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  • Some of the videos here are believable, some are not.

    The biggest problem with this show is that most of the run time is made up of crappy stock footage and the "experts" giving their over the top theories that don't make sense. The episodes are 42 minutes long, when they could be easily around 21 minutes long if they trimmed all the extra crap. If they want to make this show better, they should just cut the experts and let the audiences come up with their own theories. It would make the show much more thought provoking and creepy.

    I am someone who likes cryptids, aliens, etc. And anything paranormal. I really want to like this show, but when its anything but the paranormal videos, it feels like I am wasting my time. You are better off looking up paranormal videos on Reddit or YouTube.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay so a few of the clips you have to scratch your head on and wonder they could be real paranormal stuff. But most of the clips this show has are obvioulsy fake. I mean the Grubb guy controlling the wind, anyone can stand on a hill beside a building on a windy day and do that, total fake.

    Majority of the hauntings and moving objects are fake, they never show the full area, where someone is likely standing and pull in a sting making the object move. Like the chair in the guys apartment that moves after he pushes it. It doesn't show the full chair in the clip, there's obviously someone there helping.

    But my favorite is the storm on the coast on the island that had the quake, lightening in the sky caused by the quake is aliens coming to get them lmao, man that one had us all laughing.

    Other than all the fakes and random 1 or 2 possible really paranormal clips it's an entertaining show that gives you a laugh or 2.
  • I don't know if anyone else noted this but the co-called wall crawler is transparent. You can see the wall he is crawling on through the "entity". I think that the whole thing is a hoax and what we see is a projection from place in the cavern. It looks pretty cool, but it is nothing real.
  • I cannot tell you how often I watch this just to laugh at the "experts." I feel like this show is a bunch of people putting their two cents in who have no knowledge in animal sounds, electricity problems... ect. Every other episode has a forest scene with a "strange animal sound" .. The experts say they have never heard an animal make this noise... My advice to whomever watches this show is look up fisher cats.
  • I love this show. Creepy videos, not all of which can be faked.

    If you're looking for a show that is going to try to debunk the paranormal, this show isn't for you. It doesn't try to debunk the videos, but rather lets the viewer make up his or her own mind. You can find debunking shows elsewhere if that's your thing.

    The negative one star reviews on this show are ridiculous. They've obviously been written by people who have no belief in the paranormal, and more importantly, do not want to believe in the paranormal, and thus immediately brand any and every paranormal video as fake. Then they are peeved because the show, by not attempting to debunk the videos, doesn't allow them to stay in their comfort zone. Actually, I'm starting to believe they were all written by the same person.
  • Makes a huge change from other paranormal shows i must say i enjoy this show this looks at peoples evidence of the paranormal from aliens ghosts to unexplained creatures analyse the footage by professionals in that field i enjoy seeing the evidence then have it broken down now 70% of this evidence is from the internet so should be taken with a grain of salt also most the clips shown u can watch yourself in you're own time that puts a downer on the whole thing but this is a great format they have also brings a whole new look for modern day paranormal shows

    8/10 for paranormal show as a whole in this specific genre
  • Your experts are less interesting than hearing from actual experiencers. Not charming, not enlightening, rarely valuable commentaries.

    How is it possible that you allow Brian Cano to continue with his maddeningly simple-minded reactions and unanalytical descriptions of what we've just seen. Not only does he not add anything meaningful or scholarly, he sure goes on about whatever banal tangent first slips from his most boring persona. Ditch this grade D 'expert.' What are his supposed credentials anyway? Now even his glib grasping voice enrages us.
  • easteternal28 March 2019
    This show had potential, until they started showing really old videos from the internet that have been 100% debunked or proven/confessed to be faked. And the panel of "experts" will still sit there and act like we're watching definitive proof of the paranormal. They don't research the footage at all. They never even try to explain or debunk them, which 90% of them have already been for many years. The show is trying too hard to convince you that these videos are unexplained.
  • Let's get it out of the way, this show is shlock and stupid as hell, the "experts" just spend their time gaslightinng the audience with "facts" that they heard or make up without any meaningful followup.

