User Reviews (26)

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  • The opening scene was so good that i watched it time n again 3 times just to watch Grant's acting. The show mostly based on capturing the bad guys' but it feels great when actors can have the plot to prove their competency for performing. Which there only few can carry out. Tom canavagh is certainly a treat to watch in every character. what enchantment just to see him. The part which includes only these two were marvellous, worth to gawk.
  • Anonnamus1 February 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    This season. What the shrap. Who thought it could possibly be a good idea to take your best and most interesting characters (Wells, Cisco, and Caitlin) and pretty much throw them to the side to focus more on Iris and Nora? Do you LIKE to annoy viewers by shoving these two ladies in our faces every chance you get? If you're going to force us to see them every five seconds, you could have at least made them more likable and less irritating.

    The beginning of the episode started out promising, with the dramatic showdown between Iris and Barry. Although I absolutely hated Iris's single-minded attitude when it came to Nora, I understood her side and could almost empathize with her. Barry continues to do what Barry thinks is best and can't seem to understand why anyone would ever be angry at him for that. I despise Iris, but for once I was on her side. Unfortunately, this is where any enjoyment ended.

    Caitlin/Killer Frost is an amazing character, but this whole mother and father drama has pulled the focus away from how beneficial she is to Team Flash. This season seems to have her only drawing blood from one person or another. And that's it. Other than the really cool ice coaster scene, that storyline was pointless. Caitlin and Mom reunite, brought closer together by the death of her long-dead, newly discovered not-dead disappeared bad man, found again and defeated then good again father. At least Caitlin got her dad back for 24 seconds before taking him away again. And the scene was a way to bring back Lady Cicada for a few seconds out of nowhere when she was hardly even mentioned the entire episode. At least with Thomas's death, maybe Caitlin can go back to being the badass she has been throughout the years.

    Time travel seems to have gotten extremely easy now with the reintroduction to the time sphere. As for Barry feeling Nora's return from the future in the speed force, what did he feel the first ten thousand times she returned...gas? Grant Gustin is actually a decent actor, which was more than surprising to me considering I have only seen him in Glee as a singing dancing high school student. He makes this show enjoyable, even when the writers try their worst to ruin it.

    For the love of all that is good, please stop focusing every storyline around whiny possibly brain dead Nora and her manipulative self-absorbed narcissistic mother Iris. I don't understand how all of the Arrowverse has managed to make most of the female leads on their shows unbearable to watch or relate to. If I were to find myself acting like Iris, I'd punch myself in the face repeatedly.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The acting this episode was the icing of the cake. The writers have became more creative by introducing the concept of negative speed force. Ralph meeting thawne was also great. The dialogue delivery is also an improvement. I like it when Barry says -"You talk about making decisions based on emotion - look in the mirror" and "You would have been different if your mother was killed right in front of you!"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to admit for me this season has been mediocre with some great episodes here and there. But these past couple of episodes have been fantastic. We finally get the see the negative speed force and Nora with red lightning (which looked awesome). Though I have to admit as much as I am hyped for what the show will bring with evil Nora, it feels like they put this in the show too late and i am afraid they might rush things to resolve the issue before the finale. The conflict between Barry and Iris (especially the opening scene) was great and I actually could feel the tension between the two. Even though the conflict got resolved in the end it was still emotional to see Barry and Iris argue in a way we have not seen in the show. Also the scenes with Caitlin and her family were fantastic, especially the battle scene between Icicle and Killer Frost. I wasn't expecting to see Cicada but I was pleasantly surprised. The acting this episode was phenomenal (especially between Iris and Barry). And as always Tom Kavanaugh has an excellent performance as Thawne and Sherloque. This episode was fantastic and I can't wait to see what they do with Nora in the final episodes.

    Rating: 9.7/10
  • legallypnk-496115 September 2019
    I'm going to say I'm giving this episode a 10/10 solely due to the acting in the opening scene. Candice Patton and Grant Gustin were incredible. It's honestly a shame that The Flash doesn't provide them an opportunity to show more range regularly (I get why). No matter how irritating Iris maybe or has been, or whether you like character or not Candice Patton is extremely talented. Grant Gustin as well, his mannerisms and emotion are spot on in every episode. Like it's honestly a shame this is a CW show and they're not allowed to act through the full spectrum of their range.

    I never rate anything I watch. I think for the most part until recently Nora has been annoying and unnecessary but it gets better toward the end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ..."Snow Pack" isn't great, either. The most I can say for this episode is that it barely manages to be good. Everything involving Caitlin and her father/mother storyline is poorly handled just as it was in "The Icicle Cometh". The best I can say for it is that it's inoffensive... at least until the last ten minutes.

    The positives for this episode outweigh the negatives but only slightly. I absolutely love everything dealing with Barry and Iris. Their argument at the opening of the episode is truly a testament to how great both Candice and Grant are and seeing Iris travel to the future with Ralph and talk to Thawne was just downright awesome. The introduction of the negative speed force also proved entertaining and I loved diving deeper into that side of Flash lore.

