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  • The "Mooncussers" are land pirates who lure ships to their doom by setting up false signal lights, causing the ships to crash into a reef, where they can be quickly and profitably plundered. They cuss the moon because they can only work on dark, preferably stormy nights.

    One the major shipping magnates sends his son to investigate a small town where they have lost several ships and cargos. He teams up with a boy from the local inn and the first mate of the most recent ship to fall victim to the mooncussers. Of course, the first mate is a former pirate himself, who recognized the technique and quickly took over as the leader of the local gang of mooncussers.

    Nice Disney movie with an exciting horse race and a rousing brawl near the end.
  • i do not know how you could possibly find a copy of this movie, but let me say this. this is one GREAT actioner, and 'g' rated to boot.

    this movie can be fun for the whole family, especially if the family includes youngsters who are not terminally burned-out yet by mtv and Michaella jordan sneakers, but perhaps do know about 'huckleberry finn', or the great battles in 1st and 2nd kings.

    the basic plot device, the movable 'lighthouse' is ingenious enough for a whole television series, much less a single movie. the action is great, the suspense is palpable.

    it's just sooo much better than the whole 'die hard, lethal weapon, rambo, segal' type of thing.

    this is a great family movie. the action in 'The Mooncussers' buckles any swash that views it.

    so, nuke the popcorn, pour the colas, and cheese down the nachos, because this one gets Two Thumbs Up.
  • This movie, along with "The Godfather" should be shown together whenever documentaries on the anniversary of JFK's assassination are trotted out. The Kennedy family were pirates, thugs and gangster's, only achieving legitimacy with Joe Sr's purchase of the presidency for his drugged out, horndog son. Otherwise, another ripping yarn by Disney, that makes being a criminal seem like jolly good fun.
  • bkoganbing18 September 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    Graveyard Of Ships, first part of the made for television movie, aired on Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color back in 1962 concerns the activities of a group of beached pirates who have set up shop on the eastern shores of Long Island and done quite nicely for themselves. With deceiving signal fires they lure ships to founder on the reef and then plunder them. Since the natives around there also get sloppy seconds from what the pirates leave around, they don't like to talk about the activity and keep suspicions to themselves.

    One ship owner Robert Burton is fed up with losing ships and cargo that he sends his own son Rian Garrick to investigate. He stays with Erin O'Brien-Moore and her children Joan Freeman and Kevin Corcoran.

    Garrick also has to contend with Oscar Homolka who was an old pirate himself but was just part of the crew of Burton's latest wrecked ship. He plays a double game with both sides, but declares himself in with the pirates known as the Mooncussers because they curse the moon itself when it's full moon bright as it hampers their activities.

    The highlight of this first part is the horse race to determine who will be a young messenger boy to a string of lighthouses in which Kevin Corcoran overcomes all kinds of obstacles to win as the investigation gets closer to who is behind The Mooncussers.

    These films were the kind that Disney Studios did so well back in the day.