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  • Inquisitive, unflagging schoolmaster in London chases down the driver of a car which ran him off the road to a secluded manor in the woods; sneaking in the back window, the teacher comes across a secret sect of gentleman bankers who appear to be unaware of his presence when a shooting occurs. Complicated, endlessly intriguing film from Universal was distributed straight to television, though it has the look and feel of a theatrical feature (and may have eventually been pared down to TV-movie length, unfortunately). There simply isn't enough time on the clock to expand on all the twists and turns in Trevor Wallace's script. This would make the perfect mini-series, as each unfolding episode holds a small surprise. Louis Jourdan is terrific in the leading role--smart, sure-handed, resourceful. Mary Tyler Moore plays his romantic interest who may or may not be what she seems, and she's well-matched with Jourdan (but why can't the women in these movies ever run from Point A to Point B without falling down?). The concluding events seem a bit rushed, and Jourdan's escape from a locked room near the climax is right out of James Bond. Still, the film is a good one; improbable, perhaps, but tightly-paced, intelligent, and highly enjoyable.
  • In 1969's TV film Run a Crooked Mile, Louis Jourdan plays Richard Stuart, a math teacher in a British school who witnesses a murder when he follows a car that sideswiped his. The police, in the person of one bicycle-riding constable, becomes involved, but when Stuart brings him to the site, there is no one there, no sign anyone has been there, and no dead body. Stuart does find an unusual-looking key, which he pockets.

    Next thing he knows, Stuart is struck on the head and comes to in a Geneva Switzerland hospital. His name is suddenly Tony Sutton, he had an accident at a polo match, and now has a wife (Mary Tyler Moore). Then he finds out it's two years later. With the second accident, his memory of the murder has come back and he remembers the past.

    Convinced the whole thing is a ruse set up by the killers to get him out of England and keep him from talking about what he saw, he sets out to find out what happened to him, and also, if his wife is part of the charade.

    The fine cast includes Alexander Knox, Wilfred Hyde-White, Stanley Holloway, and Ronald Howard.

    The movie reminded me a little bit of the Alain Delon film Diaboliquement Vôtre ("Diabolically Yours") which has a similar premise - a man involved in an accident who has amnesia and wakes up to a wife, a new name, and different surroundings.

    Run a Crooked Mile has some neat twists and is very enjoyable. It's also an opportunity to see Mary Tyler Moore in a different kind of role for her. And the European scenery is magnificent.
  • Great movie! Intelligent plot and a treasure chest of acting talent in the likes of Holloway, Howard, Naismith, et all. I saw this movie upon its release and it still rivets me to my seat. The magic of this movie whisked me away from the tedium of 1960's mid-America to the beautiful European locations on which it was shot and allowed me to escape into intrigue, suspense and danger for a few hours. This might have been considered a mid-budget level British production, but my biased opinion is that their mid level movies beat most of our A-productions in quality. It is my hope that this fine production is released on DVD very soon.
  • Excellent thriller,with a twist.Louis Jordan is excellent as the lead character and Mary Tyler Moore shows acting capabilities,rarely seen or associated with her.This film needs to be released on DVD or VHS.It is truly,a classic!
  • Saw it several times in the 70s on the "Late, Late Movie". It was an unusual role for Mary Tyler Moore and had an interesting plot twist. Would love to get a copy of it but have never found one. Doubt it will ever be released to video since it was a made for TV movie.
  • It's a weekly ritual. I have to check the TV guide to see if any channel is showing this classic. I'm watching for it on Ebay. Next, I'm hiring a private detective. I have to find a copy of this film, which kept me company when I was off school in the 70's. It's typical of it's era as I recall, relying on plot and acting ability over effects and gore.

    It's been so long since I saw it, that I've actually forgotten the main story. All i remember is, there are some stunning locations, Louis Jourdan has lost his memory and he asks about a key, which signals the return of said lost memory and the beginning of his troubles. Help! I need to find a copy. It's a classic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A messy, convoluted and extremely tedious thriller about a school teacher (Louis Jourdan) who witnesses a murder after following the person who nearly ran him down the road, resulting in about an amnesia that lasts for 2 years. When he wakes up, he finds that he is supposedly married to Mary Tyler Moore and has a different name, and that an entire past has been created for him. He goes out of his way to get clues to what has happened, resulting in chases all over London and encounters with a sinister cartel like organization that has nefarious plans.

