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 2004 Cerní baroni (TV Series) (dramaturgist - 10 episodes)
- Vzácná návsteva (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Zeny a zpev (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Zabijacka (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Slavnostní uvítání (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Loucení (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Spiknutí (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Vdova po hrdinovi (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Skodná (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Námluvy (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
- Podraz (2004) ... (dramaturgist)
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 2009 Les mrtvých (TV Movie) (dramaturge)
 2007 Cops and Robbers (TV Series) (screenplay - 1 episode)
- Rýhonosec repný (2007) ... (screenplay)
 1994 Kurýr (TV Movie) (adaptation)
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 2002 Rok dábla (script editor)
 2001 Podzimní návrat (script editor)
 1999 Dvojrole (script editor)
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 1990 Zbabelec
Geron - Inspector's Assistant
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 2001 Podzimní návrat (producer)

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