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  • The game take almost 12_13 hours to finish It is action adventure game ,the game is very repetitive the only thing that make different by mission is each style of superhero kamelakhan is good character and the gameplay on her was awesome ,the story is simple and cliche and moderate not bad and not that good ,side mission is all the same and itis not worth to played just play 2 of them and you will feel that enough ,studio could do better game,and the decision to make it service game was terrible.
  • ryet8112 September 2020
    An average game. Gets repetitive pretty quickly. Some cool moments but not enough to make it anything special. The most fun character to use by far is Iron Man. I found myself choosing him whenever I had the option. A great game stays on your mind, even when not playing, and makes you excited to hop back on and continue the story. This game just didn't do that for me.
  • When they first released the trailer in April 2019, I was stoked! And then they pushed the release date 4 months. When pre-order came available, ordered it right away and got the early access. So the story was fantastic. 9 out of 10 for that. I give it a 8 out of 10 for gameplay. 6 out of 10 for graphics. I just wish the game was longer, side missions make more sense, and there are quite a bit of bugs that need fixing. I definitely recommend this game but if you played Spider-Man (2018) and expect it to be on the same level of greatness, you're gonna be disappointed
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Marvel's Avengers (2020) is an enjoyable game! I would've love to of had replay missions, but there's plenty of stuff to do online. If you were looking forward to playing the Hulk, then you won't be disappointed, Hulk fans are going to sink there teeth in. Other characters like; Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and now, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, are all fun to play. On the flip side, there isn't a lot of Cap in this game. Cap gets his time to shine halfway through the game, but you're not him as long as I'd like it to be. How he is portrayed in this game is pretty cool, but just a bit more Cap would've done me a solid.

    I wasn't sold on Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel. The fan service didn't do for me, however, I am intrigued in where she is taken if they make a sequel, and of course, the MCU's Ms. Marvel. I don't dislike Ms. Marvel, but what they did with her in this game was a bit too cheesy for me, that being said, that could be her portrayal as a whole. Maybe there's more to come with her. Ms. Marvel is a cool character, and I'm really looking forward to her Disney+ show. The best character to play, in this game, is Thor. Thor wields that hammer like there is no tomorrow, and to play Thor in just an ordinary tee is pretty awesome, considering you're throwing your hammer around and flying like the cool character he is. The rest of the Avengers and their costumes are pretty cool also.

    In the end, Marvel's Avengers is a fun game to play, but I wish there were replay missions, and more to do once you're done. The missions are a bit repetitive, but swinging around a hammer, throwing a Vibranium shield, and flying and blazing through the skies as Iron Man, there is more to come in this game. (Spider-Man abs Black Panther, cannot wait). Playing Clint Barton/Hawkeye is going to be solid (Kate Bishop is cool also). But once he's released, then you have the original six. But there is more coming, I can guarantee you that!

    Good game overall! It's not as good as Spider-Man PS4, but still enjoyable. 7/10.
  • benspudlewis21 August 2021
    Very good game! Can be boring at time but overall it's great.
  • The game is quite good, but when a character dies, there is a very long "scene" of tips that you can only skip using certain buttons. This wouldn't be a problem if those scenes were easy to skip, but no-even when you are constantly skipping, it still takes about 40 seconds to successfully skip. Other than this, it is an average video game, but I liked it.
  • The Game is not good by any means, its graphics are "ok" , in cut scenes more so than during gameplay, the camera seems abit buggy at times (clipping through your character, other characters and in the combat sequences it seems to be stuck at times.) The decision to make this a "live-service" Game did not help at all, and i would say this might be a worse experience than Anthem at launch. What might have once been a fun single player game was seemingly forced to coop with every fight feeling meaningless and just there to fill the void. The Story itself has some elements that feel "ok" but not enough and you just can't shake the shallow feeling when you play "your avenger". The Game lacks depth and despite the fact that it will probably sell well, the only people i expect to enjoy this game for more than an hour are people who enjoyed Anthem at launch. It lacks any depth and fun that you had in Sonys "Marvel's Spider-Man" and if you expect this game to be anything like it, i would advise to watch gameplay before buying, otherwise you will be deeply disappointed.
  • Preordered the game. played it at launch. all i could think about was wtf is this. THIS STORY IS TERRIBLE. like where was the plot. felt like i was just fighting robots the entire time with minimal story. we waited years for this TRASH they call a game. haven't played it for like a month and probably will never play it again. just pathetic. biggest flop in gaming history.
  • lasan-manila25 November 2020
    Good campaign. Excellent graphics. A Fun game to play
  • Despite the countless negative reviews, the bad word of mouth from the online community, and the now inevitable shutdown/delisting of Square Enix's/Crystal Dynamics' Marvels Avengers, I found this game to be lots of fun... in bursts.