    Everything else is just fine. I think the episode truly falters towards the end when Icicle manages to save himself randomly, Cicada shows up and then he just dies. The show then continues to shove in my face that we're not done with Caitlin's half-assed and horribly thought out plot line as her mother turns out to have cold powers now, too.

    Overall, "Snow Pack" is just almost good and even then it's hard to say I fully like the episode. Anytime the episode focuses on Nora and Thawne, it's great. Anytime else? Well...not so much.
  • Absolutely loved the beginning of the episode along with the rest of the episode. The last 10-15 mins is what made it a great episode especially the very last scene.
  • cruise0121 September 2019
    3 out of 5 stars.

    The episode has a cool ice fight with Caitlyn and her father. But the sub plot is boring. Barry and Iris conflict was annoying as they argue over sending their daughter back to the future. But the action is cool.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This season ratings overall so far : 9.4/10 This episode is one of my favorite episodes.

    Why 9.4 let me elucidate

    -opening scene *claps* great performances by both male and female lead actors.

    -negative speedforce

    -nora's running is improved

    -barry's new power?

    -joe and barry moments

    -westallen second kiss (first - 5x03)

    -nora's obsessions with barry like how thawne was.

    -ralph meets thawne.. (i feel like there smth more to it)

    -that 'red-pain' scene

    • thawne literally gets scare for the second time
    (first - countering with black flash)

    -nora going reverse-flash 2.0
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Oh my God. How I cannot stand Iris. She is so stupid, selfish and she has no self-awareness whatsoever. This episode, again, she caused that I felt like running into the speed force created by Thawne, coming back and throwing her into the outer space. Barry's "You talk about making decisions based on emotion - look in the mirror" was completely spot-on. I was a bit disappointed when he felt like he "had to" apologize in the end, though, after Iris made another mess. This episode was overall OK but more screen time for Thawne and less for the snow pack would have been more appreciated.
  • boudybob28 April 2019
    This episode has great enjoyment over the past 10-12 episodes, i guess the writers are trying , i don't know why they fail, to focus on drama not like other regular finding villain capturing him plot over the past 3 season and this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The conflict between Barry and Iris in the beginning of the episode was great. The acting from Candice Patton and Grant Gustin was amazing. Even though Iris is wrong in this situation and is still annoying, this was a great scene. Barry talking to her with so much anger was something I really wanted to see and it felt really good.

    After the fight Sherloque is told that he's done enough, and they make him leave the room. This was incredibly unnecessary because he did nothing wrong and Sherloque does not deserve to be treated like this. He then gets ready to leave Team Flash, but stays a little longer to help Barry. Later he's told by Ralph that there's still more he can do, and he's a part of the family. This was good to see, because they were definitely too harsh on him.

    We got to see the negative speed force and Nora with red lightning, which was awesome. I'm excited to see Evil Nora and the show is getting way more interesting with Evil Nora and Grace as Cicada, but it still feels like the story with Cicada is going nowhere and there is only 3 more episodes left, but I believe they have something great planned.

    I am a bit worried that they put Evil Nora and Grace as Cicada in the show so late in the season, that they're going to rush everything to fix the slow start the season had, and I really hope that doesn't happen. If this happened earlier in the season they would've had more time to make a longer, better and more interesting storyline, but we'll see what they can do, I am excited nonetheless.

    The scenes with Caitlin and her family was awesome, and felt great to see Caitlin and her mother getting along at the end after all these years. The fight scene between Killer Frost and Icicle was cool, but it could've been executed better.

    The acting this episode was really good and so much better than the last episode. Grant and Tom were amazing as always. Sherloque and Thawne are making this season so much more interesting. Candice was also excellent this episode. Something I also noticed was that Nora's running has been improved since last episode, and that was so great to see.

    Overall this was a solid and enjoyable episode, and I'm very excited for the next episode.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Almost every episode this season, iris becomes less likable. She Makes dumb decisions then tries to call out people for making decisions on their own. Then gets upset when she's called out on her own bs. The character is either doing something dumb or written poorly. The rest of the episode was mediocre.
  • ToadofTruth24 April 2019
    Caitlin/Killer Frost episodes are always good, in my opinion. I like the relationship between Caitlin and her mother. It feels quite genuine. I guess that's down to the casting and the acting. There was a lot going on, this was an action-packed episode and they balanced out the time between the characters very well. I know Cisco was absent but there was still a lot of characters to share 41 minutes between. Each character felt sufficiently highlighted. Overall, a good episode.
  • kjeremiahs26 August 2019
    Definitely an Aquarius. 😂 Ok Barry, so when baby Nora does a little toddler meddling, as they might, are you going to leave her somewhere in time?! Good episode to reinforce and then beat into our heads that family never leaves; almost fast and furious levels of family is everything repetition.
  • Warning: Spoilers's better than the other Icicle episode. Icicle returns and kidnaps Caitlin and her mom. Meanwhile, Iris goes to the future to talk to Nora. The main plotline sucks! The action is good, but it's ruined by relationship drama. So much relationship drama! The action is great tho. The side plot with Iris going to the future is way more interesting! I loved it! Aside from Iris yelling at Barry for not trusting the man who murdered his mother in cold blood, it's fascinating watching her arguments with Nora. That plotline is really compelling and saved this mostly boring episode from being bad. Going right above Icicle Cometh.

