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  • Bill Burrud needs an iron lung to survive. One's coming in on a ship, but it will be tied up in customs for days. So his brother, gangster Robert Armstrong, has his men steal it. The competition hears about this, so they steal it and hold it for ransom. Newspaperman Robert Livingston hears about this, and starts working on the story, and the allied question of how Armstrong's gang makes its money.

    It's a nicely complicated story, but director Sidney Salkow can't seem to build up any momentum in what's going on. I had the impression that this was originally intended as a serial with its start-and-stop pacing and its musical cues that sound pulled from the serial library. Some of the characters are more complicated than they would have been in a serial, like Armstrong, but some things are never fully sorted out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A rare Republic Pictures little gem, directed by a guy who was not a noir specialist. Sidney Salkow mainly worked, in the fifties, on westerns and adventures films. Such as : GOLDEN HAWK, RAIDERS OF THE SEVEN SEAS, GREAT SIOUX MASSACRE, PRINCE OF PIRATES, GUN DUEL IN DURANGO, some crime povides such CHICAGO CONFIDENTIAL and LAS VEGAS SHAKEDOWN. And above all the fist of Richard Matheson's novel adaptation: I AM A LEGEND made for the big screen under the title: LaST MAN ON EARTH, starring Vincent Price, and the best one, besides the two starring Charlton Heston - in 1971 - and Will Smith - in 2007.

    Back to this film, it's a very B grade picture, a mix up between authentic noir atmosphere and also a bit of humour in the Charlie Chan mood. Robert Armstrong gives here an interesting performance as a gang leader who tries to save his brother's life, a young man who needs a transplant. Good actionner, fast paced. Efficiently done.

    Good B piece of work.