User Reviews (118)

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  • Rob133113 August 2023
    Get Shorty was so much better than expected. This show surprised me as much as any show I've ever seen. I just want expecting to like it as much as I did. It's about an enforcer with the mob who goes to Hollywood and becomes a movie producer. He uses his skills as a mob enforcer to get things done in Hollywood. He falls in love with the job and wants to find a way out of the mob. It proves to be a lot more difficult that he anticipates. Chris O'Dowd is absolutely terrific in the lead role. This show really is one of the more underrated shows of the last 10yrs. It has everything you want in a great show...comedy, action, drama, mystery, etc. All 3 seasons are incredible. I can't recommend this show enough! If you haven't seen it do yourself a favor and go watch it as soon as possible.
  • Get Shorty was such an amazing series! It has to be one of the most underrated series I can think of. I literally couldn't stop watching this once I started. I binged the entire series as fast as I could. I didn't think Chris O'Dowd could pull off the tough guy but he is excellent in this. This was one of Epix first original shows and was on when Epix was first starting off as a network so not many people knew about it. Because of that this show wasn't promoted the way it should've been, if this would've been on a bigger network or streaming service this show would've been huge and even award winning. I'm glad we still got three great seasons though. I can't recommend this show enough!
  • maurs-1085429 July 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Such a great show and just gets better each series. Just saw there is a fourth series coming November 2022. Yeah. Love Chris O'Dowd as the lead Miles Daly. All characters are brilliant. I think the best series I've seen (in this genre) since Breaking Bad. Loved the humour in series 2 when Miles is in prison. Amara is great along with Ricky (Ray Romano). Such an unlikely pairing and so funny. There are laugh out loud moments. I felt at the finish of the third series the storylines were wrapped up but glad they are following with a fourth series. Obviously the producers/director/writers thought the story could continue. Go Hollywood. Well done everyone.
  • Get Shorty is a brilliant show. The characters are very well written, and this is supported by the fantastic cast. Chris O'Dowd does a great job of conveying a man willing to change but getting continuously dragged back into a life of crime. The show crafts fascinating characters who all have their own interesting backstories and quirks. A character that particularly interests me is Amara De Escalones: a female crime boss that is masterfully portrayed by Lidia Porto. It is refreshing to see a female antagonist written and portrayed in such an original way.

    The storylines that unfold throughout the first series of Get Shorty are compelling. The relatable nature of the characters, interwoven with the commentary on the film industry is perfect! The comedic elements also work nicely to cement these two unlikely components. I similarly like the crime genre style of the series which pays homage to other films such as Pulp Fiction. One of my favourite storylines follows the character Louis Darnell, played by Sean Bridgers. I like this character and his storylines because I find the moral conscience and humour of the character, combined with his interactions between O'Dowd's character, to be very intriguing.

    Overall, I would highly recommend Get Shorty as the series is a pertinent statement of the film industry wrapped up in a television series which is well written, directed and acted. I would give the series 8 out of 10. I look forward to seeing the character arcs progress in the follow up series which I will be watching.
  • I'd never heard of this and I literally stumbled across by accident but WHAT A LUCKY ACCIDENT because it's one of the best shows I've seen in years. IMO Better than Fargo, even pushing Better Call Saul for top spot. It's fantastic and I'd like to spread the word as far as possible. PEOPLE, YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS. They've managed to keep the gallows humour of Elmore Leonard whilst updating the background features. And it made me realise just how much old Elmore Leonard influenced the Coen Brothers. That lovable lowlife amongst a crowd of deeply unlovable lowlifes is a recurring theme for both. Fantastic. 10/10.
  • I won't give this a ten, since they could still fumble his up. But. One season in, 8 episodes, 7 hours 20 minutes in, and we have 2017's best new series. I came in this with no expectations, and this little show has been a constant joy and a must-see/top-of-the-pile amongst all Sunday shows.

    Sure there was this nice little movie from the mid 90ies based on the same Leonard story, but this is next level : great if not amazing acting from underused actors, great balance between dark comedy and lightness, mostly acceptable violence, very cool and unusual characters, the plot constantly surprises with supposedly great ideas systematically getting south, etc... It's quirky, entertaining, extremely well acted (Sean Bridgers is getting the role of his life with his mormon hired hand assassin turned on-stage screen writer!), charming, and it always leaves you wanting for more. Also, there's no character that is really annoying, and there's a variety of them.

    Along with The Deuce and the Handsmaid Tale, the best new show I've seen all year, and maybe the best show of them all, at the very least the one that I look the most forward returning.

    Edit (fall 2018) : I did give it a ten after second season, since this is The best show around these days, absolutely. Season two starts a lttle slower, but soon catches up, and even manages to give the show a very satisfying conclusion , despite that it was announced this was getting a third season. They probably weren't sure this was a done deal and wrote it as if it was the final episode, with open ended threads. Hope they keep on the same level.
  • Getting towards the late summer end of year, there's almost nothing worth watching of quality. Except this gem. Superb casting and throughly enjoyable story with lots of quirky humour.