  • bsimpson1893 September 2019
    Ok, so Flash tells Nora not to travel back in time and he will know if she does because he'll feel it in the speed force. Yet, she made the trip 52 times and he never felt it in the speed force.
  • Villains tried to destroy Flash but they failed.

    But Iris? Iris the perfect in everything she does did it.

    I have seen all Arrowverse in the correct order. This is episode 480 so i have seen 479 episodes before. Some of them were awfull.

    Watching Iris being a dumb b#@# once again was to much for me.

    I will dance with joy if a villain kills her.

    She is the worst character ever.

    Nora is the second worst.
  • Hei_Shibing25 April 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Has ice powers. Fights Cicada hand-to-hand. Subsequently loses newly-if-not-somewhat-hastily regained ice father. Terrible writing
  • Iris being iris with that annoying crap she gives off all the time where she knows everything. She is always right, she knows how the machine works and all the crap. Flash the fastest man alive always gets beat up never knows where the villein is coming from just a dumb fool in a red spandex . Enemy always has some sort off power in their hand while fighting and blasts a person off exactly the same style and gets thrown off on a wall. Catyln is always running test on someone at the very end of the episode i mean always like how booring is that. I watch the show hoping it would get better but man this show is just bad. Poor Grant, he deserves more than these lame story. Hes the only one entertaining to watch on the show.
  • This episode is a complete pile of trash. What the hell is this stupid Icicle plot...terrible. This season cannot end fast enough with this stupid Nora arch. Everything about her is annoying.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Thomas was struck by a knife, but had no wound?

    Everything was so predictable. I really hope nora isn't going to be normal in the next episode.. otherwise it's just pure sht
  • dhenderson-91 May 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    This show is reaching unwatchable status. Iris is ruining it. She's intensely annoying with little to no redeeming qualities. She's really more of a political pawn for feminists than anything useful (notice how often the other characters' last names are mentioned as compared to West-Allen, repeated at least 2-3 times per episode). She gripes at Barry for putting their daughter back in her own timeline - something that should have been done from the beginning. Did we learn nothing from Flashpoint? They were stupid to keep her there anyway.

    She was wrong in this episode. Wrong in everything she did. Interestingly enough the only right thing she did was listen to her husband's nemesis. Maybe being a political pawn for feminists means she can't listen to her husband. Unfortunately she comes across as a spoiled brat who didn't get her way. Wasn't that supposed to be Nora's role? Oh, right. It is.

    And then they have the temerity to make Barry apologize. For being right. For doing the hard thing. The right thing. There needn't be any discussion. It's not a group decision. It's right. Send the girl back to her time. They can visit the future but Nora should stay there. Which, her meeting back up with Thawne just proves that Barry was right. She cannot be trusted.

    So yeah, super annoying episode. Super uber mega gonzo annoying. The Snow Pack side story felt like an afterthought. Sad to see Danielle Panabaker's talent wasted like this. She's an exceptional actress but she's stuck in this overly dramatic superhero farce.

    And on that note, do the writers understand they're writing for a superhero show, not Degrassi High or Days of Our Lives. Really, the drama is flying way too high and the action and fun are relegated to homogenized banality.

    This show used to be good. It is no longer. But as long as Supergirl is airing, it won't be the worst thing on TV.
  • Apparently in season 1, a genius, master-mind Reverse Flash even with the help of Gideon couldn't time travel for 15 years because he couldn't create a wormhole. The wormhole is stable for 2 mins after that it creates a black hole which sucked up everything from the Earth. Barry somehow managed to close it but it caused the death of Ronnie.

    Now here comes Iris the combination of Dr Strange, Harry Potter, Gandalf the Grey, Mandrek, Dumbledore... who just does it in 2 mins with a ready-made time sphere. She doesn't need a worm hole, there is no blackhole..she just does it like nothing & returns like nothing. Do you need anything more to vomit the hell out of your stomach?

    Icicle storyline... that's what they gave to Caitlin. Danielle Panabaker is a capable actress. They just ruined in the season with this awful storyline. She is very good as nerd, as a genius doctor, clumsy as Caitlin, great as a villain. Even in her brief romantic moments with Barry in season 1, you just wanted them to kiss.

    I see there is a reason why people are running away from the show. More Iris....less watchable...seems like an inverse proportion.
  • acharrell24 April 2019
    So bad. Iris is the worst. The drama is over the top even for a DC CW show. I'm pretty sure I remember this show being fun and funny, right? At least Legends is still great.
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