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  • Eddie Cantor was already an established stage star when his Broadway musical-comedy "Kid Boots" opened in December of 1923. He'd been headlining annual editions of the Ziegfeld Follies since 1917, and had toured the country in Vaudeville for years before that. "Kid Boots" proved to be a smash hit that ran for over a year (an impressive run in those days) but when Paramount signed Cantor to recreate his role for the cameras it was no sure bet that the venture would succeed. Movies were still silent, of course, and much of Eddie's appeal depended on sound: he was known for singing comic novelty songs in a high, reedy voice, and delivering wisecracks at a rapid pace. His Ziegfeld co-stars Will Rogers and W.C. Fields had tried their luck in the movies and although both were moderately successful their silent film appearances were never as popular with audiences as their live shows. Was there any reason to expect Eddie Cantor could do any better?

    Well, oddly enough, he did. Kid Boots, the movie, is a highly enjoyable confection that packs a lot of laughs into its brisk 60-minute running time and never wears out its welcome. Mr. Cantor comes off surprisingly well in his silent incarnation, throwing himself into some strenuous-looking physical routines and emphasizing his trademark look of pop-eyed surprise at key moments without overdoing it. It helps that the writers equipped him with a steady supply of sight gags, some of which may be a tad familiar to silent comedy buffs but which still prompt laughter today. (I was lucky enough to see this film with an audience, and can attest that it's a real crowd-pleaser.) It also helps that the supporting cast offers notable examples of what was called 'feminine pulchritude' at the time: Eddie is paired with the one and only Clara Bow, seen here just as her career was starting to accelerate. Eddie and Clara make an unexpectedly credible couple, both bright-eyed and exuberant. They have a classic "meet cute" scene when Eddie, who plays a tailor's assistant, accidentally sews his suspenders to her dress and then pulls her along behind himself when he has to leave in a hurry. Also on hand is the exquisitely pretty Billie Dove, who unfortunately isn't given much to do, as well as fiery Natalie Kingston, a veteran of the Mack Sennett Studio, who plays 'bad girl' Carmen Mendoza. We're told by a sassy title card that Carmen has Missouri legs, "the kind that have to be shown," and a nice lazy pan shot of Miss Kingston provides that service. I guess the filmmakers were trying to compensate for the loss of the stage show's dancing girls; in any case, I'm not complaining!

    The plot, as might be anticipated, isn't what you'd call substantial. Eddie, a hapless fellow known as "Kid Boots," is rescued from a bully by a handsome young playboy named Tom; in return, Kid agrees to help Tom get a divorce from his gold-digging wife. (It's made clear that the scheming wife, the aforementioned Carmen Mendoza, tricked Tom into marriage and that they've never actually lived together; so, in short, Tom's a decent chap who simply found himself in a spot of trouble.) Most of the story takes place at a scenic mountain resort, a setting which allows for gags on the golf course, gags by the pool, and more gags in the lobby. The thin plot is really just an excuse for comedy routines, and happily there are some good ones along the way. I especially liked the bit where Eddie succeeds in convincing Clara that he's with another woman by positioning himself next to an open door, rolling up one sleeve and playing the half-concealed "woman" himself. I also enjoyed the scene in the resort's clinic, where Eddie finds himself on the massage table, manhandled by a masseur who turns out to be the bully from the opening sequence, jealous of Clara and eager for revenge. (Chaplin fans will be reminded of a similar routine in his 1917 comedy The Cure.) It all winds up with a breakneck, race-to-the-rescue horseback chase over a winding mountain trail, which leads in turn to some Harold Lloyd-style thrill comedy. One moment, Eddie and Clara are dangling from a rope off a precipice, with a single parachute between them, and the next they've managed to save themselves, untangle the plot, help out good old Tom and defeat that no-good Carmen, all in the space of the film's last five minutes.

    This movie is just the thing to lift your mood on a rainy afternoon. Cantor's follow-up feature Special Delivery is also enjoyable, but I'd rank this one a notch or two higher. Kid Boots, like its lead players, is cute as a button, short and sweet.
  • Eddie Cantor (Samuel 'Kid' Boots) becomes a witness for Lawrence Gray (Tom Sterling), who trying to divorce his gold digger wife Billie Dove (Eleanore Belmore). They go to a resort to avoid the wife until the date of the divorce case, but the wife's shyster lawyer tracks them there. There he meets Clara Bow (Clara McCoy) who falls for him, but he has several runins with her boyfriend Malcolm Waite (Big Boyle) and with the wife. After an exciting chase, he arrives at the court house to help finalize the divorce and also gets the girl.

