User Reviews (60)

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  • I loved this documentary! It didn't deal solely with all of her musical successes, it focused more on the development and changes in her as a person and a performer.

    From starting out as a teenager with Ike Turner, to reinventing herself in her forties and going on to achieve incredible global stardom. All against the backdrop of incredible suffering...emotionally and physically, is just astounding.

    And for her to be such a lovely, warm and positive person after everything she's been through just makes you love her more!

    I'll certainly be listening to a lot more of her work over the next few weeks!
  • IN BRIEF: Well made and informative documentary about a pop music icon.

    JIM'S REVIEW: (RECOMMENDED) Tina, a riveting documentary, solidly directed by Dan Lindsey and T. J. Martin, covers familiar ground for those who are aware of this pop superstar's mercurial life. Those unaware of this singer's painful beginnings...I'm sure there are very few in the world...may be surprised. The filmmakers mix archival footage, photos, musical performances, and interviews with those closest to her. The documentary also has Ms. Turner front and center to unfold her tale. (She retired in 2009 at the age of 70.)

    This is a straightforward retelling of events, chronologically told. No flashbacks or jumping back and forth that seems so commonplace nowadays. Its linear narrative structure comes in numbered chapters and it is refreshing and concise. Born Anna Mae Bullock, her childhood abandonment by her parents and life of poverty and neglect were only the start of her many hardships. Her life story begins from her rise to stardom and her abusive relationship with her Svengali husband and muse, Ike Turner. Most of her traumatic marriage was kept secret until she finally reveal the domestic abuse issues in 1981, hoping for a catharsis which never quite happened. Moviegoers see her fall from grace, her struggles in the music industry, and her huge comeback as a solo artist, all leading to a storybook ending with her loving spouse, Erwin Bach.

    During the film, Tina states that the bad moments in her life outweigh the good. However, the wounds still seem gapingly open and the scarring of this strong woman remains obvious. While there is enough tragedy in her life to doom anyone, Ms. Turner is foremost, a survivor. Her violent past with Ike still continue to haunt her these many years. Love seemed MIA in her personal life, although her professional world became one of adoration and success due to her determination and talent.

    The film glosses over some events, especially her early solo outings in the late 70's and early 80's or her spotty film career. Half of the documentary focuses on her early beginnings with Ike and then rushes through her later career highlights. Ms. Turner herself is interviewed and at times, refuses to relive and discuss those scenes of horror and violence, understandingly so. While it does leave some gaps in the storytelling, those telling omissions convey a person suffering from PTSD and unable to come to terms with her troubled past life. Oddly, only one son, Craig, to whom she dedicates the film, shares his recollection of his dysfunctional childhood and hate for his father's vicious acts of violence. Her other three sons never enter the scenario.

    Of course, the musical concert footage is sensational. While early song hits are fragmented and sacrificed to the dramatic story, the filmmakers wisely showcase many musical concert moments in their entirety. Footage of a few later hits (Help, I Can See the Rain, Simply the Best) provide the whole version to these songs via concert footage and they are mesmerizing.

    With a performer this legendary, one always wants more. Tina is a fascinating film that gives us a candid view of a music icon's life, with behind-the-scenes views and center stage where she belongs. (GRADE: B)
  • From rags to riches; to almost rags and then to Icon Status! I didn't grow up with her music but I certainly became a fan! She is amazing.

    I had no idea how awful it was for Tina! You Go girl!!!
  • errant-5278528 March 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Tina Turner's story has been often told, through interviews, books, film. And for good reason. It is a phenomenal story of triumph.

    One thing this documentary does that I haven't seen much of before, is some exploration of Tina being forced to re-live these traumas. She shared them to put them behind her and have an answer to point toward when interviewers and articles came calling to rehash the story.

    But it didn't work that way, and is a testament to the power of her story and the unabashed triumph that came out of it.

