User Reviews (51)

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  • staceysono11 May 2019
    Movie has an all star cast but wow awkward. It's just bizarre from start to finish..
  • It's a shame when an excellent cast gets together and produce a film outside mainstream "Super Hero" Hollywood. But this is torture in many ways (too much joking about serious drug addicts) to see the inane dialogue spoken by true comic geniuses. I applaud Redbox for trying films such as "Benjamin," and hopefully better exclusives in the future. This one just misses the target completely.
  • Bohosoulsister24 October 2019
    I had high hopes with the cast. Thought maybe all the reviewers were wrong. They weren't. This movie is crap. Boring and slow. I'm sure all the actors are regretting this one.
  • ty_short10 July 2019
    Terrible movie! It's like a middle school class had to make a movie for a project except less funny. Some biggish actors just hanging out on one set making no sense what so ever. Thanks redbox for wasting my money
  • andrewdavenport9930 April 2019
    I wasted 15 minutes of my life on this abortion of a movie. Now I can't even trust my wife any more since she is the one who chose it. Thanks Bob Saget.
  • larrys324 April 2019
    There's a good cast in this Redbox exclusive "comedy" but the movie itself was really awful, in my opinion. It tries to be shocking but all we get is a mean-spirited, crude, and cringe inducing film, as family and friends gather for an intervention for the youngest clan member Benjamin's (Max Burkholder) suspected drug use. Well, I don't have to tell you, things will not go according to plan. The only glimmer of humor came from David Hull as the character Robby.

    Overall, I couldn't wait for this one to be over. I might add it's positive that Redbox is bringing out their own films but future efforts have to be better than this one.
  • I saw this advertised on the redbox. It looked like it would be funny. It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Nothing was funny or even interesting. It was odd and boring. I am not sure what it was supposed to accomplish other than to waste $2.
  • I couldn't even get through half of this movie. The acting is listless, the storyline is going nowhere, the writing is terrible. So many awkward silences and gestures... just atrocious.
  • One of the worst movies I can recall trying to watch. We didnt make it through, we turned it off. There is something wrong with the person who gave it 8 stars and said to disregard all the other reviews. Save your time and money.
  • A huge waste the first few minutes I couldn't get into it. I usually laugh at anything but haven't laughed the first time. Don't waste your time and money.
  • I wouldn't listen too much to the bad reviews on this one. It's hilarious for those that like awkward comedy. Bob Saget does great as the awkward dad dealing with a teen problem, and the rest of the cast definitely helps make it even more funny. I'd definitely give it a shot for $2, especially if you are a fan of the cast!
  • Why are there so many people rating this low? It was a pleasant movie that maybe moved a little slow, but good cast. I have seen a lot worse movies get higher ratings, so I think many of the 1's and 2's that it received are coming from paid robots, not from actual watchers. Dave Foley and Cheri Oteri are absolutely hilarious in this. Save your sub 3 ratings for all the latest Eric Roberts movies, or Hallmark Christmas drivel films and give this at least a 6.
  • adammarcotte12 May 2019
    Make it stop! Absolutely horrible! I blame myself for renting this. Just terrible.
  • Predictable plot, dull acting, shallow characters, and poor attempts to make an audience laugh. If I had to sit through watching 5 minutes of this movie ever again, I'd want to do crack too. Horrible movie. Waste of time, money, and brain cells.
  • I started watching this movie but it moved too slow so I kept skipping forward until the last 10 minutes. I can't believe Netflix made this movie let alone publishing it. HORRIBLE!
  • jaqsn22 October 2019
    It seems to me this group of people are really into trying to entertain each other, so much so that they've completely lost touch with the audience. Is Sagat drunk?
  • The synopsis of this made it look like it could be funny and entertaining but it was just awkward and weird with terrible acting
  • missshellyannmiller29 October 2019
    Just a terrible movie. I never write reviews, but this movie is so bad I took the time to write a review. Absolutely awful!
  • monte-4106314 June 2019
    Bad Writing, Bad Acting, not funny, and not dramatic. Bob Skagets acting was primarily unconvincing, and Rob Cordroy was primarily not funny. You really should be paid to watch this horribly made movie; only problem is it is not bad in a way that at least would make it inane in its awfulness. No wonder redbox offered it as an add on for a dollar cheaper; not worth seeing even if free.
  • KILBOURNE31128 April 2019
    We turned it off. I don't think if WE WERE HIGH, that this movie would have been enjoyable. Use your money on a Slurpee... Redbox owes me a dollar and some change...
  • jgenschorek8 November 2019
    Yes, it's painful, but it's also a critique of how we judge pathology of various forms. It explores how we speak over and ignore people we deem to be suffering instead of communicating with them. It also delves into how we tend to view the problems of others through our own biases. The pain and frustration has been carefully engineered. Underrated film.
  • Though some cast members have been great in other things, they evidently had nothing to work with in this film. Not one funny moment in the whole thing. I usually can find something I like about a movie but couldn't with this one. Dialog dragged and was forced. No new situations to surprise a viewer. Nothing!!
  • Benjamin is a very flawed story but Bob Saget was proud of this movie. An amazing cast of funny characters unite to tell a not-so-funny story. The cast alone should draw an audience for this 83 minute telling of a desperate room of characters. Dealing with drug addiction and the lack of knowledge of it is the premise of this failed attempt to have a discussion. Those hit hard with this personal story may connect with this telling. However, the movie will struggle to find a large enough audience to make this movie a success. Looking at the cast that was assembled to make this movie, you can't help but admit that many were there for the personal connection to the storyline along with the chance to work with a great ensemble group of funny people. A must watch for all Bob Saget fans.
  • cpettaway-3225628 April 2019
    I just had to leave an honest review after seeing an 8 FOR A followers are not misled movie was not worth a dollar to own let alone 2 dollars to rent thanks but no thanks wouldn't even make it on Netflixs.
  • Great actors... Horrible movie. Low budget/ quality. Can i have my money back?
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