User Reviews (23)

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  • A major part of this episode takes place in a year that differs from the one the main storyline is set in. But most of the characters are there, though there are of a different age. The writers did a good job of telling who is who. They used multiple methods to achieve their goal, one of that is a montage where both the older and the younger self of a character is doing mostly the same as the other one, showing both at the same time via picture in picture. A lot of the flaws of the first two episodes have been reduced, but not completely removed. There is still blatant exposition at some points (because they basically had to introduce every character again), and some flawed dialogue as well. But in general, this episode is by far the best one yet, coming pretty close to a true masterpiece of german movie and TV-production!
  • This episode is an upgrade from the first two episodes by showcasing originality in it's ending. Although it's not an answers episode, it does tell you what is going on in the timeline where Mikkel is in. I give this episode an 8.6/10.
  • Edvis-19975 July 2020
    Pretty nice episode. It explains a lot more from the past what is good. I loved the music sound in background at the ending.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Things are getting more interesting. This episode focuses on 1986 as this is when Mikkel has ended up. As we learn, 33 years ago strange things were happening in Winden too. Dead birds falling from the sky, power switching on and off, 33 sheep dying in the same way the boy from 1986. How much chance is there that any of this is related to the nuclear power plant, especially as it's mismanaged?

    Mikkel is isolated in 1986, unable to tell anyone the truth without them disbelieving him. When he tries to communicate with 2019, his father can almost hear him but they can't reach each other. Time travel also gives us a chance to see characters how they were then. The most striking change is Ulrich. By the type of person he was in 1986, you wouldn't have thought he'd ever be a police officer, as one comments.

    As Mikkel explores the Winden of the past, you start to see how characters became what they are now. Older Hannah's affair with Ulrich makes more sense now, and older Charlotte's suspicion that history is repeating itself is supported by her memory of finding dead birds in 1986.

    There is some stunning cinematography, the aerial view of the dead sheep being particularly creepy. The scene in which birds fall from the sky is also wonderfully eerie. The side-by-side of the same characters from 1986 and 2019 is both helpful and effective, especially with a fitting song. And the scene with Mikkel and Ulrich in the cave is quite interesting, I noticed Ulrich heard Mikkel's voice not from the other side of the door but from behind him. I guess this is because Mikkel *is* behind Ulrich, not in front of him, only in a different time.

    It's not all quite perfect; there is still some heavy-handedness in the script, with a character stressing that 33 sheep are dead, when in reality you wouldn't care whether it was 33 or 34, the line is clearly just spoken to draw attention to the number 33. In fact it would be more interesting if the number went unsaid, allow the eagle-eyed to notice that there are 33 sheep in the aerial shot. Aside from some minor quibbles, it's a very good episode.
  • The juxtaposition of the past and present is absolutely beautiful and takes you further deep into the world of Winden.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to say that this is the first show ever that made me really really appreciate the job done by those responsible for casting. I've seen some "making of" when the makers said they wanted similarities that were "strong but not obvious" and I think they nailed it. You don't immediately figure out who's who but once you know it's very plausible that these are the same people. Did you guys notice that the guy at the end with the weird machine, the photograph of the author on the book cover, and the guy presenting the science show on the ancient television in the room where Erik was held prisoner, that's all the same person?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A pickup from the previous episode, and an entire change of scenery as we're transported back for a trip to 1986, very much a fish-out-of-water experience. Seeing the characters we're starting to know in their earlier incarnations is interesting, and thanks for the split-screen explanation at the end to help us understand the connections...
  • MsMoebius17 March 2022
    Great episode The connection between present and past, the connection between time and space Don't ask where but when .... This seems to be An important premise of this show and I'm hoping to find answers in that line.
  • I think the acting of the dubbing is the most disappointing part. A few times in each episode I switch back and forth between the original and the dubbed audio because I'm trying to learn German, and often the English dub doesn't capture the tone and performance of the original. Any time you're watching a TV show or film that's in a foreign language, I recommend subtitles over dubbing.

    Sometimes the audio and subtitles don't match, but even the German audio doesn't always match the German subtitles. I think subtitles are trimmed and tweaked for reading efficiency no matter the language, while a foreign language dub will be tweaked match the visuals. A sentence that needs 12 syllables in the dubbed language but 7 syllables in the language the actor is using may need some alterations in the dub.
  • and_mikkelsen2 June 2023
    This episode was the one that made me realize just how complex and clever this show is! Its all turned into so much more than what I first thought and I can barely imagine the consequences and outcome!

    All the small details suddenly feel very important! The lines about everything being connected, history repeating itself and the question of not where but WHEN, suddenly starts to make just a little bit sense even if it is hard to grasp your mind around it!

    This episode container some memorable scenes and is very well writen, paced and directed! Loved the montage with the characters near the end! The last scene once again leaves you with more questions and you just wanna watch the next episode right away!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Events of episode 3:

    In 1986, four weeks after the disappearance of Mads Nielsen, a desperate Mikkel is found by police chief Egon Tiedemann, who suspects he has been beaten by the teenage Ulrich. Mikkel is brought to the hospital by Ines, then a nurse, who gains his trust. At the nuclear plant, newly elected director Claudia Tiedemann, Egon's daughter and Regina's mother, clashes with her predecessor Bernd Doppler, who informs her of secret barrels hidden in the nearby caves. Bernd's son Helge, gives Claudia a book: Eine Reise durch die Zeit (A Journey Through Time) by H. G. Tannhaus. Meanwhile, as the town's electricity is flickering, a teenage Charlotte starts investigating the deaths of multiple birds, shy young Hannah has unrequited feelings for Ulrich, and Regina is being bullied and engages in self-harm. A flock of sheep is found dead from cardiac arrest with their eardrums ruptured, and, in an undisclosed location, a man surrounded by clocks tinkers with a brass machine. Mikkel escapes from the hospital and returns to the caves; after breaking his leg, he calls for help.