    BUT: I love this show, the videos may be disproven, but I still find them enticing to watch, I love these sorts of videos, and the "experts" are so damn convinced that it's hilarious how many hoops they will jump through to say "that is paranormal".
  • Bruxadomar19 May 2020
    I don't know why all the negativity here, I have seen some of these videos before but not all and I am enjoying the series, don't think the "experts" like other reviews have mentioned impose their believes, only adding their personal comments, try it for yourself rather than relying on other people's dislike of the show.
  • passionjewels27 April 2019
    Is it me or are the films always so damn grainy you can't see anything which tells me half of these may be fake. I do believe in some paranormal but this show, some stuff is total crap.
  • Its alright. Im hearing alot of ppl whinging about this show but none of u are experts but u all seem to have something to say about the episodes about how fake they are, well how about pointing out exactly wat videos u think are fake and why.
  • I honestly just get annoyed that they constantly say "on this episode of paranormal caught on camera..." Or "coming up..." And they show what is coming up. Like stop. I'm watching the show to watch the show. If I know what's coming up every time, it's boring when it comes back after commercials. Especially at the beginning too. Like you just showed either all the clips or most of them. The rest of the show is either the people talking about it and/or added things to that short view of the clips. Still. Don't spoil it. You have an hour long show that is summed up into a couple minutes total with the "coming ups" and "on this episode...". Obviously some of this sht might be faked or debunked but truthfully confusing to the person or they did fake it or it could be real. Anyone who watches sht like this should be aware of that. But please do all of us a favor, and don't tell us what's coming up. You ruin the show you're trying to create.
  • The clips are usually alright even though many are most likely debunked. But the "experts" are so annoying. They love to hear themselves talk and usually just describe what the viewer is looking at. These "experts" say things like "I have no idea what this could be". Oh, I was under the impression you were an expert in this fake field. One clip was most likely a bear in the woods and not one of these clowns even suspected it could be something so easily explainable. Nope, it's Sasquatch or the Goatman or whatever creature they make up. I usually tape the show and just fast-forward past the narcissistic jokers.
  • Why is it when it comes to the ghost cameras everything is clear but when it comes to the Sasquatch or UFOs everything is blurry. The phone camera pick up better than what is shown on the episodes so why is everything so blurry were you can't make out anything but yet if you turn your own phone camera on at night time you can see clear as day but every episode when it comes to a creature it's blurry you can't make out anything when cameras now a days are so Crystal Clear.
  • I really like this show & guess that lots of the negative reviews are probably from folks who don't believe in paranormal activity, so why they're watching it to begin with Idk. Lots of the footage is incredible! I've personally had things fly across the room, spirits appear & watched lights in the sky moving in ways that defy physics, so seeing evidence that others have as well is validating.

    The videos are introduced by people who caught it on camera- some are normal people who weren't trying to, or even knew that they caught proof until reviewing their security cams. Their reactions seem genuine - they are obviously bewildered by what they've experienced, and many of them earn some credibility via their job titles - like being the superintendent of a haunted school, airplane pilot or supervisor of a factory.

    These ordinary folks don't look or sound like actors & they are conducting interviews via computer from home. It seems to me that they risk a lot of ridicule & even their jobs/reputation by acknowledging that they recorded it, & they don't have much motive to fake it, such as money or fame.

    Of course it's possible w/ some of the videos that the people who filmed it weren't trying to trick anyone but were just mistaken. Occasionally I see security footage & wonder if it's showing a spectre due to a glitch, superimposing old images over new recordings, especially when the people present didn't see anything. There's been some footage where I was able to say that's obviously a bear/person/lemur/balloons/sky lanterns. That last one gave me the biggest laugh when a couple filming what they believe are UFOs (but are actually floating lanterns) start going nuts as the flames go out, saying, "They are turning off their lights above our house!" LoL!

    It IS annoying when the commentators completely bypass ordinary explanations & skip straight to something supernatural. With a few of the examples I wonder why they were even included in the show because they are so blatantly bunk. Like that Bigfoot is wearing snowshoes! There are a few of the "professionals" who make comments that I don't like at all, but a few others are great - intelligent, thoughtful & genuinely interested. A couple of the ladies have beautiful eyes that are mesmerizing!

