User Reviews (28)

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  • t2do2dl2da5 November 2021
    Just a drama about someone looking for someone. Its not that bad but might be boring to anyone looking for action. The actors were ok. The plot was well paced. The characters were relatable. Not not much action, but watchable.
  • It doesn't really weork as film, tale, or entertainment piece. There really just isn't enough going on, and the life of a cleaner looking for a strange woman's son does not a story make, even if there are a palette of small details tacked on to add some depth and breath.

    Its a very low key story with most of the characters having little or nothing to add to the proceedings. I'm not even sure why the films is called the cleaner since he never actually does any cleaning, and aside from the opening scene, there isn't any reference to it, nor does it have any baring on the screenplay.

    The performances are actually quite good and the characters do well with the roles they are given. In fact, I'd not say the film is bad, or even uninteresting, just that there isn't enough going on to flesh out a film, and the frequent periods where the screenplay creeps along at a snails pace make watching little more than a chore.

    Truthfully, it's not that bad, but its lacking in some essential elements to make it interesting enough to watch. The unfortnate thing is that basically it is a good story and had a little more time and effort been spent to add some dimension, I think it could have been at least, a decent film.

    Ok, I can't reccomend it, and were it not for the suspect 10/10 reviews listed here, I'd not have bothered in the first place. I think 4 is a fair score, 5 at a stretch on a generous day.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Buck Enderly (King Orba) has a house cleaning business he took over from his aging mother (Shelley Long) after he was terminated as an RV salesman. His mother lives in a trailer and he lives in an RV nearby. He has a bicycle that he uses for work and rides with no helmet or license. He is contacted by Carlene Briggs (Lynda Carter) as we discover she is a good singer and a lousy mother. She pays Buck to locate her son Andrew (Shiloh Fernandez) claiming she was tumors and not long to live. Andrew is not the nicest guy in world.

    This was a drama that kept waiting for something to happen and when it did it wasn't worth waiting for. The acting was good, but like real life, it is mostly boring.

    Guide F-word. No sex or nudity.
  • "The Cleaner" is about a working class man who gets unexpectedly embroiled in something messy. The story itself is fairly interesting, but character development is inadequate, so I don't find myself caring for any of them.
  • From the opening scene until the end it moves like a wine stain on the carpet. Filled with scenes that don't really amount to much, it's a patchwork of storytelling. Somehow the director feels that if he pieces enough of these pointless scenes together that they provide background and depth. They do not.

    Not much happens, even at 4x speed, until the final ten minutes and then a few scenes after that. Could have been shortened to just the ending and that's the jist of this whole mess.

    Can't recommend it to anyone, not one likeable scene or amusing aspect to the film, not one redeeming interaction between the characters.
  • Got quite a kick out of it. Seeing Shelly Long and Lynda Carter again was a treat. I thought the whole production was well done. Probably classed as an independent movie, it surpassed all my expectations. One of the reasons for the review was to add a viewpoint to the 1s and 10s. It's not a 10 but it is far, far from a 1.

    The seller for me was the setting and the characters. These are real characters in real settings, not "movie people." I could buy in to the story quite easily because you've sorta known people like this or lived some it yourself if you're an average Joe or Jill. That's what makes it fun. The reality. But there is a tongue in cheek feeling to it as well. They're definitely winking at you as they run the story by you. I like noir and this is a modern take.

    And the script and the production value and the acting were all great for the story conveyed.

    Probably a 7 1/2. If you like this type of thing, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Worth a look, for sure.
  • hudakp-5668015 October 2021
    There was no action in this movie. It was a bit depressed piece of art. The most excited I got was when I saw the familiar face of the actors I know, but then they didn't deliver. The movie is pretty monotonous.
  • Reminds me of European, French, Italian film. No real action, except at the end. Moody Study of human nature. Thoughtful. Well cast, good actors.

    Seems to be 2 camps, those who like it, and those who thought it was like paint drying, & want action & high drama.

    This film is not for the 2nd type of viewer.

    I liked it, and would like to see more from this writer and Director. I thought it was entertaining.

    If you like the European style slice of life movies, this is for you.