    My friend's main complaint about this game was that he hated playing as Ms Marvel (which you play as in the main campaign) and thought the story was boring. Of course he doesn't care about Marvel or any of its characters/stories, so the whole AIM corporation basically taking over the world after the Avengers fell was, I guess, not that exciting of a plot (and if I didn't already know about this plot, I probably wouldn't of cared too much either) but I did know a little bit about AIM, MODOK, and Monica, so watching the story play out was cool.

    Playing as all the Avenger characters in the base game campaign was loads of fun, most notably Ms Marvel. I just loved her combos and heroic/intrinsic powers. The base game (Reassemble Campaign) was actually decently sized, with a story that I found myself invested in for the majority of the time. I think the way they present this is somewhat confusing though, because many side missions that relate to the campaign can only be found in the Avengers Initiative multiplayer/campaign section. Once you figure this out, the Avwngers initiative can be a good in-between timewaster to get contract missions done, better loot to get a higher power level, or to just simply beat some baddies up. The second campaign, Taking AIM, was a good follow up to Reassemble, and had Kate Bishop as a playable character which I found to be lots of fun, but the short length and abrupt ending definitely leaves something to be desired, though you do get to kill the super adaptoid as a boss, which was challenging but fun. The third campaign Future Imperfect, was a better step in the right direction, having a much more intriguing story which pits you against AIM in a apocalyptic future. Playing as Clint Barton was probably too much like Kate Bishop as they both are Hawkeye, but his character/story was so worth it. Loved that they had old man Hawkeye and loved it even more that they had Maestro (evil hulk) as the villain. This campaign felt longer than the last, and it had a way more intriguing story, but to kill Maestro in the end, I had to grind out Kate in side missions to even come close to killing him. Clutch central this last level was, but so rewarding finally killing him, and a cool ending that shows the extent of what Monica and Nick Fury were trying to accomplish/stop. Damn Kree.... The last campaign, War for Wakanda was.... Well not a great step for the game. Instead of trying to progress the story or at the very least, conclude it, it just gives you basically a side story of a character named Klaue (Klaw) who's mission is to steal, and then eventually "corrupt", all the vibranium in Wakanda. Apparently there's history with Klaue and Tchalla's father, which I'm not familiar with, but that felt like the true driving nature to why Klaue was willing to go as far as he did to screw Wakanda over. While I'm glad they did include that he was working with AIM (and is eventually fired by Monica), but this story felt half assed. The cinematics were laughable, the new characters were fun to kill, although Black Panther is kind of broken he was a really fun character to play as, and you do get to kill Klaw in his sonic transformation which was cool, but oh my god was this ending just so dumb and mind-numbingly hard. It's just hard to say this campaign was worth it, but I think for diehard fans, it might be worth checking out. Checking out Black Panther alone was worth in IMO. Now, after this campaign, the story isn't completely finished, as there is plenty of mission chains to do that will keep you busy, with some having no story at all, to some even giving you cutscenes when you finish them. This is where I spent most of my time, as not only did I want to complete these mission chains, but I also wanted to complete the grindy, somewhat annoying achievements. So, at this point, I basically just grinded Ms Marvel to finally champion status(ended up getting her to lvl 50 champion lvl 21) so I could do endgame missions and seasonal events much easier. With that being said, doing the Discordant Sound raid which has the return of Klaw was so goddamn annoying... and hard. Only reason I saw it to the end is because it did seem a little story based, and I didn't want to miss out. Was it worth it in the end? Idk probably not, but it had some really great looking levels in that mission, so for absolute diehard Marvel fans that want good loot for their character, check