Let me start off by saying that I have been a loyal Ben 10 fan, having watched every single episode of every season since the very beginning.
However, Ben 10 has its ups and downs, the first series (Ben 10) was by far the best one, Alien Force was pretty cheesy and so was Ultimate Alien but they were both watchable. Now, Ben 10: Omniverse, oh dear, this series took the show to an all new level of low.
First of all, when I first watched the trailer I was vastly disappointed by the new animation style and when I saw the actual show my disappointment grew bigger, it is terrible! Ben 10, Ben 10: AF, and Ben 10: UA had a great animation style, and gladly it was kept throughout all 3 series. Why the creators of "Ben 10: Omniverse" thought they could just erase the great old drawing fashion, and replace it with one that resembles the drawing skills of an 8-year-old and expect it to be approved and liked by the fans is just a mystery that will never be solved.
Furthermore, we were used to having Gwen and Kevin hang around as members of the group (We being the fans), Gwen had here disciplined personality and her amazing powers, and Kevin with his attitude and humor was always a delight ! Why on god's green earth would you send them away that easily ? Just a simple good bye, and two lousy excuses of why they were leaving, come on, if you are going to "kill off" (not exactly kill off, the first episode hinted that they make make future appearances) two main characters you might as well put some thought into their departures.
And for the last part of my review and not at all the least, the Aliens, oh my, the Aliens! In Ben 10: UA, at the beginning of every episode we saw all the aliens Ben had ever turned into (apart from several that were exclusively in movies, and special episode ones) those aliens were awesome! No Ben 10 fan can disagree on that, there was definitely an alien they liked on the theme. With over 50 aliens the writers would be all set, they would not need to create any other aliens for many seasons to come... or maybe not ? Since Ben 10: AF, the aliens' abilities have become repetitive, however the aliens were not that bad, although they did not have any new powers, they still combined the old ones neatly. In Ben 10: Omniverse, the new aliens that were shown were a total disgrace, mainly for the producers. Until now we have seen Feedback and Bloxx, feedback can absorb power, and Bloxx can shape-shift since he is practically made out of Lego's(!), It is beyond my imagination why they needed new aliens, Feedback is simply a combination of Buzzshock and Chromastone, or two other aliens who each have an electric-based power and an energy one respectively (there are many in the series), again it was a useless implant. Bloxx on the other hand is just a bad idea, I mean a shape-shifting Lego alien ? Seriously ? Also, the old aliens, the one we knew, we liked, we loved, yeah, they took them and changed their designs completely, eradicating our only memory of the good ol' extraterrestrial superheroes, but I mostly blame the animation crew for that.
Overall, this show was a disappointment as it was expected since the trailer, I did not mention the plot because it wasn't anything special, it was like the beginning of every Ben 10 series. I just hope the writers, creator and producers come to their senses, cancel this show, bring back Kevin and Gwen,the old animation and the way the characters used to look before, so that they can restore the old Ben 10, the good one. As a loyal Ben 10 fan this is the only series I will avoid watching.
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