    Lynda Carter, now 72, looks & sounds great. SHELLY Long, 74. Looks her age; As the mother, she is great. Nice little gem of a movie. Good ensemble cast. The msle lead I s well cast.
  • If you have trouble sleeping and you are in need of a solid sleeping aid, then start watching this around your bedtime and I guarantee you will be out in not time. A decent cast, a barely ok story and a absolute snooze fest that will make your eye lids extremely heavy 35 mins in. Good for anyone who suffers with insomnia.....sheesh louise.
  • Ever wonder what washed up actors do for a living, just watch this and wonder no more. The dialogue was so bland and banal, it even made the mystery boring. The whole movie was a snooze fest. This is the director's first full length film and it shows. And King Orba? Really? What's in a name, in this case nothing. With a net worth of 3 million it's painfully obvious! The writing was horrible. I have had more enjoyment hiding under my bed eating a carrot. If you really enjoy watching paint dry, then this movie is for you. Otherwise, do what I did, turn it off and enjoy a good book.
  • I watch a lot of random movies and most are really bad. This popped up and I hit play. The thumbnail was more than misleading, that's for sure. It's a SLOW moving movie but at the same time you're curious as to what's going to happen in the next scene. Great to see Lynda Carter and Shelly Long. Dont even remember Wilson in it. Nice story. Nice ending. If you're a fan of random movies give it a shot. I guarantee you've see much worse and honestly this movie is GREAT compared to other randoms.
  • I don't usually give a bad review for a movie if I just don't like it, but this is literally a under 3 star movie. It's slow, nothing is interesting, probably the worst 2021 movie I saw this year and it's October...
  • markjpatel28 November 2021
    I'll keep this as brief as possible since I've already wasted enough time watching it. There should be a law against producing such utter garbage. As boring and meaningless as watching flies crawl along your wall.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with a death body on the floor, and a man went away scene! As turnout, this film is about a house cleaner "Buck" helping a mother to find her son "Andrew", and Andrew eventually get killed cause by the robbery he commit! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the walking scene, overuse of the searching scene, overuse of the arguing scene, overuse of the calling names scene, overuse of the drinking scene, overuse of the eating scene, overuse of the smoking scene, overuse of the driving scene, overuse of the song playing at the background scene, overuse of the staring scene, overuse of the riding bicycle scene, and overuse of the singing scene! Make the film unwatchable! At the end, after clearing his suspicion from the police, Buck leaving with his mother for vacation! That's it! Wasting time to watch!
  • ops-5253512 October 2021
    Something to watch at a laid out night, then ''the cleaner'' will be on top of my advice list. Its a mum and son story from the lesser middleclass trailer park neighbourhood somewhere in L. A usa.

    Making a living as a housecleaner, people come up to him and asks for other favours too, and this is what the film is all about. It starts in situ, then rolls back and reveals a story so simplebut engaging that you will dash in whether you will or not.

    Cast consists of many fallen but not yet forgotten acting stars of hollywood, shelly long of cheers couldnt hide cause her voice are a brandmark and king orba does an orson welles like performance as the cleaner.

    Its a story of loveand hate, violence and death, and a heart filled with hope till the bitter end. It aint a bloody shootout movie, its more a search and rescue story that you wont regret taking a part in.

    The production is solid as a rock, low budget butmade in a warm glow that only a few of todays filmographers can make. Plot and storyline good, playtime perfect, so the grumpy old man recommends.
  • Excellent film which held our interest throughout. The art and craft of moviemaking is alive. I am frequently disappointed with modern films and I was so happy to see this gem.
  • Notwithstanding the short attention span of the IMDB wackos that have chimed in with their staggering inability to appreciate genuine character acting and a great story, this is a great movie. Never pretentious, just good ole fashion acting and an intriguing plot that offer a twist or two. Shelly long and Lynda Cater are transformed and delightfully on point. Which is not to ignore King Orba's performance which is understated yet simmering. Very underrated and worth a look.
  • Interesting script and plot. When our middle-aged lead gets hired to locate his client's estranged son this movie starts to move. Definitely recommend this film.
  • It irritates me to no end when people review and pan and give a low rating to a quiet movie - which this one is - because it has "no action". In fact, I just added an extra star to make up for several low ranks by people who wanted "more action" or panned it for "not enough action".

    Want nothing but action MOVIEs? Then watch nothing but action fricking movies! (I like them too, but not as a steady diet.)

    This is a quiet movie that leads you through the story via a grown man and his bicycle. You meet several interesting characters on this journey and all with loaded stories.

    You get to see some old favorites like Shelley Long and Lynda Evans (still beautiful). Don't forget Luke Wilson. There are some known and loved character actors, too, that you'll recognize and appreciate.

    But action? Nope. SO - if you want action - do NOT watch this! If you want a meander through the lives of some people you may or may not know, this is your film (NOT ACTION MOVIE!!) to watch and enjoy.
  • There were a few story problems but overall, a very enjoyable film. I loved the cinematography, the settings and the cast. Outstanding performances from Lynda Carter, Shelley Long, Eden Brolin, and King Orba.

    The excellent production design underscored the off-the-wall tone of a story about a man (King Orba) living with his mother (Shelley Long) on the edge of poverty in a trailer. To make ends meet, he takes an assignment to find a woman's (Lynda Carter) son, who's estranged from her. An assignment he shouldn't have taken.
  • If you enjoy slow-burn movies with quirky characters definitely check out The Cleaner. It has early Coen Bros vibes, a great look, and some really solid performances.

    The story follows a down and out house cleaner who gets pulled into a mystery story helping an old woman track down her missing son while at the same time finding himself.
  • rafaews14 October 2021
    This movie is legit, I'm surprised.

    Well cast, shot, acted.

    Art Department? This lead guy King Orba, not the best name, looks great on camera. He kills it. Such an interesting character.

    Maybe the music could use some love, I think.

    Well done.
  • The Cleaner is a thoughtful family drama grounded in realism. The film features a revolving door of veteran character actors who prove that even the simplest of stories can be compelling.
  • nzydx16 October 2021
    I really enjoyed this movie. The characters are relatable and interesting. The cinematography is done very well - I enjoyed the tone of the movie and the music compliments the overall feel.

    A must watch.

    It's intriguing and interesting - great cast!
  • njn-9858016 October 2021
    The Cleaner is a very good, intriguing movie, you want to watch more to see what happens to each of the characters. Great to see some named stars in the movie, Lynda Carter's character is so different from her role of Wonder Women and Shelly Long's role is the mom, wow, you can feel for this women with her snarky dialogue. I enjoyed this movie, and recommend it.
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