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  • Warning: Spoilers
    NOT TONIGHT HENRY is a simple sexploitation effort from 1960, one designed to showcase a number of beautiful women in all of their topless glory. Hank Henry is the funnyman lead, playing the usual unlucky guy who spends his time fantasising about his encounters with the various beautiful women of history: Cleopatra, Napoleon's wife, even cave women at one point. This is better than expected entertainment, low budget but fitfully amusing, and better made than comparable fare by British enthusiast George Harrison Marks.
  • Viewed today for nostalgia purposes, this early nudie/cutie feature in the wake of Russ Meyer's "Immoral Mr. Teas" is boring, many a burlesque pantomime skit plus some slapstick in service of showing many well-built topless models on view. A redhead holding Aoladdin's lamp is interjected between scenes randomly, displaying amzing tits.

    Hank Henry as lead seems like a cross between Joe E. Ross and future star Rodney Dangerfield, but has only a few snatches of dialogue. His portrayal of historical figures as well as "Ferdinand the Fat" opposite Lucrezia Borgia is poor, rarely generating even a chuckle. It's just the fantasy daydreams of a Mr. X average guy whiling away time in a bar, away from his henpecking wife.

    Obviously, moviegoers of 1960 had a chance to see tasteful nude shots and alluring girls going topless, not available in Hollywood mainstream releases of the time.