• What I liked about this show: 1) His commitment to restoring old homes to their former glory when so many are being bulldozed for some ugly new building, with their exteriors and interiors either being sent to the dump, or hopefully sold in reclaimed shops, 2) Using items from reclaimed shops to bring back design elements lost in past renovations, 4) The beautiful woodwork that is sometimes added.

    What bothered me somewhat about the show: 1) Constantly using the same design ideas, like the apron sink and the ugly Fort Knox refrigerators, 2) Brett's seeming dislike for microwaves, hiding or removing them whenever possible, 3) When unstackable washers and dryers are stacked on top of one another so the control knobs are so high you'll need a step-stool to reach them.

    What I very much disliked about the show: 1) His ridiculous love of the colour grey - his goal seems to be to paint and roof most houses he renovates some ugly shade of grey, obscuring their beauty, lines and details, turning them into ugly bunkers. 2) His complete and utter disregard for plants and trees, ripping out beautiful and in some cases, flowering items, to replace them with barren moonscapes with plants that won't survive long in California weather. We referred to the "landscaper" he worked with as Daisy Cutter. 3) The excessive stenciling. I hate stenciling - in 90% of cases, it cheapens the look of a room.