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  • When love has been betrayed, there is nothing else you can do but seek into the interior of yourself to try to find peace in your own denial of love itself. A person may try to forget its own meaning of life but you can never forget that you are a human being that is always susceptible to love. This person thought that he could not be a normal human being anymore, but at the end, it was his human side that came forward to portray to everyone that wanted to hear his story, that love will prevail over any other feeling. This movie is all about love,love in a manner, tragic, but none the less love that for good or for bad has been perceived as such by a person. This story happens in a remote site at the jungle of the Guyanas or Venezuela. Like many Mexican movies from the middle of the 20th Century this one has a tragic ending that leaves you with a sad mood. This is the type of movie that you can watch several times and still love it.
  • Fernando De Fuentes' career is divided in two parts. His first films are considered "author films", and the rest of his filmography is more according to the values of the entertainment industry. The important thing is that he always directed great movies, no matter the special goal he had in mind. "La selva de fuego" is one of those spectacular movies with great argument and unique Fuentes' seal of quality. The photography is amazing, specially the few times we can see characters surrounded by the jungle.

    The main topic is how human law tries to suppress human nature. Dolores Del Río (Estrella) is a very sensual woman, specially shown in one scene where she undresses in an empty room, with all the workers spying through the door and window. MIguel Inclán and Manuel Dondé also have great acting roles as despicable workers. In opposition to them, Arturo De Córdova (Luciano) plays a tortured man, that will fight against his desire and his workers to defend Estrella.

    It is settled in Yucatán, México. Even when it is never told, the story goes around a group of Mexican workers of a chicle extraction company (like that one founded there by Adams family in XIX century). Also a couple of workers speak with the unique style of people from that peninsula.