    A great cast of some of the best character players in motion picture and stage history can't help put all the pieces of this nasty puzzle together. Alexander Knox, Wilford Hyde White and Stanley Holloway are among just a few, and after a while, the twists and turns of this pretentious TV movie began to put me to sleep. Moore plays a rather aggravating character because she really serves no purpose and I never quite trusted what she was up to, even when she began to come to the side of Jourdan's real identity. People are going to either love this or hate this, and I'm one of the few on the later opinion.
  • This really should be re-made today ! Its got a brilliant twist and keeps the audience guessing throughout. Louis Jordan is an excellent hero. Mary Tyler Moore is his , initially sceptic, companion. The polo match injury in hospital scene is one of those "OH yeah!" cinematic moments. I would love to see this movie released and will pay good money to get a copy. If anyone ever hears about how to get hold of a copy please contact me!!! Or simply put a review comment down here so that we can all get a copy ! I actually emailed the BBC to get this re-scheduled on TV and they said they would. Nowadays, Brad Pitt would play Louis Jordan's role and Julia Roberts could be the Mary Tyler Moor role. 10/10 Fantastic !
  • tigerpaths21 July 2018
    Maybe 50 years ago this was something special, but not today..I went out of my way to obtain a copy based on the positive reviews and was disappointed..the music is good but not very original, being a combination of mission impossible, 007, and I Spy..the storyline of people not being who they are supposed to be is older than the movie..the amnesia ploy has been used many times in film noir..and mary tyler moore is as romantic as a celery stalk at midnight..don't bother with this one, although Alexander Knox and Louis Jordan make it passible.
  • When I first saw this movie, I missed the first section and only watched it from where he regained conscious in hospital, and followed it form there. So the suspense was in real time as the movie progressed. I was unsure the most of the way through it as to the sincerity of the part played by Mary Tyler Moore, and only when the film gathered pace did it become clear where her allegiance stood. It was a while until it appeared on TV again and when it did I was able to watch it from the beginning and followed it with great interest. What a great movie. Since this last time I saw it which was about twenty or more years ago I have looked in every newspaper TV section hoping I would be able to see it again but alas this at present has not been successful. I'm sure one day I will view it again. Lets have a DVD of the movie.
  • When I saw some of the comments the other week about the film not being released on VHS or DVD, I got out my copy of the film on VHS. I taped it back in the late 1980s and have watched it at least once a year! It hasn't been played for ages here in Australia and as I have a new DVD HDD recorder AND a VHS recorder still hooked up, I have copied it on to the disc drive, edited it and included a scene selection and can burn copies any time on to DVD. The quality from the near 20 year old tape is still pretty good and very watchable. I have edited out the old ad breaks but you will see the station logo at the beginning of scenes coming back from the break but there are no watermarks during scenes. There is a little bit of a voice-over on the end credits but it only goes for about 10 seconds. If any one wants a copy, I would be happy to oblige.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I remember seeing this as a kid and thought it was one of the best movies I'd ever seen. I saw it again as an adult and still thought it great. I'm with the guy above...I'd LOVE to be able to buy this movie. I hate it that "made for TV movies" are so hard to get on VHS or DVD! By the way, when watching Mary Tyler Moore, I never ONCE thought of Laura Petrie!!! She underplays her role to perfection! And Louis Jordan - OOH LAH LAH! I'd hadn't seen Gigi yet so I didn't know that the term "Tall, Dark & Handsome" was written first for Mr. Jordan. Alexander Knox has such a great voice. But you never even suspect that he's in on it until you hear that unmistakable voice right at the climactic moment of revelation!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Run a Crooked Mile was a film made for TV and filmed in England and Europe with a cast mainly of British actors. Although made by Universal's TV branch-which probably explains the two leads are Louis Jourdan and Mary Tyler Moore-it plays as good as a theatrically made film.

    Jourdan plays a London-based mathematics teacher who, when following a car that sideswiped his, arrives at Buckley Manor, where he stumbles on a group of wealthy financiers manipulating the gold standard. Confronting one of them later, he is struck on the head. When he wakes up he discovers that two years have passed, he's now in Geneva, married, and is in hospital recovering from a fall off his polo pony! Of course he's now called Tony Sutton instead of Richard Stuart. The next step is to make ANYONE believe him, as almost everyone Jourdan comes into contact with is part of the conspiracy. He eventually returns to England and exposes the crooks.

    This is a film that really should be released commercially by Universal (along with other of their great made for TV films). Other comments call for a remake, but this film is so good that it NEVER should be remade! The photography is great and so are the performances from top to bottom. We sympathize with Jourdan and he's quite good in the film, and also Mary Tyler Moore gives an unusually good performance. Best in the cast is the great Wilfrid Hyde-White as Dr. Ralph Sawyer, and also Stanley Holloway in a smaller part as a caretaker. Also excellent are Alexander Knox as Sir Howard Nettleton, Terence Alexander as Private Eye Peter Martin, Laurence Naismith (Lord Dunsford), Ronald Howard (Inspector Huntington), and Norman Bird (Sergeant Hooper).