it out. Anyone else... stay far away from the raid.... I also used a lot of Avengers Initiative to play as other characters, with the first one being Black Panther. Despite him being broken he was lots of fun to play as, with me completing a lot of mission chains using the character. I also used him to complete some of the corrupted vibranium event missions. After getting him championed(lvl 50), next was Hulks turn, and my god was he just awful to play as. I got to lvl 25 until I just stopped playing as him because truthfully, this character was probably nerfed after release or something, because every move and attack just did absolutely nothing to the enemy. It was honestly a joke playing as hulk, completely ruining any kind of continuity with his actual strength, making him, I think, one of the worst characters to play as in this game. Also, the collectibles in this game actually had substance, with a lot of them (if not all) added to the lore to the game. Only problem with this was that some collectibles are RNG based, meaning the collectibles aren't in any finite area, you just have a chance to get one if you open enough chests, while also some were in specific areas in the campaign. Also, comics. They don't add to any lore, but they work as buffs, so collecting those were fun. The next seasonal event that I ended up completing was the Red Room event, where you have to complete missions in the holographic room. Apparently lore wise, Yelena hacked the holographic room so you have to beat it to figure out how she hacked into it and fix it. It's... infuriating in certain parts, but being able to use my main Ms Marvel, I was able to complete it, getting the full comic set (plus some duplicates) and completing the mission chain. Next was to complete the Winter Soldiers mission chain, which contained some lore and interesting audio logs (got him to lvl 50 champion lvl 5). Oh and it was also infuriating.... Not only does the mission chain never end, but then it wanted me to beat both the family reunion raid (which I ended up doing) and the discordant sound raid (which I already completed before as Ms Marvel)as winter soldier, which in all honesty, was ridiculous and utterly pointless, as it seemed like there was no story left in this mission chain. I did attempt it just to get the chain done, but after lobby after lobby of people quitting out of the match halfway through the raid, I just ditched it, and just focused on finishing the last 2 achievements (loot 50 cache strongboxes, and defeat 50 hives) while also finishing up the last of the story which was the lady Thor heroic mission chain, No Rest for the Wicked Mission, and the Beating the Odds mission. I actually didn't mind doing Mighty Thor's mission chain, as she was extremely fun and OP character who had lots of fun move sets, which made me want to level her up to discover what else she had up her sleeve. After completing her mission chain (lvl 38) really the only thing left to do was to finish the last 2 achievements which I ended up completing with Black Widow (very fun character that I got to lvl36) Kate Bishop (a bit infuriating at times, I did have fun but as the missions got stronger, she became more useless, but I did get her to lvl 26),Captain America (another fun character to play as, as his shield is just way too OP for its own good; lvl 34), Iron Man (a character I didn't really want to play as but the more I unlocked in his power-ups, the more he impressed me; lvl 31), Thor(he wasn't horrible but he's basically a diet version of Mighty Thor, so I only got him to lvl 20), and of course, Hawkeye(he was decent, but I couldn't see much of a difference between him and Kate Bishop;lvl 21). Oh, speaking of the last 2 missions; No Rest for the Wicked was okay.... Until the end where the cutscenes glitch out and have character models disappear and no dialogue is spoken.... And the mission chain that came with this one where you have to beat it 5 separate times... pretty annoying. I was hoping one of those 6-7 times of me playing this level, I would at least see the cutscenes as they were intended, but it was glitched everytime. The other mission Beating the odds was much more interesting and well done, with at least a somewhat continuation of the story that kind of wraps it up a little. The difficulty was rough; had to find some online players to help me, but yeah, a somewhat good ending to the story.