    A lot of the videos taken by self-proclaiming paranormal researchers I have to take with a grain of salt. They are overly dramatic & have something to gain by catching activity, or FAKING activity. Their sightings occur in abandoned & decrepit buildings, spooky by nature & w/o owners to dispute the findings. So many of them are disrespectful towards the spirits that they are interacting w/- provocative bullies. Their attitudes & behaviors suggest to me that they aren't the most trustworthy witnesses.

    They'll show us equipment readings that seem easily explained, like the temp dropping as they walk into a basement (duh) or a motion sensor going off as their whole crew mills around. Their filming skills are subpar considering that they should know how to operate a camera. The folks spontaneously catching something w/ cell phones do a better job of holding still than these guys who claim to do it all the time.

    The amount of crazy stuff they manage to catch at each place they visit isn't believable, especially with the way that they're acting... literally ACTING. Sometimes what they claim to see during just one night is far more than what witnesses who are there all the time have ever experienced all together. Real paranormal investigations take lots of time & patience, w/ much less dramatic results, so I have a hard time believing some of these people. Of course w/ this show we are only seeing short clips of the dramatic moments, but if these places had such strong phenomenon we'd hear about them from other sources.

    The people I'm complaining about demand a sign that they aren't alone, then when they get one (no matter how benign) they freak out & flee. I totally get that if something assaults you- I've been physically attacked by unseen forces & it's legitimately terrifying - but acting like that because of a knock is way over the top. True paranormal professionals wouldn't behave this way when making contact w/ the supernatural, especially since that's the goal. You'd think they'd be better prepared for anything, but they pee their pants when they get a glimpse of something. They come in hot & that makes it easy to overreact or make assumptions. I imagine that most of them aren't actually skilled in investigating anything, just immature groups out looking for a jump scare, so allowing them to claim the title of Paranormal Researcher does harm to real teams of people who are legit. I feel bad for the ghosts who have to put up w/ idiots coming into their space requesting parlor tricks then bailing out. It's actually making me consider going into the field so I can try to help them cross over or figure out what their unfinished business is.

    I don't actually like ANY of the mainstream ghost hunter/cryptid tracker shows for all these reasons - as far as I'm concerned they are fakes doing it for fame & fortune. They certainly don't seem to be trying to help the living or the dead. Most of the time there's NOTHING alarming there - it's just a bunch of dudes stumbling around in the dark acting spooked by every little sound. It's stuoid that they get TV shows & I wish there was a show debunking THEM. I'm not interested in watching fake drama - I'd watch a horror movie if that was my desire. I tend to prefer educational shows exploring the unknown through science & history, w/ actual experts chiming in. I make an exception for this show solely because of the believability of the footage captured by ordinary people & because it allows me a jumpoff point for researching the topics deeper on my own.

    Ugh, don't even get me started on the guys who have dedicated their lives to catching Bigfoot & see every broken twig as a sign. Obviously if your entire existence revolves around finding proof that your beliefs are valid than you're going to turn all your findings into evidence, or even fake it. I'm not saying that I don't believe that Bigfoot or Nessie could be real, just that I'm critical of footage from people who are obsessed with creatures like this- they've obviously got a motive. Often they didn't even begin going down the rabbit hole due to a personal encounter, they just read about it on the internet & started tromping around the woods. I'm also not impressed by audio recordings of loud screeching sounds outside at night w/o a visual more than reflective eyes. Yes they sound inhumane, because they are. So many animals make noises that are really spooky, sounding like a woman screaming or a demon grunting. You can listen to audio of cougars, raccoons or baboons that are identical.

    I have to say, some of the footage the show claims was captured in the past few years CAN'T be true because I saw it online BEFORE then. It's been a long time since I was actively seeking out stuff like this, like 2005-2009, so telling me that video I saw on the internet back than is from 2020 doesn't make sense. Their motive for this is unclear & doesn't help to provide validation; it seems easy to say when it actually happened, especially when the quality is obviously from decades old technology. However, there are plenty of videos that I've never seen before that have crystal clear images that had to be caught on newer cameras.