    Tina Turner is a legend and her story is an inspiration through and through. She shouldn't have to tell it any more but it should never be forgotten.
  • mandagrammy28 March 2021
    This is simply one of the very best biographical documentaries out there. It is completely thorough, in that it shows Tina from beginning to today. I don't think we've ever had a clearer picture of what makes a superstar icon tick than this one. I think that even those who are not into her music that much would find this a fascinating and unforgettable film, although I can't imagine not being stirred by the sound of her music. By the way, if you are into her music, you'll hear plenty of it. I highly recommend this film. Two thumbs sky high for this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After the hard road with ex- husband Ike Turner, the unloved little girl from the cotton fields of Nutbush, a heartless mother, and raising her boys, luck changes her resolve. Loved the moment when she meets "the prettiest face I've ever seen", future husband, record producer Erwin Bach! I've always worshipped her voice & persona, witnessing a strength enhanced by the tranquility of Buddhism. Her acendence up the ladder of fame finally on her own terms with the love of her life brought tears! You feel like cheering her resiliency as the Icon, The Goddess Of All Time.
  • Absolute 1 of a kind. An original once in 10 lifetime's, Tina always nailed it. A great send off, to a legend! Simply....
  • The film doesn't take you any closer to her music... very little of it is even mentioned. The film is instead an ode to Tina and her struggles with Ike. Feel like this could've been so much stronger if we were also taken into her art and the uniqueness of her voice.
  • calvinlukej6 March 2021
    Great documentary it goes through all tina's childhood up to retirement and it has lots of archival footage too it shows the queen of rock and roll's story
  • Those familiar with music and rock and roll history will remember Tina's early career alongside Ike Turner; making a name for themselves with the Ike and Tina Turner revue. Sold out shows and radio hits were putting Ike & Tina on the map, grabbing the attention of many industry insiders including music producer Phil Spector.

    However, behind the shining lights and glamour was a dark cloud that hung over Tina; with infamous reports of domestic violence with then husband Ike. After divorcing him, Tina was able to keep her stage name and begin her solo career, which is all documented in Tina - with incredible archival footage.

    Although the home movies give a nostalgic view into the lives of two music stars, the end result can unfortunately feel like a disservice to its subject. Many times throughout the film, Tina mentions her desire of putting the issue of Ike Turner to rest, only for it to lurk in the shadows as her career reached astronomical heights.

    Fans of the 1993 film What's Love Got to Do With It will find the first half of this documentary familiar, as it is nearly an exact retelling of that film, confirmed by home movies and testimony from Tina and those around her during that time. The footage is incredible and sometimes disturbing, especially seeing Tina visibly uncomfortable when Ike reaches her personal space.

    With everything that felt familiar, there was information I didn't know: such as the 1981 People magazine interview, and many of her comeback gigs: like appearances on The Brady Bunch Hour, Hollywood Squares and a collaboration of Hollywood Nights with Olivia Newton John.

    Alas, films and documentaries are flawed in that you can only cover so much of a person's life. True, Ike Turner was an integral, major part of Tina'sTurners story. But it seems that part of their history could've been glossed over in this specific documentary, and instead focus on Tina's plight after the divorce; especially her trajectory from performing disco cover songs to selling 20 million copies of her Private Dancer album and performing to over 100,000 people in Rio.

    Overall, I was left unsatisfied by the documentary, but recommend it especially if you are not familiar with the 1993 film What's Love Got to Do With It. Unfortunately, the existence of that film hurts this documentary for me, where as another recent HBO music biopic, The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, felt like new information, as there never was a Hollywood produced film on that group.
  • aylawills28 March 2021
    I was so thrilled to hear that Tina had a documentary coming out.

    It exceeded all expectations.

    It's raw, real, heartbreaking and empowering all in one. Her life story is one that everyone can draw inspiration from. Tina is TIMELESS.

    Excellent production. Every woman should watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Tina was an exeptional performer, authentic, powerful, impressive.

    One might wish these two 'guys', Lindsay and Martin, had done a better job at making this documentary/biography more interesting and genuine.

    The first half is a flashy to and fro, leaning heavy on what we already know and appreciate of the Ike and Tina performances, as if it tries to build something that was obviously already there. These 'guys' do not add any, they try to prevent you from leaving the theatre by leeching on the icon, it seems. That 'Ike and Tina' period had the most groove. But that Ike sure was one sad and wretched person.

