
  • As i seen some comments have complained, yep the intro where the victim runs down the middle of road to be hit by a car is pretty stupid and uncreative. Now though that glaring flaw opens us up to the episode but in truth the rest of the episode with the different character interactions were great. You had some sexy woman getting flogged n saying somethin funny, then you had the interactions with the surfer kid also being funny too and different then the previous episodes cause now we delve alittle tiny bit into the minor characters such as the daughter of Murtaugh.

    Then my favourite moment is at the cop station when he tells his wife "you go ahead & commit crime at will baby" lol. That had me laughing alot.

    It was also nice to add in someone from Riggs past too as it helps to begin to unwind his story out ever since the previous episodes when the father in law was revealed.