    Trevor Wallace wrote a brilliant script, it's a pity he died so young and wrote so few film scripts. There are many memorable quotes (like Hyde-White to Jourdan: "I had two great vices-poetry and gambling. Poetry enriches the soul; gambling depletes the bank account.") or when Holloway is talking to the police-trying to tell them Jourdan must be crazy: "Maybe you can find some little green men in the drive too!"
  • I loved this movie and would look forward to seeing it play on sun afternoons. It is amazing how many people besides myself, and my sisters crave this film. I know its hard to redo a classic but this one is timeless and should be made again. Great story and twist. lets all get together for a convention and rent a theater and show this on the big screen. that is as soon as we get a copy!!!!! As soon as i obtain the film i Will post it here and those that need it can contact me. This is a great website for movie junkies to go to. best of luck to all. DID any one ever watch the show the PERSUADERS with Tony Cutis and Roger Moore? this was a TV show in the early 70's, well it has the same feel as the film Run A Crooked Mile that show is out on video.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know why I am so enamored of this particular TV movie. I viewed it on broadcast TV when it first aired in 1969, and it has stayed with me even though I haven't seen it since. As you undoubtedly know, the basic plot involves one Richard Stuart (Louis Jordan), a London bachelor schoolteacher who witnesses a murder in a large deserted country mansion. When he takes the local constable there, the murder has naturally been covered up, with the caretaker scoffing at them. In attempting to investigate the murder, he is rendered unconscious, and awakens two years later in a Swiss hospital, but with a completely new identity. According to the hospital personnel, he is a rich polo-playing playboy, who had an accident while playing polo. However, the last thing he remembers is witnessing the murder in London two years earlier, in his real identity. Things get more complicated when his self-proclaimed wife, Elizabeth Sutton, played by a delicious looking Mary Tyler Moore shows up to see how he is recuperating from the polo accident. Richard is of course suspicious of her, thinking that she is part of the "plot". When he is released from the hospital, he realizes that he has indeed lost two years of his life from his previous identity, and that he has actually been living as the playboy for this period. I doubt highly that such a case of sustained amnesia and/or schizophrenia is medically possible, but who's counting? It's just a movie after all, and so what if it requires a little more than the usual suspension of disbelief?

    It's interesting to think of the possibilities if this movie were to be remade currently. In the 1969 version, when Richard tries to passionately kiss his supposed wife Elizabeth as a "test", he is of course rebuffed. He naturally accepts this behavior as part of the plot against him, suggesting to Elizabeth that her payment for portraying his wife did not include having any intimate relations with him. Since their relationship was strained before the accident, she has indeed justifiably rebuffed him, and she attributes his bizarre behavior to the polo accident. But she slowly comes to believe his incredible tale of a murder plot, and together they try to put the pieces together while falling in love (again). If I were in charge of remaking this movie currently, I would downplay the part where the male character is rebuffed, and perhaps redo it so that there is an immediate attraction between them. Also, I would cast Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth as the leading characters. Or perhaps Ewan McGregor and Megan Fox. Or Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Biel. After all, the two roles call for an Englishman and an American woman. Thus, with any of the appealing twosomes suggested above, and a little creativity in re-writing their respective parts in getting to know each other, we could sit back and let the sparks fly where they may.

    This was a Universal Studios British production, but there are so many clichés in the movie, it has Hollywood written all over it. And instead of Switzerland, I would place the locale in Nice or Monte Carlo. Much more romantic.

    So it will indeed be a miracle if this is ever released on DVD, and a greater miracle if they ever do a remake. But hey, we can hope.
  • autour25 September 2017
    One of the best "made for TV" movies ever.

    A clever movie and enough convolution to enjoy. Everything works in this film and I highly recommend it.

    I've watched it many times. I'm not a great fan of the two leads, and I don't think they work all that well together, but they're not together that much. It is great despite this.

    I enjoyed seeing sights again from England, where I spend a couple years of my life.

    It has never been released, but I have a copy I got from someone in Australia (region 4) and converted it to US (region 0). (Originally broadcasts, recorded onto VHS, then DVD.) It is worth it.
  • An English school teacher (Louis Jordan!) witnesses what he calls a murder (actually, one man was defending himself from being attacked by a chap with a gun that discharged accidentally in a struggle, so I can't imagine what rational being would call that a murder). Naturally, the police don't believe him, especially when he reaches the place where it happened and it's all changed.

    Hiring a sleazebag private detective (Terence Alexander, in a great but small bit) he gets a lead but then gets thunked on the head following it up.

    When he wakes up he's living in a palatial villa outside Geneva, married to a young Mary Tyler Moore. I should have such a bump.

    So, was his past a delusion caused by a polo playing accident, and has he lost his mind? Or have a lot of people in conspiracy set him up in a wonderful new life? And why is he complaining about it?

    But for some reason he's determined to get to the bottom of it all, and that means more danger from the conspirators. If any.

    A truly first-rate cast, mostly in small roles, gives the star more than adequate support. One stand-out (as always) is the great Wilfred Hyde-White.

    I can't figure out if it's a droll comedy. It's filled with some unexpected laughs. For instance, when he looks at a photo of his new wife, Moore, it looks like a goofy publicity shot left over from "The Dick van Dyke Show." And Jordan's attitude to his new surroundings strikes me as so incongruous as to be funny. A serious-minded teacher is suddenly Gaston from "Gigi."

    His quest to find out what happened should satisfy conspiracy buffs. The rest of us can enjoy some fine performances by some of Britain's top supporting actors. It's nice, silly, cozy fun to kill an afternoon.