    The second half shows the tacky music industry's noncomprehensiveness of talent or art, but does give Tina a showcase career without any real artistry involved. Tina sort of remains a solid rock of performance throughout and deserves respect for her great attitude towards all the crappy buiness she had to endure.

    While the first half of this movie tries to get hip through flashy images and skipping to and fro Tina's history, the second half only sorta gets human interest in the last 15 minutes, where it deals with the peace she finds with Erwin Bach. Most of the second half is filled with dull and dumb leaders of the music industry, wich seem to be only thinking about that next little pile of dollars, while bending talent to their flaccid way of wheeling and dealing. The groove of previous times with Ike does not return.

    Overall it would have been a better docu/bio if it had only been more about Tiina's personal life, not mainly of her exposure and career and all the moguls that darkened it.

    Its like when she gets her great fame on her rebound, she is like the towering voice in a sector of industry that is just too dumb and pre-occupied to really give any form support to greatness.

    And there still remains a rock solid Tina Turner.
  • This was advertised as Tina's farewell to her fans, so I thought it would be all about Tina, like a lot of people. Unfortunately, this was more about Ike than Tina, despite her endlessly repeating she wanted that part of her life left in the past. So why didn't they do her early years and just concentrate on Tina? Or skip to her time after Ike and the music she really wanted to do, or a million other things that we probably don't know about Tina but would like to. Towards the very end they finally got into the "real Tina" but it was too little and they could have used way more live clips. She is one of the worlds greatest performers and musical icons, ever. Just watch one of the live concerts, you will be better entertained.
  • There was Tina! What an incredibly human being. Groundbreaking documentary that flows like butter off a hot knife, one that just pierced your heart.
  • kosmasp29 October 2021
    I have to adnit that I never really cared to know a lot about Tina Turner. Don't get me wrong, I love her songs as much as any other individual. But that was as far as I was interested - with this documentary about her life - well it wet my appetite to watch the biopic with Angela Bassett who played her many years ago.

    Curious to see how that holds up to this one. And this one does not hold back when it comes to her demons. Inner ones but also in form of Ike Turner. There is so much here - a lot will be tough to swallow, especially if you never heard about the abusive relationship and the hold he had over her. Of course he sees things differently as (recorded) interviews with him clearly show.

    Tina herself but a lot of other people who know her best (including her mother) have something to say about her. And all is interesting. The pace and the structure of the documentary is also really well done. If you only have the slightest interest (or none as was the case with me, but like her songs), you'll have something really engaging to watch right here.
  • leejohngallagher12 March 2021
    Loved this documentary it's an emotional rollercoaster and a perfect way for Tina to bow out
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Tina Turner is undeniably talented and since one of my most rewatched movies is indeed What's Love Got to do with It? I was excited for this doc I saw no promotion about until I saw it on HBOMax. I pushed play immediately.snd it does not disappoint.

    I love how it went into the harder parts of her life and relationship with Ike without being super invasive. I really enjoyed learning things i don't think were covered in her biopic or just didn't know like her family dynamic or the fact that her parents abandoned them. Her mother did not know anything about her. Sad and tragic cause she seems like someone i'd love to know. That just goes to show me, I should work to be a success for myself with my own standards not to please my parents. I loved the cinematography of the doc. It was so well edited. I really like the archival footage of her past performances and recordings.

