• Warning: Spoilers
    It's truly the overblown, fake reviewed movie version of Dianetics! They bought their own books to make it look like a fantastic bestseller.

    I've seen people praise it because they feel it accurately portrays Southerners! Holy stereotyping 200,000,000 people Batman! This is what these kids truly think nowadays, about half the country!

    OK here we got Channing Tatum, a guy who gets fired, and decided to rob the Coca-Cola 600. He's not a likable person. He's not doing this out of revenge or anything, and somebody even says "What did NASCAR ever do to you?" to which there's no response? There's no build up of a relationship with the recruits.

    They, like the critics simply go along because hey, it's Channing, our secret boy crush.

    People say what Channing does in the end is a plot twist. Really? We were shown nothing to make us think he wouldn't screw everybody over? When I read review after review that praises this, I really wonder if half the reviewers actually sat through the movie?

    Honest to God, not one outburst of laughter from a full audience! Yet it's constantly referred to in reviews as a fun, funny, hilarious movie. The only other conclusion is...reviewers are getting paid off? Everybody is stupid a sa rock! Everybody(underlying, subtle theme Southerners, NASCAR is for retarded rednecks)but not in a dumb and dumber comedic way. In an insulting the entire South way. Way to alienate your paying customers!

    You know, I never really got the pretentious Oceans movies, anyway. They're simply big cast throw together movies. And now they're making an all female version? They're Love Boat with a heist. Do people really worship the hip new movie stars instead of a deity, nowadays?

    How bad, miscast, and trying to be funny, but falling flat is this movie? Imagine dubbing James Bond with Huckleberry Hounds VOICE AND ACCENT and restraining somebody and making them watch it for 2 hours.

    I see Rex Reed pretty much agrees with my assessment. All the other critics are acting like they discovered Soderbergh's Godfather 11.

    One more thing, the Screenwriter is not a real person. This is being tossed around as cool, and vogue. Being too embarrassed to want people to know it's you is cool? That's the funniest thing in this movie!