    Chris O'Dowd is superb as the movie obsessed thug trying to make his way in that other cess pool of deceit and treachery called Hollywood.

    But I leave my applause for Ray Romano living a duplicitous life with the vicious drug dealing matriarch of the crime gang. As the producer of trashy B movies he's living in his own real life version of the trash he sells. A different drug for the masses. But he shows his vulnerable side by actually liking his murderous girlfriend and having some morals and ethics. Satire!

    It's a great show. The only other show that's equally entertaining at the moment is Better Call Saul (BCS). I might even rate this slightly above BCS. If Queen of the South with a somewhat similar female led drug gang, was a tragi-comedy, while a great show in itself, would not even get close to Get Shorty.

    I've given it an 8 as we're only a few episodes into Season 2. If it keeps going this way, I would be reviewing at 9+.
  • I couldn't find anything else to watch Sunday evening, and saw this being advertised on Epix, and gave it a look. It was the first series episode named: "The Pitch".

    I was drawn into this show slowly, but solidly, to the point where I couldn't leave the TV to use the restroom, or get something to eat until the last bell had rung. It was truly the best series opener by a network other than HBO, I personally have ever viewed.

    Chris O'Dowd has found a home here as the mobster with a lot more on the ball than your everyday hit-man. The rest of the cast is perfect, along with the cinematography, directing, and locations.

    If this show picks up an audience, I feel sorry for HBO come award season.

    Put aside an hour and give this a look. I am extremely confident you will be very happy you did, and you'll be looking forward to the next episode as much as I am.
  • KitchStitch16 August 2017
    I genuinely enjoyed watching the first three episodes of this series and am looking forward to the rest. The acting is spot on and the cinematography is very well done. Found myself laughing out loud more than once.

    It's annoying that I have to watch it online but that is for another day.
  • Don't Compare to Film or Other Series Like It...This is really nothing like the film (besides its plot, but consider it a standalone take with the same name and not a remake series) or other shows like it such as say, Breaking Bad, or Fargo...Id say its really like a mix of both. Great dry humor and great acting. Im not sure why the rating and some reviews are relatively low and bad...Consider this a complete standalone and im sure you'll enjoy. Funny, witty, humorous yet dark...Loving it so far.
  • Good production, well written characters, brilliant acting! Looking forward to season 2.

    *Update: Season 2 is not up there with 1st one. Just vanilla
  • This show is insanely enjoyable. Watched it in 2 days and can't wait for season 2.
  • Get Shorty is the classic Hollywood show looking at itself in the mirror and mirroring that by glamourising & satiric elements. There is an underlying "we are so cool in hollywood" theme but it is to be expected. The narcicism of this whole environment is not only shown in the show but also if you look at the writing of this show. But its done so well with great character arcs , storylines and scenery that you can loose yourself into it. It just flows.

    Sure there are things to criticize but compared to similar style "Barry" it keeps its balance between comedy and drama without the classic hollywood mistake of overproducing more and more and wandering into slapstick.

    The actors bringt their respective characters to life and are well choosen. The irish dialect of O'Dowd is sometimes a little too forced but well thats nuances.

    But as with many other shows it has problems maintaining quality later on. In season 3 the lead characters story arcs get rather uncreative , one dimensonal and in the case of Miles I can only describe it as deeply disturbing. Were before you had a nuanced character with shades of grey now he is plotting way out of proportion.

    In a certain episode the audience looses sight why that is anything other than an evil sociopath to the core . The problem here is that the writers try to maintain our sympathy with Miles but it doesnt work anymore at all. There is a felt dissonance between the characters actions /interactions and how the writers want us to perceive them.

    Season 1&2 are an easy recommendation. Solid 8. Maybe more if you are into the topic. Season 3 is difficult to rate. A 6.5 I'd say.

    My guess: Season 4 will continue the downfall in quality and be mediocre at best but I will look into it and still hope to be wrong.
  • When watching the 1st season I was hooked and very happy that something decent has come out. But season 2 was a big dissapointment:( Each line ended in a very unlikely and even cheesy way. And, the whole plot is quite unrealistic...How is it possible that 2 uneducated thugs make their way into Hollywood through assault and extortion without anybody taking any measures? Why did none of the attacked actors, producers or agents ever go to the police? And why would people even deal with these "producers" if they are completely unprofessional and know nothing about filmmaking? This seems strange and by the end of the season 2 we see one of the gangsters, enjoying family life and becoming an actor's agent! This guy is a murderer and is almost illiterate with a very low IQ, snapping at everybody and killing every other person. What was the message the script writers wanted to convey? The other protagonist enjoying recognition for his "genious" movie in prison also seems vanilla... Must say that Amara de Escalones has been a great character throughout both seasons! Thank you, Lidia Porto for great acting!:)
  • Excellent writing - clever, sharp, black humour with a wonderful tender and terrifying performance by Chris O'Dowd
  • This was a great kickoff to a new series that I'm confident will maintain the high bar set by its namesake, the film adaptation of Elmore Leonard's novel "Get Shorty." That 1995 film remains one of my personal favorites, and the first episode of this new comedy was every bit as entertaining.