    In all, as much as I seem happy, and downright would recommend this, I have ALOT of problems with this game. The mission chains/achievements are designed for you to grind the same levels for hours and hours... to the point where it becomes a chore. Also, the online matchmaking was goddawful, like I never used it unless I had to. I had way more fun soloing then playing with other people. Also, the move sets for some of these characters were lazy, and just carbon copies of other characters. But honestly, that's all the bad I can say about the game. If you play the game just for the campaign, with the occasional grind mission here and there, then this game would be amazing. But me being me, I decided to shoot for the stars... and after 257 hours... I slight regret it.
  • Like I said I knew it was going to be bad. The graphics look like a smartphone game. It glitches A LOT. The gameplay is in fact repetitive. And the story is just average at best. The best part about the story is the Avengers itself, where they are grieving on how they fail. The worst part is Ms.Marvel/ Kamala Kahn. She was so generic and her story wasn't even a story. She was a fan of the Avengers and that's it. Literally I don't know ANYTHING about her. As someone who knows how to write. You have to give people a reason WHY this person is what they are. I don't know anything about Kamala other than a fangirl. I NEED MORE. I want more depth to her. What makes her Ms. Marvel. The Avengers themselves are fantastic. I wanted to see them MORE than Ms. Marvel. And plus I DON'T FEEL like any of the Avengers. When You play Spider-Man PS4, Miles Morales PS5, Captain America: First Avenger, Iron Man, Deadpool, and Batman Arkham games YOU FELT like that character, like you were in fact Spider-man, Deadpool or Batman. But this.... you just don't, your just playing. I want to feel like iron Man, Thor or even heck Hulk... But we don't get that at all. I don't have much to say. But they really should have put in MORE TIME AND especially EFFORT. Really bad and I wished it was better. 3/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I only bought this game a couple of days ago and I already love it! Amazing graphics! Also I like the story of Kamala Khan I think they have tried something different and it has worked really will. I strongly recommend this game! It's a must buy!
  • When it came to story telling, this game impressed me alot! MODOK seems like the perfect villain and the way the Avengers work together to save the world will remind you of the movies! Gameplay could've been made more interestingly , but overall its a great game for the fans. Don't miss out on this game! Thank you to the whole team of Marvel's Avengers for making a great Avengers game!
  • giticomi10 February 2022
    The avengers game was oversold by Square Enix. With repeatable grind,no different enemies and with little to no rewards this game is a lackluster mess. Disney should have given this to ubisoft or Insomniac.
  • A game with nice gameplay and good graphics in the context of the avengers, I'm frustrated and it's very annoying to offer repeated missions without an ounce of entertainment. I honestly hate stupidity this enjoyable gameplay is for nothing if you don't provide entertainment make part 2 of the game u a good story and different mobs.
  • mitog4 September 2020
    This game is nothing it gets boring fast and the gear system is pointless you can't even see the gear and the microtransactions is really annoying you can buy the things you want or grind for them and they want you to buy them because the grind takes so long. The campaign is pretty good though. If it wasn't for the campaign this game would be a lower.
  • Marvel's Avengers is a good game service for Marvel fans and newbies. the graphics are magnificent, the action scenes incredible (sometimes rough but the game shows a war) and the first part of the campaign which parallels the current situation. The small flaw is that it is a bit close to the Marvel movies (MCU) The main quality is the characters, Kamala khan is a good representation of ourselves. fan services are used like the movie "Ready player One" by S.Spielberg.
  • Bliss119 September 2020
    A game with graphics from 2013,mechanics from 2012 which bores you after 30 minutes of gameplay,flat game,which would be liked by little avengers fans who didn't play and don't know what really great games are
  • I first played this when it came out in 2020. And like everyone else I thought it was boring and I never even finished it. Fast word to now and they have done a lot to improve it and the combat it is a lot better so give it another shot!
  • Avengers is a great game but overall Spiderman is a better game. This will probably get better when they release more characters / scenarios. But great game overall
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I can't be the only one who never heard of the main character of this Avengers game before it released right? So many cherished members that could have been used that will most likely be added later to take more money from us, or since it was a blatant political statement we could have had the choice to have all inclusiveness to create our own hero with fresh new powers that could be any sex or race, but we've been forced to accept this rando to the team that has united generations for decades and now it seems to purposefully divide because I guarantee OG Avengers fans don't care about KK and the easily influenced youth will be tricked into believing its due to bigotry or racism.....we just wanted what everyone knows deep down they all immersive experience that does justice to the portrayal of amazing heroes we've grown to care for with rich worlds that could have completely outshone any other superhero game for years to come. What we get?? Ridiculous repetitive grinding to get stuff that is pretty obvious to tell the creators are hoping we'd just pay extra for. Wouldn't be so bad if the powerhouse characters didn't feel so stripped of what makes them all forces to reckon with. I had more satisfaction from the monstrous strength of Hulk playing the older 2008 installment on PS2, could rip cars in half and use them as boxing gloves, yeeted enemies like a Hail Mary football play and just didn't feel very challenged unless facing enemies of a similar tier and always felt so awesome. I suppose that maybe that game and how well the recent Spider-Man games were handled had my expectations for this 2020 release to be top notch graphics that could fully capture the raw savagery of Hulk, high-tech hailstorms of supersonic energy from Iron man, immense divine wrath of almighty Thor, ghost-like agile ruthless assassin skills of Black Widow, and the clever unmatched strategist that marks Captain America as leader. Not anything close to this was felt. Hulk, Thor and Iron Man movements and combat feel nerfed to let the other characters keep up when like in the Ultimate Alliance games they could have worked together! First off you have Tony on the team even if not on your own team he is still the one that would most likely supply the technology so Cap and BW could be flying on jet bikes so that they could all charge through the air together while letting Hulk jump over mountains like he can instead of just a few feet. Even if not like that imagine IM and Thor flying in with BW and Cap and then throwing them in to be slam down the shield or a shockwave landing. Iron man could direct his beams off the shield. Thor and Cap could have done combos together with the hammer since he was shown to be worthy. Hulk could charge in with BW on his back shooting up some fools with the best shield she could have! So many missed teamwork opportunities that would have been awesome to perform online with friends!!! Extremely disappointing with how well this game could have easily been given the magnitude of the project they've been given. It's Marvel's Avengers for heavens sakes!!! No way was it not in the budget to have created a whole new era of Marvel gaming with this title. Massive waste of potential.
  • ournameis_legion14 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Ok so the story was absoloutely amazing BUTTTTTTTT