    Review: Episode that was very good to watch. Still have some mysteries and we asked how the little boy will come back? If he will succeed? How can he manage a life in the past? Very interesting and all the mysteries make the tv shows very enjoyable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Michael arrives into a different world in 1986 while a kid goes missing at the same time. History repeats itself
  • The story has now started to get interesting and I feel invested in it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm writing this review primarily because of the ridiculous cave scene. Read the reviews, I'm NOT the only one disturbed by that sequence.

    Ulrich, desperate to find his missing son, hears a distant voice in the cave. So what does he do? Does he shout more vigorously than ever? NO . . . He starts talking QUIETLY !!! OMG. The exact OPPOSITE of what a father would do in real life.

    It was SO unbelievable, you have to wonder what was going through the writer's head.

    Another thing that was unbelievable was Mikkel sees the date on the newspaper says 1986. Nevertheless, a good portion of this episode involves him wasting time trying to find people who aren't there.

    EVENTUALLY, after wasting even MORE time being silent, Mikkel finally tells a nurse that he is from the future. Then he immediately splits.

    I rated this episode a 4 because, while the premise is actually a 9.5, this episode is utterly ruined by wasting valuable screen time portraying behaviors that real people facing these challenges would NEVER engage in.

    As I wrote that last paragraph I realized, the underlying problem with this episode is: the characters have been dumbed down (more than likely) to make the story last longer.
  • Best episode so far, however the awful quality dubbing makes it very odd to watch the series....
  • Now that we've been given some foundational material to show us the way, it will be really interesting to see where this goes. Mikkel has slipped through a time warp of some kind into the past. Since the town was pretty much like he remember it, he navigates, but he is lost and no one knows him because, of course, he hasn't been born. We see how the woman takes over the power plant which is the biggest employer in the town and that some bad stuff is happening. Birds are falling like rain from the sky. They are storing massive amounts of nuclear material underground in standard metal barrels. We see that decay of the town. Well done episode, but I need some more which I'm sure is coming.
  • A certain character finds himself alone and disoriented.

    Episode three continues the central mystery well and looks a certain characters from a very different perspective. The sci-fi premise is very intriguing, particularly if you like this type of concept on screen. It follows up the final reveal in a way that does not disappoint.

    Some shows with this theme would focus on satisfying the appetites of viewers who like nostalgia, but this (so far) this sticks to the characters and key plot developments.

    Visually, I think it is even better than the first two as it includes an element of period design that is very well done. This combined with the atmospheric cinematography, lighting, sound and editing makes for quite immersive experience. The end sequence is memorable.

    It's an 8.5/10 for me, but I round upwards.
  • Charlesponchon (March 21) is not wrong about this. The appalling quality of the dubbing is beginning to make this interesting series borderline unwatchable. If you switch on the subtitles, the dubbers and the subtitlers are using different translations. I will try to carry on, but I gave up on 'The Frozen Dead;' because of this issue. For those who are struggling, as I am, to keep track of who is who and who is related to whom across the 1986 to 2019 time-shift, I recommend the Wikipedia entry on the series.
  • stratus_phere24 December 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    The main thing to say about this series so far is that it's very slow. There's not a lot of action or explanation. It just plods along as characters look around, look at each other, and have discussions that do not move the plot forward.

    The premise so far is very interesting. It's like an adult version of Stranger Things, except instead of kids getting sucked into the upside down, the are tossed about in time. It can be very hard to follow what's going on, since there are plenty of characters and you have to follow them in two different time periods as the storytelling jumps back and forth. That's very confusing at times. Another reviewer for this episode summed things up, which is helpful because it's not the easiest show to follow.

    You can tell the type of series it's going to be when they start the first episode with gratuitous sex or nudity, which they did in this show. It never helps the content of the show, but it allows the creators of the show to say "we don't care if the show is good or bad...look at the nudity! Be distracted by our unnecessary and amoral attitudes towards showing sex on tv."
  • Nothing happened in this episode, nor was it suspenseful. And the acting is so so clumsy and unrealistic! A police officer is interrogating Ulrich, he is asking a question and remains silent before asking another question. In real life Ulrich would have started answering the first question. Here, he is just an actor knowing the other actor has another line and just waits for it. Jesus, acting is supposed to imitate real life.

    Another thing: being in the cave, Ulrich, desperate to find his missing son, heard a distant voice in the cave. He then DOESN'T SHOUT BACK! That is extremely unlikely, bc he is a parent wanting nothing more than the return of his child.

    It's very bad, sometimes I felt like I was watching an amateurish play.
  • Lovefilms987622 July 2021
    Watched 3 episodes and a total waste of time. Too slow and no action.
  • strpiyush13 August 2019
    It's really slow and dumb series, even reactions are slow. How can someone write and direct such boring series.
  • daz-3228127 April 2020
    Was very keen on this series as had many good reviews from friends but this is the last episode I'm going to watch.. extremely boring, pointless and confusing. Don't waste your time.