Alameen Karim Merali
- Additional Crew
Alameen Karim Merali is a Tanzanian Public Figure and Information Security Expert hailing from Arusha, Tanzania. He is mostly known for his publications that he's made for the Information Security Industry and the contributions he's made in the realms of cyber-security through his Medium, ResearchGate and Substack. While he uses Medium and ResearchGate to report on latest cyber-security issues and security research that includes digital forensics, open-source intelligence and threat intelligence. He uses Substack to mostly report on information referencing cyber-crimes and cyber-criminals.
Alameen is also a practicing Satanist and Occultist as well, with over six years of knowledge in the practice of the occult, implementing these ideas into podcasts and audios. He has decided to take part in speaking in podcasts and making shows that can help inspire the community to participate in the ways of the occult. Alameen works with his business friend counterpart named Bryson Vitalis Sangawe (Also known as Keenan Carter or Keenan Bryson) in a shop where he sells Vintage Fashion, Jewelry and Art that is brought up and inspired by the occult through Keenan's motto. Alameen has even authored two books in the occult with the Publisher Pencil from India as well and is willing to author a book on cyber-security as well soon.
Alameen used to do game development, but no longer does it anymore. His games can accessible from his Itch Indie Game Page and the Source Codes with the release information from his GitHub. Alameen still does make music as a hobby and has even appeared in several cyber-security magazines and media outlets as well, including credits for data breach which was added to The Hacker News after a FBI Informant added the source code which Alameen provided him to his GitHub, which is currently cloned and accessible from Alameen's GitHub Page. Alameen plans to code tools for cyber-security in the future, if he has the time.
Alameen even has several cyber-security certifications and other certifications as well and is doing his best to inspire the industry and break through it. He is a currently doing Bsc. Degree in Computer Science from University of the People and is aiming to perform a PhD as and Masters Degree in the future to make sure he makes it into the security industry. He looks forward to the film industry as well, including being featured in movies and making his own AI-Generated Movies as well, which would likely be anime, and to participate in many future webinars referencing cyber-security as well.
Alameen is also a practicing Satanist and Occultist as well, with over six years of knowledge in the practice of the occult, implementing these ideas into podcasts and audios. He has decided to take part in speaking in podcasts and making shows that can help inspire the community to participate in the ways of the occult. Alameen works with his business friend counterpart named Bryson Vitalis Sangawe (Also known as Keenan Carter or Keenan Bryson) in a shop where he sells Vintage Fashion, Jewelry and Art that is brought up and inspired by the occult through Keenan's motto. Alameen has even authored two books in the occult with the Publisher Pencil from India as well and is willing to author a book on cyber-security as well soon.
Alameen used to do game development, but no longer does it anymore. His games can accessible from his Itch Indie Game Page and the Source Codes with the release information from his GitHub. Alameen still does make music as a hobby and has even appeared in several cyber-security magazines and media outlets as well, including credits for data breach which was added to The Hacker News after a FBI Informant added the source code which Alameen provided him to his GitHub, which is currently cloned and accessible from Alameen's GitHub Page. Alameen plans to code tools for cyber-security in the future, if he has the time.
Alameen even has several cyber-security certifications and other certifications as well and is doing his best to inspire the industry and break through it. He is a currently doing Bsc. Degree in Computer Science from University of the People and is aiming to perform a PhD as and Masters Degree in the future to make sure he makes it into the security industry. He looks forward to the film industry as well, including being featured in movies and making his own AI-Generated Movies as well, which would likely be anime, and to participate in many future webinars referencing cyber-security as well.