    The AIM bases looked the same every time and ive seen a lot of glitches that need fixing. However i like how they made their own story and the fact that they are going to add some more DLCs are great. Thor looks kinda ugly tho- Basically there are goods and bads but the A-Day mission and the final battle were amazing. also the one where AIM took Monica back was great.

    The game to me was really fun and repetetive (in a good way) so to me this gets a solid 10/10
  • The game is so repetitive and boring. It s always the same thing. The battle, the gameplay always the same. The story was at the beginning pretty interesting but become really classic after and i couldnt get into it with the repetitiva gameplay and some classic mechanics.
  • Loved Marvel's Avengers great storyline, great action sequences and you can play as a different Avenger for each mission, I would also recommend Marvel's Avengers to anyone who is a big Superhero fan just fantastically awesome game. GOOD JOB CRYSTAL DYNAMICS !!!!!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Marvels avengers is by no means an amazing game. However, is it a good game? Absolutely! Good not great. The narrative of the story is pretty mediocre, nothing new. A nerdy kid gets superpowers and becomes a superhero and saves the world. Nothing new, I generally didn't have a problem with this aside from how annoying Kamala's character is. I get that she's a kid but I found myself cringing at almost everything she did. As for the other characters, I think they are pretty well done. Though, I haven't played the dlcs (Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, Black Panther and Spider man). You can definitely tell who they are and the actors and actresses behind the voices seem pretty committed to the role (including Kamala).

    However, a lot of these characters were nerfed extremely and understandably so. Characters like the hulk for instance had a lot of complaints about being nerfed but I totally see why they would do that. There would be no game if hulk could destroy a AIM robot in one punch and jump as high as a building. The game would simply be no fun and people would only choose hulk as their character. The game does a pretty good job with balancing out the characters so everybody has a unique playing style while still feeling fair. That being said the game gets very repetitive, almost every mission is destroy a bunch of aim bots and rinse and repeat. Also, the amount of characters you could have on a team was pretty surprising in my opinion. For a game based on 5 of earths mightiest heroes you'd expect to be able to include 5 of earths mightiest heroes on your missions. No, you can only have four of them which I found to be very disappointing. I could see why they would do this to make missions harder but I think it would have been easier to just make the missions harder in general with the 5 heroes. The missions feel way too easy as you button mash your way through the game. Personally, I never had a problem with "button mashing" as long as I looked cool doing it, I'm happy but a lot of players disagree.

    The game is also very buggy. I noticed myself restarting the game 5 times or simply uninstalling and reinstalling just to get the game to load. The game would also have frequent frame drops. I never really noticed unless it would get super bad but others who look out for those things and a lot of people do care about the performance of the game which I agree on. A game should always feel playable and as smooth as possible in order to get a better result and enjoyable play through experience.

    Overall, the games fine. It was pretty cool to be playing as characters that would likely never see a stand alone video game like hulk but it's by no means a game of the year game.
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