
  • My first ever review!

    I read the triology by Hughes years ago and enjoyed the books tremendously. When I randomly scrolled IMDB and found SILO I was immeadiatly intruiged. I can see somewhat mixed opinions and I can relate to some of them, here's my take on the first season.

    First, I adore dystopian literature! The dystopian genre offers unique psychological perspective for human nature in hypothetical scenarios. My fondness for the triology solidified because Hughes managed to develop Orwellian ideas within a hypothetical relevant to the modern world. Imagening the development of human psyche in dystopian scenarios is a challenging task. I think Hughes did a wonderful job, SILO captures most of these aspects in a refreshing way.

    It's not adaptation in the sense that it follows the storyline. It is based on the books, but naturally has to adjust to the viewers in a fast paced world. Nevertheless, the series manages to capture the atmosphere of a society living in a silo. The acting is phenemonal for the most central characters. In contrast to shallow story-telling of other shows, «SILO» has a wonderful blend of character development and atmospheric focus.

    The only problem I have with the show is the lack of atmospheric development. They spend a lot of screen time on the chasing and capturing of Juliettte. They lack atmospheric development of the silo as a society. Naturally it has to appeal to a reiceiving audience.

    Give it a try!