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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Paul Horbingers hair was dyed cartoon red.It looked terrible. There was a difference in this remake.Lumpi is an bad fairy,played by Gunther Luders.Then there's the good fairy,played by Jan Tildman,as Fotuna.Theadore Danegger plays a heavenly father.Both Lumpi and Fortuna makes a bet if money would change three vagabonds.An ex Taylor played by Gunther Phillips .an ex Shoemaker ,played by Paul Horbinger ,who's an alcoholic.Joachim Fuchburger,who quits ho carpenter job.When Hans Moser want his daughter ,that Joachim is in love with,to marry the Mayor played by Fritz Muliar.When all three wins a lottery all go their separate ways.Gunther dumps his waiters girl friend ,played by Renate Ewert and Goes for Senoria Palpiti,played by Jester Naefe and becomes a count.Joachim gets his girl back ,but does nothing. Horbinger find a decrepit Castle and invites other hobo's to get drunk with.It all turns sour.Gunther realizes that Palpiti is a gold digger.Paul Horgbinger realize he has had too much. Joachim want to practice his craft back and go to America with his now wife.All three realized that money does not bring happiness.Fortuna wins the bet.Other actor you got in the film is Fritz Imhoff as the owner of the restaurant and bar and Rudolph Carl shows up s one of the drunks.I have to say that the original one was a little bit better.08/31/14