    Many really funny sequences.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In 1926 Clara was already making "lurid love" headlines - a blue blooded ne'er do well had milked a day's dalliance with Clara into a steamy love affair and the papers lapped it up - Clara called it "Just an episode in my young life". Paramount decided to cash in on the notoriety and rushed "Kid Boots" into production. Paramount bought the Ziegfeld musical comedy (489 performances on Broadway) for $75,000, then spent $275,000 on production costs - ten times that of any Preferred Picture (Clara's old studio). Eddie Cantor was hired to re-create his Kid Boots role on film and the studio also changed the name of the movie's heroine from Jane Martin to Clara McCoy, to help audience identify Clara as the "captivating, heart snatching heroine". A silent film adaptation of a Broadway musical comedy didn't sound a receipe for success but the appeal of Cantor's comic bumblings and the added attraction of cute Clara and the astonishing beauty of Billie Dove made it an immediate hit.

    "By July the postmen have delivered quite a few of the Valentines posted in February" (What's changed!!!) Tailor's assistant Kid Boots (Eddie Cantor) receives a particularly nasty one but when he meets Clara McCoy (Clara Bow) - she doesn't care for looks, she just "wants 'em reliable". He meets Tom (Lawrence Grey) who is having his own women problems. He is about to be divorced from gold digging Carmen Mendoza (Natalie Kingston), who now wants him back after she has read that he is inheriting $3 million. Tom hides away at a golf resort, posing as a professional (with Kid Boots as his caddy) - he cannot be found until Thursday, when his divorce becomes final. He meets Eleanor (the ultra gorgeous Billie Dove, the role was played by Mary Eaton on Broadway) - the kind of girl "at a mountain resort that makes the other girls wish they went to the seaside". Kid also becomes reacquainted with Clara (she is a swimming instructress at the lodge) but the path of true love never runs smooth and there is a very funny sequence in which Kid pretends to entertain a vamp in order to make Clara jealous. He succeeds and Clara leaves the cafe in tears but then the real vamp enters with designs on our hero!!! It is Carmen and her aim is to get rid of Kid Boots so she can compromise Tom and stop the divorce going through.

    There is a hilarious comedy sequence at the end where Clara and Kid ride galloping horses over a steep mountain path, fall over the side and are roped to safety, only to come face to face with Kid's nemesis - Clara's old flame!!! I don't think Eddie Cantor caused the Big 3 of Comedy (Chaplin, Keaton and Lloyd) any sleepless nights although Cantor had a funny skit very reminiscent of Chaplin's "The Cure" - it involved a massage table, a very enthusiastic masseur and lots of contortions. "Kid Boots" is still a very diverting piece of twenties fun!!!

    Highly Recommended.
  • Eddie Cantor hit the ground running in Hollywood with what has to be one of the most opened-out stage adaptations in film history. What started life as a Broadway musical has become a high-octane silent comedy filmed extensively out and about on location in California, bludgeoning the audience with a steady succession of vivid sight gags and ending with a remarkably convincing-looking (and funny) climax worthy of Harold Lloyd with the leads hanging from a sheer cliff face. Despite being famed for his singing and his distinctive voice, Eddie has the perfect face (and facility for physical comedy) to be a natural for silent movies; and is beautifully matched by a most winsome Clara Bow.
  • A delight I caught at the Film Forum in New York City 5/00 (very nice 35 mm. print). Eddy Cantor (not once in blackface) excellent as a former tailor hooked up with the wealthy Laurence Gray. Cantor's his valet, caddy and advisor (women are after Gray's millions). Cantor is crazy about Clara Bow (her first screen role)and there are lots of chases and hilarity. Billy Dove (of Ziegfeld fame) is featured.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Grapevine distributed two excellent DVDs produced by the Eddie Cantor Appreciation Society.

    His first film, Kid Boots (1926), was an adaptation of Florenz Ziegfeld's 1923 Broadway musical success, complete with ho-hum story line, but minus all the songs and production numbers.

    Fortunately, a most agreeable support cast headed by Clara Bow, Billie Dove, Natalie Kingston and George Waite (Eddie's nemesis) manage to give the routine plot quite a bit of life, despite the script's tendency to over-indulge its star with tried-and-true vaudeville sketches and tedious slapstick.

    Hard to believe that Frank Tuttle was responsible for the largely uninspired direction.