    I don't like that the exact same clips are shown over & over- even the words from those talking about the videos are repeated. Some videos are cut off quickly when you know that whoever was filming it kept rolling, leaving you wondering what happened next & why won't they show us? Some people say they recorded for 20 minutes or 2 hrs & if you go online you can find them in their entirely, so it's lost on me why they show us the same 5 seconds repeatedly instead of other clips from the same video. Occasionally I catch something unusual that isn't even mentioned, making me wonder why they didn't say anything about it. It's especially frustrating when that happens right at the moment they cut away, because just a few more seconds would make all the difference.

    Anyway, all in all I like this show. There's some footage that doesn't seem to have any earthly explanation & I lean towards believing it because I have witnessed stuff like it myself. I've been pretty critical in this review for somebody who claims to like it... I suppose to show that I'm not easily fooled or just a fanatic. Lots of deniers can say that it's ALL fake, that it must be strings or altered footage, but w/o solid proof they are just as discountable. Any skeptics who have a firsthand encounter of their own are likely to become true believers!
  • keenerjoemac11 July 2023
    I don't know how long the ghost brothers have been commentators but I love those guys. Show ehh. Commentators are clowns but Ghost Brothers make it a 10 in my book. Like the one they commented on a bigfoot. It was kept in the basement until it got too big and it was either flush it down the toilet or let it roam free😄 All of the other "ex-perts" love the sound of their own voices no creditability what so ever. Show would be maybe a minute long if stories were debunked. So watch it for the vaudeville act that it is. Same caliber as Mountain monsters. At least mountain monsters tried to be beleivable NOT😲
  • The footage is interesting and I like a little backstory on it as well, but they need to lose the 'experts' I have to skip the video forward every time one of them starts talking which is really annoying. They all say the same meaningless things over and over. Why do I need someone to tell me what I just saw? Why would they even waste production money paying these people to make their show worse? It is mind boggling.
  • If you watch season 2 episode 17 and look at the part about a square UFO. ITS NOT A UFO its was a very cloudy day and the lights around the building right bellow it are shining Straight up around the building witch shows the dark rectangle in the middle were the light isn't shinning and light all on the out side so the cous of this is from the lights nit from aliens or a portal to a different dimension. I don't want to watch a show if they don't actually look at the full picture and look directly bellow it to see lights.
  • This "Travel Channel" series is one that's interesting and well done as it shows highlights and footage from all around the globe on strange things that are caught on camera and even cell phone snapshots! The footage is often looked at and investigated by researchers and experts. Many episodes feature videos and snapshots of monsters, like Bigfoot and sea creatures along lakes and oceans. Plus ghost and paranormal activity is often featured as caught and captured by ordinary citizens. Plus strange lights and UFO's over the night skies of major cities is interesting and eye opening to see. This series is a must for any lover of the strange and odd so give it a watch if you haven't!.
  • Please if you dont have new material dont put out a season. Clearly we bounce around to different shows and im tired of seeing the same stuff again and again. Be real. Thats what made you good to begin with. If you dont have material advertize. People might be sitting on videos they dont know what to do with. Cmon i expected better. There is also something that needs to be done about the foam cloud videos. Its not paranormal its sewage gas toxic and you should be telling people that. This is quickly moving from my favorite show to the thing i watch when i need sleep not a good look. Anyway my review is now long enough( id probably be less harsh if it would let me stop when i want to) but there it is.
  • First off, nearly every single video they show has been debunked. But what bothers me more about this is that the so called "experts" do not say, "this has a simple explination." My guess is that some of them give real reasoning behind the event but the producers dont want to put that in the episode because in there world every video is paranormal.
  • I like this show, I know most people don't like it because most of it is fake (which may be true) but I think it's just fun to watch and get scared of kinda.
  • I have no doubt that 90%+ of these videos are deliberately faked. But they are still nonetheless entertaining to watch, and some of them are probably legit. The "experts" are not necessary and avoid simple explanations for the outlandish. Trying to figure out which videos belong to the 10% are the best part. The show would be much better if they had skeptics on instead of hardcore believers. This way the skeptics could try to see if the videos are legit or pick them apart. A fun show to just throw on.
  • Attention seekers pretend they have footage of ghosts and dummies believe them.
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