers') shares a similar notion of this with 'The Monster'.

    Kathy (Zoe Kazan) a divorced alcoholic and inexperienced mother is taking her young and mature of age daughter, Lizzy (Ella Ballentine), to permanently relocate with Lizzy's father. While driving at night through a remote, rain-lashed forest, Kathy crashes into a wolf, which wrecks their car leaving them stranded for help - Waiting for a tow truck and ambulance. From here on, questions are raised - Where did the wolf come from? What was it running from? Where'd it get those deep cuts on its body? Or where did the body disappear too? Strangely these questions are not justifiably asked by Kathy, but by Lizzy.

    The only voice of reason!

    Ella Ballentine is the standout here - reminiscent of a young Reese Witherspoon. Inquisitive, timid, fearful and courageously carrying the weight of 'The Monster', as she has spent much of her youth taking care of herself - and her mother - Through flashbacks provided. One in particular truly showing her acting chops. Zoe Kazan also great as Kathy tries to maintain her sobriety while navigating and understanding the needs of her daughter - Yes an overused device in Hollywood - But effective still none the less.

    Scott Speedman shows us halfway through the movie with little to say or do, perhaps a favor to Bertino, whom he directed in 'The Strangers'.

    Cinematographer Julie Kirkwood offers very little to appreciate here - With Bertino not fully utilizing her until the third act - With a beautiful shot of the enclosed woods. The monster itself plays a minor role - As the full look of it seems rather cheap.

    Overall 'The Monster' may not hold up well with most allegory horror films, but it will stand on its own merit for Ella Ballentine - As she comes face to face with the monster - Or are understanding of what it means to let go and grow up - Afterall monsters are only what we make of them.
  • THE MONSTER starts off with Kathy (Zoe Kazan) and her young daughter, Lizzy (Ella Ballentine) getting ready for a trip. This is complicated by Kathy's alcoholic / drug addicted life, making Lizzy far more responsible than most kids her age. Actually, Lizzy is far more mature than her mother. Their relationship appears to be broken beyond repair.

    Kathy is taking Lizzy to her father's house for a while. Perhaps, for good. Along the way, as night falls, an accident occurs, and they're stranded in a disabled car in the middle of nowhere. As the title implies, things are about to get a whole lot worse! This will certainly be the longest night of Kathy and Lizzy's lives. That is, if they survive it.

    This is a horror / monster movie, set against a backdrop of severe family dysfunction, ultimate sacrifice, and redemption. Great non-CGI creature effects and a solid story make this a worthwhile, low-budget film. Both principal actors were adept at pulling off the mother / daughter dynamic in the midst of sheer terror. Believability in a movie of this sort is a big plus!

    The monster itself is quite imposing, like a huge shadow in a nightmare. A shadow with claws and long teeth...
  • I remember three years ago watching the trailer for this and being a little excited. It looked like an interesting creature feature, something we just don't have enough of these days.

    Telling the story of a mother and daughter who are involved in a car crash in the middle of nowhere. When helps comes they learn that there is something sinister stalking them from the darkness.

    Okay, solid concept what did they do with it? Not much actually, in fact arguably the threat from the beastie isn't even the primary theme of the film. Mother and daughter have issues, they don't get along due to the mothers poor life choices and the constant flashbacks dominate the film.

    I wanted a creature feature not a Lifetime melodrama! Sadly alike said melodramas we have serious character issues, the daughter is frustratingly annoying and the mother is so detestable that all efforts of redemption were lost on me.

    So half the movie isn't even the creature feature, our two characters are really unlikable and the film actually manages to be rather boring despite having a big flesh eating monster in it.

    Speaking of the monster that is one thing I appreciated, it reminded me of the generic beasties we commonly got in the 80's. I liked this, it was old school and very welcome.

    The Monster is not a creature feature and you'll likely be disappointed if that's what you're seeking. It's a mix of that and a very drab melodrama with characters you'll actually want to see get ripped apart by the monster.

    The Good:

    Old school beastie

    Decent setting

    The Bad:

    One protagonist is awful, the other is just plain annoying

    More melodrama than creature feature

    Manages to do most things poorly
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Dogs don't got teeth like this." Lizzy (Ballentine) and her mother Kathy (Kazan) have a strained relationship. After a day of screaming and fighting they are finally on the way back to Lizzy's father's. What starts off as a quiet tension filled drive changes when they accidentally hit a wolf. Things get deadly when they realize they aren't alone, but neither knows what they are dealing with. This is a strange movie. On one hand it's a little like Cujo with a mother and child stuck in a car trying to survive. On the other hand, it's one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. The drama and acting gets you invested in the characters and when they get attacked it means something beyond a cookie cutter monster movie. This is a movie where I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't expect this. The movie is a decent watch and worth your time. Overall, the most depressing horror movie I have ever seen. I wasn't sure whether to be scared or cry. I give this a B-.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Boring, boring, boring!

    1. From the beginning you can see the movie tries very hard for character developing. And what is the best way to do that, by continuously having memories! Half of the movie is memories which adds to the boredom. It kinda gets the job done, but too many flashbacks boomeranged the purpose.

    2. Very low budget. I don't mind for that, but the monster does not look real. Having said that i must admit they did their best for the given budget and the blood/gore was good.