    Chris O'Dowd is hilarious as a low-level mobster looking to do more with his life, and for his family. I only hope he can survive his efforts to extricate himself from his day job.

    The initial writing is funny, and there are several interesting characters in the lineup. I can't wait to see how they develop the character of struggling TV Producer, Rick Moreland (Ray Romano). I'm sure his unlikely relationship with hit-man Miles Daly (O'Dowd) will leave him questioning his career choice.

    It is shows like this that should be released as a full season, so we can binge watch it all the way through. I've already found myself checking the calendar anxious for the next installment.

    Invest an hour of your time this week to On-Demand this first episode, and then block an hour on Sunday for the next. You will be glad you did.
  • Striker198827 August 2018
    This show is really good. I am stuck to the TV and can't escape it ... One episode ends in seconds(from my point of view) cos its so good i can't seem to notice how the time passed. May be 10/10 is a bit exaggerated, but i think shows like this one deserve our support and appreciation. I hope there will be a season 3 !!!
  • Wasn't expecting to like this so much, if it gets a second season I will definitely watch it.
  • Huge fan of the movie and love the reboot of the idea for the show. When I heard Chris O'Dowd was the main guy I already knew it would be great. I can't think of a better guy for this role... and the rest of the cast is great. Ray Romano is perfect.

    I was so happy to hear this got a second season.. hopefully has many more!
  • For a lifelong Elmore fan this series has been a massive pleasure for me to watch, almost to the point where I've delayed watching each new episode to savour the moment. The cast is perfect, both individually and as a unit, almost as if they all fully understand (and are fans of) Elmore and his wonderful dialogue and character style. Some of the lines made me laugh out loud which I'm not the type to do....the plot and diverse story lines that take you to places you don't expect to go with some cool moments of casual humour that is so natural it could be from the pen of the great man himself. Wonderful final episode....bring on Series 2 please!
  • With tight writing, powerful and often times delightfully ambiguous performances this show delivers everything you've been missing since Breaking Bad. Chris O'dowd offers us a view of what makes him a versatile and very underused leading man and is accompanied by a stellar cast including tv legend Ray Romano. If you love a dark, crime tv show with biting satire this is not to be missed.
  • Season 1 was great and season 2 was enjoyable.

    With season three it feels like the execs said to keep making it but, like a parody of itself, they had no script. So they just reworked season 2 again.

    It's not that it is bad. It just feels like a rerun.
  • feeneyorama6 September 2019
    I wasn't expecting much as I began to watch this series as I had been very disappointed in the movie made years ago. I have always loved the gallows humour of Elmore Leonard and this series is riddled with it.

    This show is amazingly good with near perfect casting of actors. Everyone is just right in their roles. Ray Romano is surprisingly good as Rick. I say surprising because people tend to think of him as a comedian but here, he proves to be a really good actor in a sympathetic role.

    The female villian is really good and you get the impression that she is genuinely fond of Rick despite her murderous nature.

    The show moves along nicely and each and every character seems to have an interesting back story. Some moments are laugh out loud funny. The two leads couldn't be better, especially O'Dowd who is spectacular.

    Two seasons just fly by with never a dull moment. I just didn't want it to end and cannot wait for the third season.

    I would highly recommend this show .
  • Elron_Hoover28 August 2018
    All I have to say is: Chris O'Dowd. Let's get this straight now, the only reason this show is still running is because of him and him only. Don't get me wrong, the show is fine. There isin't any big "WOWS" cause i mean... you know whats gonna happen before it does. It just seems to me that the rest of the cast was kinda just put together hoping everything would pan out, well it did. Usually for a tv series to be able to excel you need at least 2 strong leads/co-leads...this is not the case. Everyone in this, except for O'Dowd, feels rushed and unthought. All I see is a bunch of middle of the pack tv actors reading their lines off script pages. They feel unnatural and forced. Thank you Chris O'Dowd for making this a watchable tv series.
  • cherold2 October 2017
    While most of the user reviews here love this show, I found the series opener slow and dull. The basic idea of a thug looking for a career change becoming a Hollywood producer is a good one, but the plot unfolds slowly and the series is more funny in theory than practice.

    It's perhaps not fair to compare the series with the movie, since star Chris O'Dowd is not playing the same character as John Travolta played in the movie and the series bills itself as "loosely based" on the book. But the important thing is not that Chris Dowd plays a different character, but that his sad-sack killer cannot hold one's attention the way Travolta did. I like Dowd in general, but I don't find him interesting here.

    Instead of slowly pulling me in, I felt the pilot was pushing me out; by the end I was desperate to move on.
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