    On the same disc, fortunately, is a 1928 short, A Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic, which, despite a static camera and clumsy editing, successfully recreates a Cantor appearance on the rooftop of the New Amsterdam. He sings three songs too!
  • I decided to watch 'Kid Boots' because of Clara Bow but in fact it is as much Eddie Cantor's film as hers. My overall impression is somewhat mixed, but the pros definitely outweigh the cons, with the two lead actors being the biggest pros. Frank Tuttle's direction is pretty uninspired, the pacing is uneven and the photography and camarawork are no better than alright. Evidently it was a struggle to turn a broadway production into a silent film. To the extent this succeeded it did so because of Cantor, who is a (to me surprisingly - I had not seen him before) good comedian with great comic timing, and to Clara Bow, who is of course screen gold: she lights up any scene where she appears. The high point of the picture is a hilarious cliff hanger scene. In sum, 'Kid Boots' is not a great film, but it is a decent comedy that had me laugh out loud in a few places. Well worth the 1 1/4 hours it takes to watch.
  • Fired from his job in a tailor's shop, comic Eddie Cantor (as Samuel "Kid" Boots) becomes companion to handsome millionaire Lawrence Gray (as Thomas "Tom" Sterling). The men find work as golf instructor and caddy at a country club, while Mr. Gray waits for his divorce to become final. There, Mr. Cantor re-encounters pretty swimming instructor Clara Bow (as Clara McCoy), from the opening skit, which he played out with her burly boyfriend Malcolm Waite (as "Big" Boyle).

    At the club, Cantor goes crazy for Ms. Bow while Gray romances beautiful Billie Dove (as Eleanor Belmore), the boss' daughter. Meanwhile, Gray's leggy wife Natalie Kingston (as Carmen Mendoza) checks into the room next to her husband, to cause trouble. She proceeds to "vamp" Cantor aside, in order to spend the night alone with Gray; if she is able to do this, their divorce won't become final, and she can partake of his inherited millions. Cantor must save Gray and win Bow.

    This was a successful film debut for stage star Cantor, who might have joined Chaplin, Keaton, and Lloyd if this had been released a decade earlier. As a film, "Kid Boots" may not equal the best of those other comedians' works, but you can see Cantor had the silent stuff. Most impressive is the film's exciting end, which features a very impressive cliff-hanging sequence. This is pure cinema, but Cantor includes great stage bits, too. How he makes Bow jealous, and scenes with Mr. Waite are highlights.

    ******** Kid Boots (10/4/26) Frank Tuttle ~ Eddie Cantor, Clara Bow, Malcolm Waite, Lawrence Gray
  • Dave-Nelson-UK10 November 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    What a fantastic film , this was Eddie Cantors first forage into motion pictures , i read that Clara helped him address the camera , as he was prone to delivering his performance up towards the perceived audience , shame nobody could help Clara with her microphone fright later in her career .

    The film is standard Boy meets Girl , well boys meet Girls ,the casting is spot on , Clara's star was rising the next year she would make "It" and become world famous .

    A fantastic film all the players do there bit the direction and editing move it along nicely

    fabulous fun, bless all those stars of old
  • ... this is a 1926 silent starring Eddie Cantor in the title role and costarring Clara Bow. This film is a great treat because we get to see how the musical comedy "Kid Boots" was turned into an effective silent film. Kid Boots works in a tailor's shop and is about to get a beating from the beau of Clara McCoy (Clara Bow) when he is saved from harm by Tom Sterling (Lawrence Gray). Likewise, when Tom's soon-to-be ex-wife tries to prove that they have been reunited so she can annul their divorce decree and get in on Tom's recent large inheritance, Kid Boots comes to the rescue and claims the two have not been alone together. I know this sounds strange, but chalk it up to divorce law in the early 20th century. Tom then runs off with Kid Boots - his witness - to a mountain resort until the time for his final divorce decree to become final has come and gone to evade his ex-wife's trickery.

    At the resort Tom meets a girl that he falls for, and Kid Boots runs into Clara McCoy again, still accompanied by her brutish boyfriend. Clara prefers Kid Boots because she "prefers reliable men to good-looking ones" a title card tells us. At the resort Tom's ex-wife and her lawyers soon follow, along with all of the comic routines and mix-ups that you're accustomed to seeing in Cantor's sound films, if you've been fortunate enough to view those rarely seen comic gems. The film is quite good and it didn't surprise me that it was a Paramount silent that someone else had restored and presented.
  • No matter how enamored one may be of the silent era, not all such titles are made equal. When it comes to comedies, specifically, one can trust the likes of Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, or Laurel and Hardy to be consistently delightful; comedies without such stars, and their gag writers and stunts, are less assured. Though it's no singular revelation, thankfully this 1926 feature counts among those that lack a major comedic lead but which are nevertheless highly enjoyable. Anchored with household names in producer Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky, director Frank Tuttle, and not least co-star Clara Bow, the real strength of 'Kid Boots' lies with the writing team. In adapting a stage production of the same name George Marion Jr., Luther Reed, and Tom Gibson filled the movie with plentiful lighthearted mirth and cleverness. It may not inspire big laughs the way some other flicks do, but I'm pleased to say that this is much stronger and funnier than I assumed sights unseen.

