
Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Show Show Producer (7 credits)
 1996 Clando (producer)
 1993 Babylon 2 (Documentary) (co-producer: ZDF)
 1991 Immer & ewig (producer: ZDF - as Dagmar Behnke)
 1990 The Garden (commissioning editor: ZDF)
 1989 Letzte Nachrichten (TV Movie) (producer: ZDF)
 1989 Lichtschlag (producer: ZDF)
 1987 The Last of England (production delegate)
Hide Hide Show Show Writer (1 credit)
 2007 Eight Miles High (story)
Hide Hide Show Show Thanks (3 credits)
 2012 Milo (special thanks to)
 2004 Kleinruppin forever (thanks)
 1997 Round the Moons Between Earth and Sea (acknowledgment)

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