User Reviews (26)

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  • The approach is really something: the subdivision of episodes, the wrongdoer is almost maintained until the very end (which could have been more sophisticated, though), catchy twists and turns (well, sometimes at the expense of realism as Denmark is among the least corrupted countries in the world), the inclusion of 5 of Top10 contemporary Danish actors (Thomsen, Dencik, Mikkelsen, Lie Kaas, Dyrholm)... Really nice - and intensive, following the real traditions of Nordic and British Noir.

    Perhaps not as meaty as e.g. Bron/Broen, but close. And another good opportunity for Ulrich Thomsen to show his greatness and versatility.
  • mmuggi16 September 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Season two of the interrogation is structured in the same way as season one. A section - an interrogation. But where the first season was groundbreaking, the second season is more snobbish. Because it's snobbish to be able to remember characters from season 1 when two years have passed in real time. There is a lack of refinement and a sense of reality. The whole plot part is extremely convoluted and very difficult to trust, and in the end you do not get the desired answers. Whether it's designed to get a season three is not known, and I do not want to know. Canceled from here.
  • xmasdaybaby196617 October 2021
    I am writing this at the end of series 2 (assuming a third series won't be necessary).

    The show never has any pace, little in the way of action and long drawn out conversations that could be cut to a couple of minutes.

    The first season isn't too bad but series 2 which I am sure was filmed with great difficulty during lockdown (watch the man and woman leave the train wearing facemasks at the end of s2e7) is quite poor.

    I have just list around 8 hours of my life plodding through this after hearing that Eagle Eye drama is making an English version (the scene at a petrol station was filmed during a fuel crisis).

    After seeing English versions as well as the excellent originals of Professor T and Before We Die, I wanted to see if this was top quality too Unfortunately, I was let down. The Danes didn't bring home the bacon.

    Like the dodgy series 3 of Professor T, series 2 of this was hard to find - and for good reason.

    The show seems to nowhere but you watch, disappointedly, in hope.

    Hopefully James Nesbit and Niamh Algar (among others) can bring some life to English incarnation.
  • Should have been a movie, but Mr. Boe is always up for good acting and a great story. A great crime story, but would have been better as a movie with good action points.
  • Should have been a Movie, but Mr. Boe is always up for good acting and a great performance. By actors like Lie Kass, Lars Mikkelsen and so on.
  • Really wonderful how this story is told in short episodes with few actors on one spot. Excellent acting en film making!
  • louismdk14 January 2020
    Some parts are great. Acting is great. Cinematography is great. A little repetitive in scene structure. As per usual with Mr. Boe, I'm slightly bewildered at the end. A need a little more.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I saw the cast list and sat down to watch this I was super excited. This is like a gathering of my favourite foreign language actors.

    Unfortunately, things soon showed themselves to be very repetitive. Long scenes of, basically, two-person plays (which is fine) but the format got very tired: Father meets suspect. Suspect is tight lipped. Father eventually drags another name out of suspect. Father seeks next suspect. Repeat as required.

    Only for the great cast would I have given up half way through the series.
  • rasmusmulig17 November 2019
    Great acting. Great schript. Great story. Best drama/crime/thriller series i've watched in a long time!
  • I am surely missing the point or the cultural savviness, but this is a completely unrealistic scenario, with repetitive 'interrogations' of people giving titbits of info, and daddy overplaying his part. We were looking forward to this series but got quickly bored.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Each episode of this show is very short, from 22 to 30 mins each (by eight episodes). Where the title becomes relevant, and it's also the show's technical conceit, is that each ep features the detective-father character being face-to-face with someone he is interviewing (in order to find his daughter's murderer). So, that's technically innovative for a TV show.

    What also reveals itself with each ep is the nature of the detective-father, as violent and perhaps a poor father to his daughter. And then there's how well he knew (or didn't know) his daughter, with what he finds out about her. So this series is playing purposefully with what we know and when we do, in ways very relevant to character. It works all pretty well.
  • lizettequist16 November 2019
    Very good danish crime movie with some of the best danish actors
  • With some episodes around 25 mins it was still a hard watch. Characters took turns in dialogue whereas in the real life a couple of questions and an answer would have solved the problem. I can't recall the first season being as painful to watch. I can't recommend this show, there's so many better options.
  • Rikkevatting21 December 2019
    Great show - amazing acting.. Watched the whole season in one evening.. You will not be disappointed.
  • Not your usual Danish police drama with the main character mentally breaking down in the first 10 minutes. Instead of an intensive and compelling police investigation as we have come to expect, the story is told in a series of interviews between the main character and protagonists in his daughter's seedy life. As logic and reality flew out the window, I couldn't help thinking, this guy is a detective? His unstable behaviour is itself destabilising and exasperating for the viewer. It's unclear as to the purpose of this unusual structure other than a deal of overacting and violence towards women.
  • If you're a dad with a young daughter with whom your relationship is fraught with challenges, this series is compelling viewing.
  • Very good with fine acting as always Ulrich Thomsen
  • crumpytv17 November 2021
    It is refreshing when something doesn't follow the norm, but it has to work.

    This is an attempt to present a police enquiry in a different way, but it ends up being too fragmented due to essentially focusing on the main character with a different character in each episode. And the main character isn't exactly a barrel of laughs!

    It goes around in circles and in the the end was the beginning, so to speak.
  • alkoterrorist28 November 2019
    Only Kid Bodnia and Paprika Steen missing.. Great Danish drama, pure and raw.
  • This is probably one of the top overrated directors in danish films history. This man is just in love with himself and his own imagined genius.

    All his stuff like this crap is over the top and usually extremely boring.
  • When I'm writing this review, only 13 people have gone me before. Admittely, I also had not discovered this gem till recently (someone mentioned it in another series' review). The less you know, the better, but I highly recommend viewing it. Good pace, outstanding acting performances, only 20~30 minutes per episode, great dialogues. (If you really don't wanna know anything, stop here). The style keeps between a movie and a theatre act. Limitation of space and locations, but that in turn puts each and every confrontation between the protagonists under a marvelous spotlight. In regular movies, you have 2 or 3 of these, with lots of filling in between. Here you have 8 in a row! Everything is cut to the bare minimum, with all emphasis on the dialogues. Why 9 and not 10? Cause there are some flaws, nothing that spoils the ride, but nevertheless, without them it would be a 10. (e.g. Putting the gun on the ground ? The rigor mortis had not yet affected the whole body till the last scene in the morgue?)
  • katrinethoruplange19 January 2022
    The scenes are very long and elongated. Not much happens, it's mostly just 2 people talking for 25 minutes straight. However, the acting and the script are really good.
  • Unrealistic characters making brainless decisions and constantly showing how inefficient, slow and corrupted are Denmark policeman. I didn't feel aesthetic or artistic touch here. Just plain boredom and violence towards female characters.
  • The father was such a descipable character you really had no sympathy for him or his quest. Too bad, had potential, but missed the mark. Great cast, but couldn't carry the baggage from the lead character.
  • qui_j12 December 2022
    This series starts off by wasting the entire first episode on the quarrel between the Pathologist and the Police/father. The dialog is boring and repetitive, and the premise is just, well, stupid! It has the usual Danish lineup of actors who appear to be like a traveling theater group that goes from series to series. The pace is so slow that it fails to engage viewers. There are these long, drawn out conversations that are fairly common in Danish series, just a lot of words that could easily have been condensed down to more precise dialog. Really needed a faster pace to move the story along so that viewers do not become bored and stop watching!
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