
Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Show Show Editor (9 credits)
 2016 Der Dicke liebt (Short)
 2010 Elf Onkel
 2008 3:59 Freude (Short)
 2007 Kinderkarussell (Short)
 2004 Menschenkörper (Short)
 2003 Hamlet_X
 2000 Strange Date with Herself (Short)
 1982 The Road
Hide Hide Show Show Director (4 credits)
 2008 3:59 Freude (Short)
 2006 Unser lieber Gast (Short)
 2004 Menschenkörper (Short)
 2000 Strange Date with Herself (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Writer (3 credits)
 2006 Unser lieber Gast (Short)
 2004 Menschenkörper (Short)
 2000 Strange Date with Herself (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Editorial department (2 credits)
 2015 Du musst dein Ändern Leben (Documentary) (trailer editor)
Hide Hide Show Show Visual effects (1 credit)
 2010 Elf Onkel (visual effects)
 2003 Tag 26 (Short) (assistant director)
Hide Hide Show Show Thanks (5 credits)
 2014 Stations of the Cross (thanks)
 2008 Torpedo (Short) (thanks)
 2008 Absurdistan (thanks)
 2007 Mein Vater schläft (Short) (thanks)
 2006 Hinter dem Glück (Short) (thanks)

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