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  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . Buddy's gal Cookie warns America in this prophetic 1930s offering from Warner Bros.' Animated Shorts Seers division (aka, the Looney Tuners). It wasn't until midway through World War Two that Americans "ahead of the curve" began catching on--with the help of a few timely re-releases--that Warner Bros. in general, and the Looney Tuners most specifically, had been sounding the klaxon call of alarm for a decade by then. Many in what would later be dubbed as "America's Greatest Generation" quite reasonably assumed that all of these cautionary tales were aimed solely at themselves, since with Hitler running around loose conducting Genocide here, there, and everywhere, who even knew if there would be any Tomorrows? However, it turns out that for every ONE Warner warning relevant to WWII, there were at least TEN predicting the World's upcoming Calamities, Catastrophes, Cataclysms, and Apocalypti in the 21st Century, with the bulk of those intersecting on the point where we're at RIGHT NOW, with White House Resident and Red Commie KGB Puppet Rump running roughshod over the U.S. Constitution, and few if any of the millions of TAXPAYER EMPLOYEES who have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies--foreign AND DOMESTIC--heeding their Sacred Duty to make Citizens' Arrests for High Treason and otherwise fulfill the obligations for which WE are paying them! With the Snake Cloud severing the ropes on Buddy and Cookie's hot air balloon just after Cookie voices her misgivings, we have positive proof that BUDDY'S ADVENTURES are set in Today's World, dominated by Rump's misrule--since the dominant movie trailer of 2017 for THE BATMAN LEGO MOVIE features the very Snake Clouds foretold by Warner Bros. in 1934! Every other misstep, threat, and tragedy now imminent at the pudgy wee little paws of Rump are covered in this brief cartoon as well, but which ones will affect YOU most depends upon whether you're Female, Moslem, LGBTQ, a Union Card Member, sexually active, on Medicaid, buying a home, own a credit card, eat food, live in a Blue State, drink water, take medicine, are retired, drive on the highways, or breathe air, so if YOU fall into one or more of these categories, YOU need to study BUDDY'S ADVENTURES for yourself ASAP!!
  • Now a fairly obscure character, Buddy was the second Warner Brothers Looney Tunes character, after Bosko and followed by Beans the Cat. Buddy didn't last long, being retired in 1935 after 23 cartoons starting in 1933.

    Although not a mind-blowing cartoon, 'Buddy's Adventures' is by quite some way one of the best of a very mixed bag, which tend to range between mediocre (i.e. 'Buddy's Show Boat' and 'Buddy's Bearcats') and decent (i.e. 'Buddy the Gob), with a lot of average ones. 'Buddy's Adventures' is one of the rare very good Buddy cartoons. While the story is still quite slight and quite predictable in its lack of originality, there is actually more story to usual.

    There is also more energy than can be typically be found, and Buddy, generally an uninteresting and bland character, shows more personality and charisma and at his least bland compared to the previous cartoons of his.

    Once again, The animation is nicely drawn and detailed with the black and white looking crisp, also some of the most imaginative of the Buddy cartoons. Even better is the music score. Music played a big part in the Buddy cartoons and it was essential for it to work, the one in 'Buddy's Adventures' is one of the best ones and synchronises so well with the imaginative visuals.

    Gags are beautifully timed and much funnier than any of the gags of the previous Buddy cartoons. Cookie is charming and the voice acting is good from particularly Billy Bletcher.

    In conclusion, very entertaining and one of Buddy's best. 8/10 Bethany Cox
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Here's something rare: An entertaining Buddy cartoon! In this one, Buddy and girlfriend Cookie are in a hot air balloon but they get forced to come down by some angry clouds with one of them being a rattlesnake. They land in Sourtown where there's no singing or dancing and especially no jazz music! When they meet the king, however, Buddy with his harmonica and Cookie with her steps changes his and everyone's mind...The animation here is really imaginative and the music, which seems to be written for this particular cartoon, is swell. And Buddy is surprisingly likable within the six minutes of this animated short. All I can say now is I highly recommend Buddy's Adventures. P.S. Was highly amused by the Laurel and Hardy caricatures at the start of the Sourtown sequence!