    Sure, strictly speaking the storytelling is considerably light, and we kind of have to just take it at face value. From characters and scenes to the narrative at large, there's a certain Just So sensibility that wouldn't hold up under much scrutiny. The storytelling is quite beside the point, though: this is a picture built purely to entertain, and from one moment to the next we're greeted with terrific situational humor, gags, physical comedy, high energy, animated and expressive performances, and some witty intertitles to top it all off. Some bits are downright brilliant; some odds and ends come off better than others; for as slight as the storytelling is there are some instances that - fun as they are - raise a quizzical eyebrow as we wonder "wait, how was it that we got from A to B?" Part of me questions if 'Kid Boots' wouldn't have worked better as a series of one- or two-reel shorts, for the looseness of how it is put together kind of gives the impression that it started out that way on paper. One way or another, though, all involved fully embrace the spirit of the film, and the infusion of vitality and good cheer is more important than utmost cohesiveness.

    Say what one will about how successful the comedy is, and how solid the writing is or is not overall, in all other regards this is splendidly well made. The cast really is a blast; decades later Bow might claim the most star power, but everyone truly just leaps wholeheartedly into the proceedings, from Eddie Cantor and Lawrence Gray to Billie Dove and Natalie Kingston. We get eyefuls of some great filming locations, and the sets are fantastic. While not altogether revelatory I very much appreciate the editing and cinematography, and the shrewd manner in which they're used to help craft the lark as we see it. The stunts and effects are excellent, some recalling the more famous contemporary comedians, and Tuttle's direction is wonderfully sharp in sustaining and indeed growing the highfalutin silliness. From hair and makeup to costume design and in all other details this is all-around swell, and if 'Kid Boots' falls short of perfect or riotous, I'm ready to forgive the deficiency.

    Despite obvious reflections of the period in which it was made, I think this has more in common with modern cinema than one would suppose. As the shenanigans escalate over the length the plot increasingly just falls away, and it feels more and more like the intertwining threads of the characters is just a meager excuse for more outrageous notions. We can all surely name comedies of more recent decades that share that same ethos, be they of the 70s, 80s, 90s, or 2000s. With all this in mind, just how much favor this title deserves will vary significantly from one viewer to the next. For my part I don't think it's anything one needs to go out of their way to see, but the feature is a reliably good time from start to finish and might well help to lift one's mood if we're feeling down. What more could we really ask for? 'Kid Boots' is definitely a less well-known silent flick, but if you're looking for a merry diversion it's hard to go wrong here. My glad recommendation!
  • Movie actors realize they've made an impact in the entertainment world when Hollywood produces a motion picture about their life. That's precisely what happened to vaudeville, stage and screen actor Eddie Cantor in 1953 when Warner Brothers gave him the full-blown biopic treatment in its 'The Eddie Cantor Story' with actor Keefe Brasselle playing 'Banjo Eyes.' Cantor's debut in feature films came when he was 34, a relatively late age to be be starting out in cinema. His October 1926 movie, "Kid Boots," was a silent version of the 1923 hit musical of the same name he starred in for an incredible 489 straight Broadway performances. The film expands Cantor's lead role as a wheeling-and-dealing caddie at a private country club's golf course, who becomes a witness in a court case for a playboy in the middle of a messy divorce with a gold-digging wife. Clara Bow serves as Eddie's love interest.

    Cantor, born and raised in New York City, dove into the entertainment business early on, displaying a knack of singing and slinging jokes in saloons, where a young Jimmy Durante played piano for his act. He graduated to vaudeville before producer Florenz Ziegfeld slotted him into his 'Ziegfeld Follies of 1917.' Working alongside Will Rogers, Fanny Brice and W. C. Fields, Cantor proved his worth with his melodic voice and his sense of self-deprecating humor. When on tour, he briefly dated future 'Valley of the Dolls' author Jacqueline Susann.

    His prominence in the 1923 play 'Kid Boots' showcased his talents even more. Inventor Lee De Forest hired Cantor to appear in one of his first sound movie recordings to demonstrate his recent invention Phonofilm. Eddie sings two songs from the play 'Kid Boots.' De Forest's "A Few Moments with Eddie Cantor" was the innovator's biggest name star for his series showing how the first sound impulses imbedded on a celluloid strip could play in perfect sync with the picture.

    The play also had a profound influence on Frances Rose Shore. As an aspiring singer, she sang one of the play's most popular songs, "Dinah," during several radio auditions. When she was being introduced by a famous New York City radio disc jockey, he had trouble remembering her name but knew she was going to sing her signature song. So he quickly called her the 'Dinah girl.' She loved the name so much she adopted it to ever be known as Dinah Shore.

    Eddie Cantor used the movie "Kid Boots" as a springboard to introduce himself to a variety of media, including radio and television. In the following year he was offered the lead in Warner Brothers' 1927 "The Jazz Singer." But along with George Jessel he turned down the part, missing out on one of the biggest historical turning-points in cinematic history.