
  • A woman and her stepson break their husband/father out of jail when he is taken out of the prison to be a witness at a court proceeding. A guard is killed in the process.

    It's quickly apparent that the woman is the brains of the outfit and just as tough as the other two if not more. Once her husband is free they switch cars and then she drives her husband and son to a hideout that the cops don't know about. Then she drives back alone to her house, expecting the police who certainly do come.

    She does one thing that I never understood - Once the police come, look around, and realize that her convict husband is not there, she immediately goes to the hideout they don't know about and brings him back to the house they DO know about. She had already said that the unknown hideout was well stocked with food. Why not just have everybody stay put until the heat is off? At any rate, complications ensue.

    Dan Mathews is good at outsmarting this tough cookie, and as usual the attention is kept on solving the dilemma of getting the convict back in custody with the minimum amount of gunplay, which it seems this gang of crooks are not afraid of. That's what's so compelling about this old show - the straighforward simplicity of the thing, with the focus being on police strategy and problem solving.