User Reviews (2)

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  • This early Radley Metzger film follows a day in the lives of two "working girls", one in Paris and one in Germany, and their odd assortment of clients and adventures. Directed with panache and taste, it shows Metzger's emerging talent well before he hit his stride and developed a remarkable personal style with "Carmen, Baby" and "Camille 2000". The episodic structure and omniscient narrator betray the film's "Nudie Cutie" influences, while the visual flair, high-class settings, jazz score and eliptic dialogue reveal an affinity with the erotic Euro-stylings of Pecas et al. Recommended mainly for completists of the genre.
  • It should be noted that the man who overdubbed such great kid's classics as Speed Racer, Astroboy, and Ultraman was a co-writer of this film. The late Peter Fernandez (1927-2010) was in show biz since age 7 and co-wrote this sexploitation film when he was 38. I wonder if he ever had ideas for the plot lines of the many cartoon which he voiced around the same time.

    The chain-smoking narrator sounds to me like the guy who voiced the Taster's Choice commercials of the 1970s, a voice that sounds like a bear snoring. Could that have been Peter? His dubs never had that gravelly sound. He is credited as. "(voice)(uncredited) on this page.

    I'd like to hear the perspective of a sex worker of that time on this film in terms of how it captures the situations and the emotions of the protagonists.