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  • Nobody ever considered anything about this movie worthy of an Academy Award. Nobody's life was ever changed by this story. But isn't fun worth something? Doug McClure plays a disrespectful ship's doctor (Willoughby) aboard the USS Bustard, skippered by James Whittemore at his most delightful, with an officious XO (played by Gary Vinson--remember him as the lovesick sheriff from the short-lived sitcom "Pistols and Petticoats"? Or was I really the only person in the USA who actually watched that show?). You'll love to hate him, and relish Willoughby's revenge. There's the eternally beautiful Nancy Kwan as the love interest, engaged to James Shigeta, the handsome chauvinist (Shigeta and Kwan also worked together on "Flower Drum Song". Poor, poor James. All that opportunity and he NEVER ended up with Nancy!) Don't waste money buying this, if it's available. Don't turn down a better movie (Many are). But if it's on TV some night and you're insomniacking, watch it. It's a lot of fun!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yes, an apt title if ever there was one! Were it not for James Whitmore's splendid performance, and his delightful aversion to "bugs", plus a few high-spirited moments in Alan Rafkin's direction (for example, in the chase along the sea-shore), I would most definitely have found it somewhat of a chore to sit through this movie. As it unfolds on the screen, it turns out to be a rather tedious and long- winded "comedy", burdened with a cast that – aside from Whitmore – is totally lacking in appeal. I also found the script to be in poor taste. True, you can't blame the stars, Doug McClure and Nancy Kwan, for lapses in the script and direction, but they could have followed Whitmore's lead. Instead, they gave the impression that they were not making any efforts at all. The splendid photography by Robert H. Wyckoff and the superb music score by Irving Gertz also deserved better.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Nobody's Perfert which I just saw on YouTube is a well perfect title for this movie because it is certainly not perfect. That said, it is a lot of fun and certainly worth watching. What makes it work? Let's start with Nancy Kwan ( Lt. Tomoko Momoyama). Nancy who arguably is the most beautiful Asian actress of All-Time ( Merle Oberon is up there as well), plays an interesting character. She is a Nissi ( first generation Japanese-American) in the Navy who is stationed in Japan). She however is NOT a traditional Japanese woman. She cannot read, write or speak Japanese nor is she submissive. She finds out that her uncle Gondai-San ( Keye Luke) arranged for her to be married 18 years earlier to Toshi O'Hara ( James Shigeta), something she will not stand for. Onto Gondai-San: He is a very wise man. He realizes that Doc Willoughby ( Doug McClure) who is the character who is not perfect ( but better then he thinks he is) will be a better match for Tomoko, so he gives his blessing for Toshi to end up with another relative of his ( unseen but probably not as hot as Nancy Kwan). The best of all is James Whitmore as Lt. Commander Mike Riley. An earlier poster went into Riley's character so no need to repeat. I will only say that Riley throughout the movie knows just how valuable Willoughby is to the Navy, and puts up with his antics for that reason. He also like Gondai-San knows that Willoughby is better then Willoughby thinks he is. Spoilers ahead: At the end, Willoughby, Tomoko, and Toshi and others go to retrieve an 800 year Buddha that Willoughby and others stole for fun. The problem is this happened during a bad storm and it is under the water. Willoughby ends up saving Toshi's life ( Toshi is an experienced diver) who gets knocked unconscious so Willoughby saves him by going underwater then gets the Buddha back by calling his ship and they retrieve it ( the Buddha is in the back of a jeep).: Not f course he gets a medal ( which he does not want) and Tomoko which he certainly does. 7/10 stars.
  • I enjoyed this comedy of a Navy con-man hijinks in Asia after World War 2. If you take any of this seriously than you are watching the wrong movie. The plot of the movie moves swiftly along, and Doug McClure, Nancy Kwan, David Hartman, James Shigeta, and James Whitmore are all fun to watch as the crew of the USS Bustard get into and out of trouble.
  • medic_b4025 August 2007
    I enjoy watching war comedies, and I thought that this was an excellent movie just for watching. It was comical and enjoyable to watch Doug McClure and Nancy Kwan in this light hearted comedy. If I can ever find this movie I will buy it. One of my favorite scenes was when McClure when to the hospital looking for Nancy Kwan and the Head Nurse at the desk made a pass at Doug McClure, the other scene was when they when to the shop looking for a present for Harman's sister. the little jokes about the Marines and Navy in the bar room brawl were great. There were also the non spoken parts that took place in the background, for instance, when McClure, Hartman, left the ship to look for a way to get rid of the bugs. If you look at the background you would see the Japanese women trying to pick up on the Military guys on leave.