    3. Stupid decisions. Again, for a million time its one of those movies where characters actions make no sense. (SPOILER: Pretty happy the monster killed almost everyone. Idiots! Also, the monster outrun the ambulance, how the heck a little girl will outrun it and survive? Suriously, that is your best plan as a mother?)

    4. They are supposed to be stuck on the main road. OK granted. Why the f*ck are there any other cars passing by? Not even one?

    5. The final blow was just dull, uninspiring and unrealistic.

    Overall the movie tried very hard for character development, but succeeded to bore me with too many flashbacks. It also tried to be "realistic", but the characters are just plain idiots. Do not watch the movie. Want something good and original? "Dont breathe" (2016) is an excellent one. Trust me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie for the most part plays as an average "monster in the woods" horror flick however it is interlaced with flashbacks which give us insight into lives of the mother Kathy and daughter Lizzy.

    From these we see that Kathy and Lizzy have a very strained relationship caused mainly by Kathy's alcohol addiction. She tries to beat her addiction but ultimately fails.

    Seeing these together, it's clear to see that the film uses the monster as a metaphor for Kathy's addiction. This works most of the time but at times it needs the movie to make weird leaps in realism and internal logic.

    Overall it is an enjoyable movie and especially during the flashbacks it shines in it's very human portrayal of addiction. However the horror parts are not really scary, there are tense times but never made me feel unsafe in my chair.
  • owensb-5592911 November 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is seriously horrible, from script to acting, to effects, to story line/plot. Its literally the old Chinese version of Godzilla's offspring, for some reason reeking havoc on a pathetic excuse for a mother and her daughter. Where do these people writing reviews saying sad, emotional horror, when the plot never even is fully played out to even make you sad. Yes an alcoholic, drug addicted mother basically hates the existence of her daughter, suddenly for unknown reasons becomes motherly and protective and "saves her daughter's life". But not just 10 minutes after having made her daughter,by herself, go out in middle of the road, in a tropical storm, in the dead of night, go out to check on a wolf that they had hit with they're car. Oh yes I forgot to mention her daughter is 8 maybe 10 years old. But given the end in which her daughter single handedly knows well enough to grab an aerosol can of antiseptic spray and a lighter to char broil the overgrown lizard, I guess she was perfectly capable. I would like to thank this movie for inspiring me to make this account and write my first review.
  • I recommend it. The whole monster aspect and horror sequences are a little generic - nothing ground breaking- but you get invested in the two leads and the acting is top notch IMO. I cared about their characters which made the movie work. It has some decent jump scares and a nice dark setting. I thought it was well written and works as more than just a horror film. It is a limited theatrical release with a fairly small budget and does a great job creating atmosphere. I know some were disappointed in the moving looking at other reviews but I think maybe they were expecting a more traditional horror movie. I myself found it to be quite tense, if anything from an emotional aspect.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I take this movie for what it is, a low-budget independent 'monster flick'. It's left up to you really to fill in the blank as far as what or who the monsters in the movie are. That being said and with low expectations going in, I enjoyed this movie. While we don't get much of a plot and the monster itself is not explained or developed, I did appreciate the acting by both of the female actors. In fact the acting is what kept this movie going in my opinion. I also liked that the monster is not CGI, which was refreshing. There are some powerful emotional aspects in terms of the flawed relationship between mother and daughter which have been played out, but it is very convincing nonetheless.
  • rehmankhilji5 February 2017
    This was just one horrible movie. With the most funniest monster and the most funniest scary plots. Like just lost what was the director wanting with this movie. And i am overly surprised IMDb is having a rating more then 5 for this. The movie is simply horrible, a bad recipe with bad directed scenes and unwanted too. What was the monster? If it was scared of lights then why not all the time. Which part of US is like so barren and has street lights. The toll truck driver had a light too and whats the idea of cutting his hand first then eating it. And then why eating only them why leaving the others. And get affected when being hit with a torch and the girl in the end becoming all super. Torching up the monster so easily as if it was covered with petrol and the girl coming up with the brilliant idea with finding a place to hide after the stupid mother unnecessarily sacrificing her and the daughter then coming to safe her. If you are reading all this and thinking what kind of crap i am writing then imagine the movie. -100 for me. Wasted my weekend
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie depicts some very serious issues involving child abuse, alcoholism and child neglect.

    These issues in themselves would each make entirely separate movies.

    However, this movie forces itself into painful contortions in an attempt to marry a creature feature together with a weird childhood drama seen from a teenybopper perspective.

    It literally becomes painful to watch.

    This is the first movie that I've ever watched where I've found myself so completely longing for the utter vampiric soul draining tedium to conclude.

    The audience is not given any background on how the generic one dimensional monster that was was seen for a about 2 to 3 minutes during the whole film came into existence.

    It left the audience scratching their heads after no police ever showed up to a car accident while a tow truck operator "worked" under the car for what seemed to be hours.

    I like the whole concept of sublime randomness but for Heaven's sake, at least make an effort to give such unexpected surprise shifts some purpose and even a little poetry.

    This movie seemed like one of the longest movies I've ever watched and left me completely drained.

    Could have been a better movie if it had a theme that made sense and maybe even had a soul. I would have even had a tiny amount of satisfaction had the monster been a metaphor for the family's dysfunction.

    so, at the end of the day, the first grader's painting is hanging on his mother's fridge and the sun is yellow, the grass is green, the sky is blue and the monster is ...yes "The Monster".
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