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  • Warning: Spoilers
    With having unexpectedly enjoyed watching auteur film maker Russ Meyer's two surviving short movies,I decided to take a look at a title which focused on Meyer's pre-movie making period.

    The plot:

    Taking a look at the connection that glamour models have to photography,a group of film makers follow a number of photography's for glamour magazines around,to discover the skill involved in getting "magic" to appear on the photos.

    View on the film:

    Showing his glamour/Playboy magazine roots,writer/director/editor/co- producer (along with his wife,Eve) and co-star Russ Meyer makes the plot's limited focus move at a surprising pace,thanks to Meyer separating each photo session into 5-10 minute "segments",which along with changing the focus on a new model,also allows Meyer to keep things lively by showing each of the different styles that the photography's have with their productions.

    Along with the title being Russ Meyer's debut team up with the beautiful actress Rochelle Kennedy, (who would years later star in Meyer's last ever short film:Skyscrapers and Brassieres)Meyer also shows an eye for the direction that he was about to take,with a short film within a film allowing Meyer to shoot in B&W for the first time,and also show that he was going to leave the past "Nudie-Cutie" era behind,for the bright future that lay ahead.