    Fantastic doc 8/10.
  • jboothmillard11 March 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I must have seen a trailer for this documentary film at the cinema, there were clips and pictures that were familiar when I looked it up, I was most interested in the person focused on anyway. Basically, it follows the life and career of singer, songwriter, and actress Tina Turner, widely referred to as the "Queen of Rock 'n' Roll". It only goes a little into her childhood, she was born Anna Mae Bullock in Brownsville, Tennessee in poverty, picking cotton with her family, and she gained her love of music and singing in the church choir at Nutbush's Spring Hill Baptist Church. It focuses much more on her adulthood, meeting Ike Turner performing with his band the Kings of Rhythm at the Manhattan Club in East St. Louis. Ike asked her to sing and was impressed with her vocal ability, and became a featured vocalist with his band, eventually becoming a star of the show. Tina's name, which was trademarked, was inspired by Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, and her stage persona was inspired by Nyoka the Jungle Girl. Ike & Tina Turner became successful, with the help of Phil Spector, and "River Deep - Mountain High" became a huge hit, and Tina married Ike in 1962. Obviously, Tina suffered 16 years of mental, physical, and sexual abuse by Ike, who was heavily addicted to cocaine, but felt loyal to him from a business point of view. She also turned to the Buddhist-Baptist religion to help her cope with what she went through, and was able occasionally to fight back, but continued to suffer. Finally, in 1978, Tina escaped from Ike, filing for divorce, with Ike retaining all the rights, royalties, and several possessions, she only requested that would keep her stage name. Over the net few years, Tina made numerous television appearances to establish herself as a solo artist, and eventually revealing the pain and suffering she experienced in her relationship with Ike in a magazine. Tina finally achieved her career resurgence in the early 1980s, with her albums achieving record sales, with hit songs including "What's Love Got to Do with It" (previously recorded by Bucks Fizz) and "Private Dancer", and winning many accolades, including Grammys. Tina also went on to become an actress, appearing in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, and the story of her life with Ike becoming a movie, What's Love Got to Do with It, starring Angela Bassett and Laurence Fishburne. It ends with Tina Turner content with her retirement, aged 81, and a live performance from a few years ago of probably her greatest and most recognisable hit, "The Best". With contributions from Angela Bassett, Oprah Winfrey, Kurt Loder, and many others in the music industry, and family and friends. This story is told with great use of archive footage and pictures, it is fascinating to find out things you may not now about her, before and after her time with Ike, and her achievements in middle age and further, and obviously the songs included are great listening, it is a terrific and interesting documentary. Very good!
  • damilolas28 March 2021
    I knew bits of her life story but the doc laid it all out. Gut tears towards the end. What a magnificent woman.
  • I don't know what else to say, other than do yourself a favor and watch this. You've heard all the stories, now get a feel for the real person behind the icon that is Tina Turner.
  • It was interesting to watch but I sincelery lack ther conetent of the best records she made with rolling sones and with Ike after the divorce no mentionen of it it was really dispinting to me "Acid Queen" is the record that she clearly state dshe wanted to make a rock and roll record and it is one of her best records IMHO. So this documentay is not fully shows what she could do sadly.
  • "HBO" has once again done it with a great bio doc this time "Tina" which looks at the life and career of one sweet music legend Tina Turner. The doc was informative as it featured behind the scenes vintage footage of Tina's early days of meeting Ike and his band in St. Louis and becoming his sidekick after leaving her small rural Tennessee town. From the get go Tina had the moves and shakes as she was brought up with the blues and the likes of BB. King and gospel. The voice and determination was around from early on.

    Told was more than her talent yet her making it threw the storm of Ike's path and domestic abuse as the interview and recording from 1981's "People" magazine is spotlighted. As seen when breaking away solo was when this carefree woman had her greatest success as the freedom of being alone set her music wings soaring to new heights. The concert footage is well done showing Tina rock on with crowd masses and the interviews from friends Angela Bassett and Oprah Winfrey were touching as they told of warm touching memories of the talented Mrs. Turner. Plus former "MTV" host and music journalist Kurt Loder being interviewed as he gives his take and memories of how she impacted music and culture. Overall fine well done doc that proved her lasting power was a sign of will and determination as Tina Turner lasting thru abuse and pain proved that she was simply one of the best!
  • An interior look of how an icon becomes herself and reclaims the narratives that have come to define her. This is a deep look of how the woman that created Tina understands how she created a global sensation and invented a new space for herself.
  • What an amazing, touching, emotional journey this documentary took me on. I was stunned by the photos and video clips added throughout. I was moved by Tina's first hand account and recollections of her past. I was enamored by her story of strength, heartache, and ultimately her triumphant conclusion. I would recommend this to anyone. A beautiful, difficult, and emotional recounting of an amazing and legendary life!
  • Thank you Tina for your bravery and your strength. I've always liked you, but now after watching this documentary, I love you. Much love and admiration.
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